Beauty is Convulsive: The Passion of Frida Kahlo

This impressionistic book recaps some of the more infamous events of the Mexican artist's life. Maso (The Art Lover; Aureole) relies on Kahlo's diary, as well as.
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Maso's sampling of Kahlo's journals not only gives voice to Kahlo the artist, but also highlights Kahlo the poet, particularly when writing about Diego:.

Rare Autumn: Beauty Is Convulsive: The Passion of Frida Kahlo.

From you to my hands I go all over your body, and I am with you a minute and I am with you a moment, and my blood is the miracle that travels in the veins of the air from my heart to yours. Diego, nothing is comparable to your hands and nothing is equal to the gold-green of your eyes. Lest one think that Maso is merely a collage artist, arranging the words that Kahlo has written and what others have written about her, Maso intertwines her own meditations on the artist's life and her work:.

She remembers when her mouth—pressed to the ear—to the hum of the paint the blood: Gradually, contemplatively, Beauty is Convulsive gives us a picture of the woman and the artist, and the effect she still has on those who wish to enter her world.

in case you were wondering...

Its birth certificate filled out in elegant scroll His mother was Frida Kahlo take this sorrow: In between the votives and other pieces are short epigrammatic statements from Kahlo herself, each entitled "Accident," which serve as interludes: I am not sick. But I am happy as long as I can paint. Maso's sampling of Kahlo's journals not only gives voice to Kahlo the artist, but also highlights Kahlo the poet, particularly when writing about Diego: Lest one think that Maso is merely a collage artist, arranging the words that Kahlo has written and what others have written about her, Maso intertwines her own meditations on the artist's life and her work: Lessons for a Child Who Arrives Late.

A Gift of Butterflies. Once Upon a Time in Rio. The Book of Emotions. A Spell for Remembering. My Nature Is Hunger. The Dream of the Horse. The Room Lit by Roses. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long.

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  2. Passages and Prayers: Belonging!
  3. Beauty Is Convulsive.
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    Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! At the age of nineteen, Kahlo's life was transformed when the bus in which she was riding was hit by a trolley car. Pierced by a steel handrail and broken in many places, she entered a long period of convalescence during which she began to paint self-portraits.

    In , at twenty-one, she joined the Communist Party and came to know Diego Rivera. The forty-one-year-old Rivera, Mexico's most famous painter, was impressed by the force of Kahlo's personality and by the authenticity of her art, and the two soon married. Though they were devoted to each other, intermittent affairs on both sides, Frida's grief over her inability to bear a child, and her frequent illnesses made the marriage tumultuous.

    This prose poem is typical Maso--vigorous, daring, always original.

    Who Was Frida Kahlo?