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Life is a puzzle. That won't be solved. By the argument of your mind. It can neither be cracked. In ivory towers. Nor in the parlors of grapevine. The mystery of life.
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Death is a continuing topic in novels like Pale Fire , The Eye , Despair , and Transparent Things but more at an attempt of understanding. And very poetic in his prose. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Of course, literally, Nabokov penned it but, let me clarify: In the novel, John Shade composes a line poem in four cantos called Pale Fire.

The famed and picturesque opening lines begin: I was the shadow of the waxwing slain By the false azure in the windowpane; I was the smudge of ashen fluff—and I Lived on, flew on, in the reflected sky. Crazy for You : New Excerpt. Comments akaRon Scheer January 25, at pm.

The Enduring Mystery of Walt Whitman's Meditation on Love and Sexuality

Another must-read I can see. David Cranmer January 25, at pm. Ron, That TBR list, thankfully, never ends. Prashant C. Trikannad January 27, at am. David Cranmer January 27, at am. She isn't a Jigsaw puzzle that you can disassemble and then, reconstruct. She's a fluid. She flows.

'Puzzle' poems - Hello Poetry

She has dimensions you've never seen, that she's never seen. She thrives in this dynamic. Let her be a mystery to be awed at, not a puzzle to be solved. Try to hide some- thing from me, I'll be the Mystery Forever. Our day of death is kept as a Mystery to all of us by God so that we can enjoy this life. Filter by languages. The straightforward narrative should not be mistaken for boring recitation or dull description. Rather, the story is intriguing. A woman sits in a likely uncomfortable chair in a bland, at best, location reading a book she has already read nineteen times.

Just the setting itself arouses curiosity. This is how the poem should continue—soft in tone yet compelling in its intellectual evaluation, personal enough to be accessible yet impersonal enough not to be pathetic. Unfortunately, one needs to savor the poem up to this point because the rest is hardly palatable. But the moaning does not end there. While the language of the next stanza at least returns to the twentieth century, the subject remains self-pity, with helplessness thrown in for more dramatic effect. Or so it seems to the poet, if to no one else. Most can make their points and let their feelings be known by relating personal events and thoughts with simple, unaffected language and even brutal honesty.

Honesty, brutal or otherwise, is preferable to triteness and literary sap.

This declaration is intriguing, but it is not enough to save the poem. The genre of confessional poetry is a delicate one in regard to what constitutes good and bad examples of this type of verse. On one hand, critics need to keep in mind that the very nature of confessional writing is just that—to confess something, and that generally means something personal. With that in mind, is it fair to attack a poet who has had the guts or gall to expose deeply personal thoughts, many of which are controversial, embarrassing, sexual, or even shameful?

Perhaps the answer lies in looking at the flip side to subject matter: style. Subject matter is only as good as its presentation.

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Good presentation paints a vivid picture for the reader to consider and respond to as the writer desires, if the picture is not muddied with pathos and sentimentality. There is sometimes a noticeable gap between what a poet states to be the truth and what her language indicates to be the truth.

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This gap has to do with the ability of language to communicate feeling through rhythm and music and can be either an intentional strategy or the result of an actual disconnection between thought and feeling. In some poems, this gap creates ambiguity or irony or both: if a poem tries to express an idea or feeling that its language does not support or impose , the reader might experience the pleasure of irony, which is the pleasure of the jolt of a collision of opposites. But the images that follow—if they can be called images—are far too vague to be convincing.

In other words, stanza four is illogical: it makes a discursive statement that its ornamental image plainly negates. In other words, in addition to its lack of logic, stanza five is too abstract and too lacking in music to be compelling. It reads more like philosophy than poetry.

That is, people who make statements sound confident. It is also important to note that the declarative sentence, when it is used unsparingly, is very flat—it allows for very little musical inflection and intonation. In poetic speech, the subject has always implicitly suffered a blow, and this blow has opened up a chasm between herself and the loved scene; while it in some sense represents a dramatic impotence, this chasm nevertheless births a new power—or, it is perhaps better said, causes a new deployment of the same power.

Like poems, they have been my education. In it, he provides a history of confessional poetry, the critical reviews it received, and his own take on a style of writing that so many readers have found both intriguing and disturbing. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. January 10, Retrieved January 10, from Encyclopedia.

Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.

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Home Arts Educational magazines The Mystery. The Mystery Updated About encyclopedia. The Mystery gale. Currently, she makes her home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and teaches at Williams College. The tape runs sixty minutes and includes a reading by the poet at the Los Angeles Theatre Center and an interview with her by Lewis MacAdams.

In , the Lannan Foundation produced a sixty-minute videotape of fifteen major poets reading and discussing their work.