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Eventually he pulled out his Rubik's Cube and began flipping it around, but Sky had left them all behind during this last move—all except for the Rubik's Cube.
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The "star of the show", the cruise ship itself, after being renamed the MS Pacific and being sold then owned by another cruise line in Spain , the now-world famous Pacific Princess was retired to Turkey in , where she was scrapped by a ship breaking company after no further buyer could be found. Episodes set and filmed in other European and East Asian locations became more frequent instead of the usual west coasts along the Pacific shores of the Americas as the show continued.

They traditionally aired as season premieres or during the sweeps months of February, May and November.

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Another unique aspect of The Love Boat was its writing format. Every episode contained several storylines, each written by a different set of writers working on one group of guest stars. Even though the cast of the female detective sleuths of Charlie's Angels had been in separate episodes of the series, there was a crossover episode of the series in which the lady detectives had a case onboard the ship.

On rare occasions, there were crossovers between the stories. In one scene, the two bump into each other in the buffet line, exchange a "Do I know you? In a one-time Fantasy Island crossover episode, the cruise ship makes a detour to deliver a troubled woman played by Loni Anderson to the mysterious island of Mr. Roarke instead of by the usual plane, and her storyline continued on that series.

There were typically three storylines. One storyline usually focused on a member of the crew, a second storyline would often focus on a crew member interacting with a passenger, and the third storyline was more focused on a single passenger or a group of passengers.

The three storylines usually followed a similar thematic pattern: One storyline typically the "crew" one was straight-ahead comedy. The second would typically follow more of a romantic comedy format with only occasional dramatic elements. The third storyline would usually be the most dramatic of the three, often offering few if any laughs and a far more serious tone. The series was also distinctive as being one of the few hour-long series ever made for American television that used a laugh track. The Love Boat theme song was sung by Jack Jones except for the last season, where a cover version by Dionne Warwick was used.

The lyrics were written by Paul Williams with music by Charles Fox.

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The song has since been recorded and released commercially, by Charo in and Amanda Lear in The opening sequence for the series underwent three changes over the years. From seasons one to eight, the opening sequence began with a long shot of the ship before the camera slowly zoomed in onto its bridge area. This was followed by posing shots of the crew members updated several times due to cast additions and changes throughout all seasons at different points on the ship set.

The long shot footage of the ship was used for the credits of the celebrity guest stars. Beginning with season two and originally experimented with in the fifteenth episode of the first season , the compass was graphically put in place and at its center, the guest stars were shown posing for the camera on different parts of the set or a city spot used in on-location episodes while their names appeared at the bottom of the screen.

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For the final season, the compass was replaced by a crescent wave and the long shots of the ship were replaced by a montage of the various locations traveled to on the series. At the center of the wave graphic, the guest stars were shown posing for the camera wearing their formal outfits against different colored backgrounds. For its first seven years, The Love Boat was very successful in the ratings.

During that time, it ranked among the top 20, and even the top For the —81 season it posted its highest rating at No. Measuring functional diversity FD from multiple traits, and other tools for functional ecology. Classifies implicit trading activity from market quotes and computes the probability of informed trading. Catalogues of resolution IV run 2-level fractional factorials up to 33 factors that do have 5-letter words.

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