PDF Checklist Writing: An Ivy League tutors step-by-step guide to writing an A+ paper

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This is really stressful and difficult. This really extends to all aspects of your life.

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Largely speaking, your life will be include school, homework, extracurriculars, test prep, social time, and family time. Some of these will be really important to your college application, while others won't be. If a major goal of your high school life is to get into the best college you can, then you need to structure your life around maximizing your chance of success.

Time Sink 1: Time-consuming, ineffective extracurriculars. Typically, extracurriculars will take up the most time outside of coursework. This is a massive amount of time. A clear exception to the rule above is if you really enjoy your activity. If you really really like volleyball but only play at junior-varsity level, then keep on doing it.

In high school, I spent time every day chatting online with friends and playing computer games. These were my ways of unwinding. Remember diminishing marginal returns. For a sane life, you need to know precisely when major tests and papers are due, and when every homework assignment is due.

You then need to plan ahead and budget enough time for each assignment. A Gantt chart , a common project management technique. More hardcore than you need, but used here for illustration. If you know you need a full week to write a good essay, plan for this. Start a full week ahead of when it's due, and not any later.

If you know you need 15 hours to study for an AP Biology test, budget the time for that every day. I suggest using Google Calendar or the iCloud Calendar for this. You can color code categories of work like homework, projects, and tests. You can also set alerts for things you tend to forget. You should treat any surprises or last-minute work as a failure of planning. These increase your stress and lower the quality of your work. No last-minute homework crunch of quiz studying should be happening. I know that all-nighters are, in rare cases, necessary, but they should not be a common occurrence.

Again, since you're going to be spending at least hours per month on homework, you might as well spend an hour a month guiding where that time will be spent. Now, sleep.

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There seems to be an epidemic of high school students regularly sleeping very late at night—say, past midnight—and having to wake up at 7 am or earlier. They then need to get triple shot espressos every few hours to make it through the day. When I was in high school, I regularly slept from 11 pm to 7 am, without fail. I remember this clearly because in senior year, I had to stay up till 2 am working on a group English project that we'd all procrastinated on.

This stood out to me because I'd rarely ever stayed up that late.

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  • Checklist Writing: An Ivy League tutor's step-by-step guide to writing an A+ paper?

And yet, with eight hours of sleep every day, I was still able to pack everything in. Remember what I said above about being ruthless with effectively using your time. Essentially, a vicious cycle happens: you fall asleep later, making you less efficient and making your homework take longer to do. I would bet something does exist that you can cut out.

There's probably some combination of an intense coursework schedule, a demanding school, and intense extracurriculars that make it extra hard to carve out more time. But I'm sure at least one of two things is happening:. Pounding Red Bulls visibly is something to be proud of. This is silly because it incentivizes the opposite of what you want—it rewards you for being inefficient, not efficient. In fact, people who do this probably waste time during the afternoon because they want to sleep late.

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You should aim for the opposite—do really well and make it look easy. If you want to get a 4. This is a recipe for academic discontent and disillusionment. Instead, you want to build a fortress on bedrock. This section will cover general class strategies that apply to every single class you take, regardless of subject. Section 4 will then cover strategies for individual subjects like math and English. At the beginning of the year, every teacher makes clear how the class will be graded.

Commonly, this means a distribution across homework and projects, test scores, and participation. Different teachers have different weightings.

Choose Your Test

Often, science and math classes focus on tests, while English classes focus on essays and projects. You need to prepare a strategy for each course to do well on whatever is maximized. A simple rule of thumb is that you should spend a proportional amount of time depending on how much it contributes to your grade. Sometimes this can be deceiving—some teachers might give little weight to homework and more to tests, for example this is almost always the case in college courses.

Learning is a mysterious process. Even at the frontier of research, the nature of how we learn is still pretty mysterious.


Regardless, there are still a couple of principles of learning that have been provably effective. To build a tree, first you need strong roots and a trunk—these are the foundational concepts of the subject. So when you learn something, really focus on the fundamental core of what you're learning—the core that underlies all the little details.

Different functions behave in different ways; the derivative of 2 x 2 is 4 x , but the derivative of sin x is cos x. These often require memorization, and the details are the leaves of the tree. At any particular point, the rate of change is equal to the slope of the line tangent to the function at that point.

Derivatives, one of the most important concepts of calculus. If you're nowhere near taking calculus, don't worry about the details just yet. When you understand this trunk, then every derivative formula afterward makes intuitive sense. This is also true in the humanities. When you learn how to write an essay in English or history, look beyond just following the standard essay template given by your teacher.

Here's what you need to understand:.