Manual Every Living Creature - or Heart-Training Through the Animal World

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As they tramped across the brown stubble, a golden pheasant rose with a low whirr from the ground at his feet, and, with the joy of a sportsman throbbing through his veins, he raised his gun and fired, wild with excitement when the creature fell fluttering at his side. Life was ebbing fast, but the instinct of the mother was stronger than death itself, and with a feeble flutter of her wings the mother bird reached the nest where her young brood were huddled, unconscious of danger.

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Then, with such a look of pleading and reproach that his heart stood still at the ruin he had wrought, -- and never to his dying day did he forget the feeling of cruelty and guilt that came to him in that moment, -- the little brown head toppled over, and only the dead body of the mother shielded her nestlings. You will soon be a fine sportsman.

If that is sport I will have none of it. Doomsday, of course, broke the poor deer's neck. He did the same thing to a bird that landed on his palm. Marvel Sub-Mariner aka Namor, of course, adores ocean life and is much more amicable with sea creatures than anything that walks on land with the sole exception of Sue Storm. Ant-Man , his wife The Wasp and later Scott Lang can summon and they have a good relationships with ants of kinds, they often go underground to hives and take rides on them.

Thor cares for animals e. Spider-Man while Peter gets on with cats and dogs fine, it's spiders the origin of his power and namesake that he has the closest bond with. In one issue he saves a spider from being swatted by a lady in a office, though he reportedly hates pigeons which is typical for a New Yorker. This love for canines stretches back to Wolverine's past where he had pet dog named Callie which Logan adored, then his illegitimate brother slit it's throat to spite him. Carol Danvers aka Ms.

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A true Kindhearted Cat Lover. Other In The Crow , Eric Draven is shown with all of the cats living in a tenement happily following him. In an interesting subversion, Eric isn't that knowledgeable about cats—he names one Gabriel, and it turns out he's a she.

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A pregnant she. Parodied in Strangers in Paradise , when Katchoo dreams she's a Disney princess, despite being unlike that in her waking life. She charms birds and chipmunks with her singing for all of a few moments, when the dream turns nightmarish as the animals shun her for smelling of death. Issue 4 of Princess Natasha based on the KOL web cartoon , Natasha uses her talent of communicating with animals to save a passel of zoo animals from the clutches of her evil uncle who is also principal of the school she attends.

Every Living Creature or Heart-training Through the Animal World by Ralph Waldo for sale online

Kunskapens Korridorer : One time, Madde and Sussie saved some frogs from being dissected in Biology class. Unfortunately, they ended up inside the principal's birthday present. Madde also had to take care of the principal's wife's dog, who was left outside in the rain.

Comic Strips. Cooch from Footrot Flats is described this way from day one, and is notable for even caring about introduced feral animals, which even Australian and New Zealander environmentalists would shoot on sight. He says that somebody's got to care for them. However, he's not a vegetarian, and makes some great cave weta sandwiches.


Garfield : One strip had Garfield parody the trope, while relaxing on the farm, where a bunch of cute animals gather around him. He then says: " Walt Disney , eat your heart out. In another Sunday comic, a bunch of cute woodland creatures gather around Pooky and even a rainbow appears behind them. Disgusted, Garfield says " That's even too much for me A series of Peanuts strips has Linus taking up the practice of patting birds on the head.

Zero from Beetle Bailey loves animals and they love him. He once wouldn't throw away the camouflage he had applied to his fatigues because birds had built a nest in it. Other strips see him feeding birds or squirrels who dance for him in return. In Weasley Girl , an AU where Ron Weasley was born a girl, Veronica "Ronnie" Weasley is this, combined with Fluffy Tamer —according to Word of God this being a case of Flanderization of how animals in canon would occasionally take a liking to Ron for no particular reason, and this tendency was simply brought Up to Eleven.

Ronnie's penchant for befriending animals does not extend to humans, though; she's got too much of Ron's temper, insensitivity, and foot-in-mouth syndrome for that.


Ill Met by Moonlight : Due to his supernatural heritage, Steven possesses a natural magnetism when it comes to animals, strays, and birds following him around. This seems to be a form of vampiric hypnosis that Steven unconsciously emits, unintentionally doing this to the werewolf Amethyst. He buys a goat because he'll not put up with her owner abusing her, refuses to blast a tiger, and is the only one to get along with his ride.

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The only animals he can't stand are Beast's unholy lab pets. In A wand for Steven , Steven is the only character who's friendly demeanor transcends his own house, being happily invited to the other house's tables for lunch. Growing up a friendless orphan, she had a lot of free time on her paws and spent it playing with animals.

Heart Training Through The Animal World

Tapper of Empath: The Luckiest Smurf is a Christian Smurf who is a friend to all animals, preferring to use the power of Jesus when dealing with dangerous creatures such as Azrael and a pack of sharks. This part of the character is so that he could be featured in stories that originally had the adult Nat Smurf from the cartoon show in it, who does not exist because Nat as a character in the series is a Smurfling from Smurfling Island. Films — Animation. Just about all Disney Princesses get a forest scene where she sings and all the animals flock to her, with birds sitting on her hand or shoulder and joining in the song, making them the Trope Namers.

Snow White is probably the Ur-example. Watch the scene on YouTube, starting around Friendly woodland creatures flock to her when she's upset, and even help her with housework Briar Rose Princess Aurora in Sleeping Beauty has a host of animal friends that ends up stealing the prince's clothes so they could assemble together as a kind of homemade dream prince.

Cinderella begins with the heroine's animal friends waking her up in the morning and helping her shower and get dressed. They also make her a dress while she's too busy with her chores, and eventually end up saving the day in the end. In a deleted scene, the Prince was this as well, playing a hunting game with a deer. Beauty and the Beast : Belle tries to talk to farm animals, but they don't seem to understand what she's saying, so it's just another reason for the townspeople to think she's insane.

Even her trusty horse tries to run away when she's being attacked by wolves. She is at least somewhat friendly with birds, but they abandon her for the Beast when they see he's got more food. Pocahontas has her raccoon and hummingbird companions; though the weirdest moment is probably during Colors of the Wind , where she helps show John Smith the importance of understanding living creatures by picking up a bear cub in front of its mother.

Rapunzel from Tangled has a pet chameleon and manages to befriend Maximus by simply petting him and cooing over him, although the latter verges on parody with Flynn expressing disbelief that a trained horse is acting like a lovestruck puppy with her. At one point, Cinderella asks, "Do animals talk to you?

Anna from Frozen manages to attract and befriend a group of baby ducks during "For the First Time in Forever", can tame Hans's horse and quickly befriends Kristoff's reindeer Sven. There are so many parodies of these classic Disney moments that they have they have their own trope. Johnny Appleseed in Melody Time. It helps that he doesn't carry any sort of weapon, but having the ability to pet a skunk takes a true air of benevolence. A male example from Disney; Cody from The Rescuers Down Under is good friends with a lot of animals from the Australian outback, including a kangaroo, some wombats and a giant golden eagle.

Pictured above: Giselle from Affectionate Parody Enchanted , who's even able to make friends with all the normal pests you might find in New York City cockroaches, sewer rats, etc. Parodied in the first Shrek , where Princess Fiona sings with a bird She then takes and cooks its eggs. Parodied in Shrek the Third when the princesses commit the jailbreak and raid the castle: Snow White Amy Poehler frolics in the woods, and starts off with a cute little song in front of two talking trees guarding one of the gates to bring a bunch of animals to her.

The two trees are quite surprised when she suddenly changes to the opening riff from Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" to make them attack. Daria from The Princess and the Pea.

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She even manages to befriend a bear and name him Balthazar. Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon becomes this, at least to dragons. He gets to the point that he can win over the trust of virtually any dragon except for the humungous ones. He actually does at least earn the tolerance of the good Bewilderbeast in the second movie, simply by not being an asshole to him or any of his wards.

The Red Death from the first movie is a vicious cannibal that even her own brood is afraid of her, and in the sequel, Hiccup is simply incapable of overriding the sheer amount of abuse the Bad Bewilderbeast had suffered under Drago's command. Valka is delighted that her son shares her ministrations and eventfully returns home knowing everyone now loves dragons as much as she does.

Red Puckett in Hoodwinked! Many of the creatures of the forest know her by her first name, but she is their delivery girl. In that number, there's also a scene where hummingbirds carry her on her bike across a river the Wolf, who is observing her through the bushes, comments, "Whoa! After the sour encounter with the Wolf, Red tricks him into falling off a cliff by handing her hooded cloak off to these same hummingbirds.

Flippers lampshades it by reassuring Granny that the only thing Red is guilty of is "flying a swarm of hummingbirds without a license". Red is not a total Friend to All Living Things, though, as she does use physical violence on the Wolf and on Boingo at separate points in the movie. Peter in The Elm-Chanted Forest becomes this way when getting acquainted with the animals.

Maria Posada has a strong love for animals and won't stand for the killing of them. As a child she convinces Manolo and Joaquin to help her free a butcher's pigs. Later, the look of dread on her face during the main bullfight is what prompts Manolo to throw down his sword. She also has the "animated girl" ability to draw flocks of birds to her and have them hang around being cute and musical. La Muerte. All creatures love her. The Unicorn from The Last Unicorn lives in a forest and looks after all the animals that inhabit it.

She later frees mistreated captive animals from a lousy carnival.