Are We Living in the End Times?

Editorial Reviews. Review. From the Back Cover. 27 percent of the Bible is devoted to prophecy. But most of us don't focus 27 percent of our personal Bible.
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Are We Living in the End Times? - Life, Hope & Truth

Dec 25, G Ream rated it really liked it Shelves: Oct 15, Dianne Sagan rated it really liked it. This is well written and shows us things about our times that show how they conincide with prophecy and how it is presented in the Left Behind series. Well worth the read. Jenkins, I learn something new. This period, known as the tribulation, will be a seven year series of climate, economic and physical trials that will befall the unrepentant.

A Prophetic Collage

While the book relies on the Left Behind series for jumping off points, I like that the authors use the Bible, the words of prophecy experts such as John Walvoord and examples from current events to support their theory that we are, in deed, living in the end times. Some of the events that they discuss that point to this being the end times are: And, hopefully, it will make you consider your relationship with the lord. May 22, Omnipotent Dystopian Now rated it did not like it Shelves: If you're a Christian, I recommend it. Otherwise, don't waste your time, unless you're curious about cults and what not like I am.

Although, this book doesn't contain as many contradictions and inconsistencies as the Bible. Wait, did I just contradict myself?

Daniel Volume 2: God’s Plan for the Future

Nov 19, Lorraine rated it really liked it Shelves: What a shocker to read! This book is VERY thought provoking. I must say this series has changed my life. Jan 02, Shirley rated it it was amazing. A good look at end time prophecy. Matched up with what the Bible foretells.

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Sep 27, Victoria Neely rated it it was amazing. It does a good explaination of the books and what is going to happen. Jun 06, Heidi rated it did not like it. I don't like it when dispensational theology is presented as inarguable, undisputable, and self-evident. Jul 28, Dillon marked it as to-read. Mar 20, Tanya Borgov rated it did not like it. Ich hoffte auf eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit biblischen Inhalten. Schaubilder und Kernpunkte werden sehr oft wiederholt, ohne an Substanz zu gewinnen. Dogmatischer Glaube wird als einzige Rettung postuliert, d Ich hoffte auf eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit biblischen Inhalten.

May 04, Brett rated it really liked it. We believe, however, that Christians living today have more reason than those of any generation before us to believe that Christ could come in our lifetime. When you examine all the signs of the times that have been fulfilled in our lifetime, you have to believe the coming of Christ is very near.

Jun 26, Patty W rated it really liked it. Sure gives you a lot to think about. Something that I'll quote from the book that really means something. If you do not understand that, then read this book. Jan 04, Alisa Kester rated it it was amazing Shelves: Since this was published a few years back, it's fascinating to see some things he was only speculating about already happening.

I would be very surprised if the world lasted beyond my lifetime. Oct 07, Darleen Cole warren rated it it was amazing. I hope he comes sooner than later, just waiting for his appearance. Apr 18, Dana rated it liked it. I think that I would have enjoyed this book far more if I had been reading the updated version. The version that I read was from It was very interesting and informative.

I didn't finish it because I was having a hard time with some of the comments about everything in prophecy being so obvious. I I think that I would have enjoyed this book far more if I had been reading the updated version. I don't think it is obvious or there wouldn't be so many prophecy scholars who are so torn about the knowledge. But it was interesting to see where their ideas come from and their Biblical basis for the ideas. Feb 28, Erika rated it liked it Shelves: What I thought to be some solid information that mostly lines up with other books I have read on this topic.

Prerequisites to the end Jesus explained a number of trends and conditions that would come first. The gospel of the Kingdom of God is being preached And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Things that have not happened yet but could happen suddenly Jesus said in Matthew What are some of the end-time events to be watching for?

Daily sacrifices will begin in Jerusalem. According to At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through. Learn More Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Five Prophetic Trends to Watch. Choose your preferred format to start your subscription.

Print Print subscriptions available in U. What is the difference between a tithe and an offering? There is a clear biblical difference between tithes and offerings. The Bible mentions both of them separately, even though the Lord required both to be brought to Him. For an individual, a tithe is the tenth of all the income that God provides. For a business owner, total income would be the profit or net earnings from the business.

Offerings are gifts given to God above the tithe. Should I be tithing on my net or gross earnings? During difficult economic times, many people think that if they give they may not be able to pay their rent, purchase gas for their vehicle or even buy groceries for the week.

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  4. Are We Living in the End Times?.

Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. For many people, we would simply challenge you to reevaluate your priorities. We are not advocating drinking water and eating rice every day, selling your car, canceling your electric and water service, and spending no money except that which will be spent on food, clothing, and shelter. God is always faithful to take care of us.

Are We Living in the End Times? Quotes

No matter what we are currently experiencing financially, God promises to meet all of our needs. We would encourage you if you have not already to take one of our financial stewardship classes and see if that might help equip you to prioritize your personal finances. If you need to sit down and speak with someone in our Financial Freedom ministry about your finances, please contact us. If you are experiencing hardship financially, we encourage you to reach out to our Care Ministry team to see if we have benevolence funds available to help you.

Is it difficult to set up online giving?