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If Gā€‘d cares so much about the human race, why do we struggle so hard just in to do with survival, in terms of how we see meaning in life, why we are here.
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This leaves him with a high risk of life-threatening conditions such as a heart attack or a stroke. His only visitor is an elderly neighbour. I was very rich in the past. Now I cannot keep my room warm. I either sit by the stove or stay in bed to keep warm. He opens his wallet. In the summer months Gevorg sells baubles ā€” necklaces and bracelets near the local church, earning on average drams 80p a day. Through the local branch of the Red Cross, Gevorg is now provided with the medication he requires, his clothes and bed linen are taken away for washing and the nurses and home helpers make sure he has enough firewood to stay warm.

Like all the elderly people I visited, he is grateful for the support in food, clothing and medication, but what is most appreciated are the twice-weekly visits from the nurses and home helpers. It saves him from the total isolation that many bear.

Same struggle to survive ā€” IMI

Asya spent decades in both, first in a chemical factory, then in a textile factory. Unlike many of the elderly people that Gohar and Narine visit, Asya has a son who endeavours to take care of her. When I visited her in she was bedridden and unable to move without help. She says she has given up the will to live.

Narine, who has only recently begun to work with elderly patients, often finds it challenging. With some you have to treat them like children. You have to be patient.

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Asya died several months after I took her picture. Hranush has been living in barrack-like temporary accommodation with outdoor lavatories since the Spitak earthquake struck in , killing her son. Hranush is one of 4, elderly people listed by the local social services as living alone and in need. She relies on a neighbour to carry the buckets of water she requires for cooking and washing from a standpipe.

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Since becoming a beneficiary of the Red Cross programme, Hranush feels the quality of her life has improved immeasurably. She gets twice-weekly visits from Gohar as well as the nurse helpers, who have become like family. Cold rises up through the concrete floor in the garage where Lena lives alone on the outskirts of Gyurmi. The garage is cold, dark and damp, lit by a single bare bulb. As we arrive for our first visit, Lena is hunched over a bucket washing her only change of clothes.

Near the stove is a pile of wet wood that she bought the previous day with her monthly pension. The cupboards are empty.

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In tears, she shakes her purse to show that it, too, is now empty. All she has is a cardboard box with some official papers and photographs, and a bible under her pillow. Her year-old son lives in Russia but has a serious health condition that prevents him from returning to Gyumri to look after his mother. Lena relies on the goodwill of her neighbours to buy medication, and some food from time to time. As a result of a cataract she has difficulty seeing. Svetlana, the Red Cross nurse manager, is here to see if Lena can become a beneficiary of the programme.

Lena confides to her that she has not bathed for three months. She says the neighbours offered her a shower but she was too shy and refused. Although she has a good grasp of her living space, she now only uses aluminium cups as she has broken all her glassware. The Red Cross are seeking the funds so that Lena can have the eye operation that would restore some of her vision.

When I visit her in , I ask her about the bible she treasured under her pillow. It can now be found online. She said since the pay is so low, it's not uncommon for journalists to accept money for transportation or lunch, which she believes can affect a journalist's objectivity. But overall, it's South Sudan's ailing, post-civil war economy that's the culprit.

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