Flaming Sword

The term flaming sword may refer to any of the following: Flaming sword ( mythology) - A type of sword described throughout history in legends and myths, ablaze.
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There were, it turns out, actually two swords — one that would burn for an actual fight sequence, and another that has the ability to bleed and ignite itself. The fight-sequence sword is a real sword that the workshop team milled with a number of channels, each one stuffed with a dura-blanket material. The flame retardant fiber is then soaked in IPA isopropyl alcohol.

This was then covered in another layer of material to make the blade look uniform and sword-like again. Because of the length of the sequence, the flame has to last and burn strong for at least 3 minutes, which was something of a challenge, as the fuel burned off so quickly. The second sword had blood inside the blade and could be ignited. The sword itself split into two pieces, and the inside was filled with a series of small, sealed channels. Some were filled with gas, the rest with fake blood — that way, when the blade was drawn across any surface, skin or otherwise, hitting a button on the hilt of the blade would release blood through tiny holes down the side, making it appear as if blood was welling up from a cut.

There was a tiny pilot light, which you could never see on the blade, but when a button was pressed and the gas released down the channels, the sword would burst into flames. You could not use this for any contact during a fight scene, though, as the mechanism inside is too delicate to withstand the impact, and with the blood and gas being supplied into the blade, it would be unsafe to use for stunts. The truth is they have misunderstood Bro. There is intellectual knowledge and there is intellectual knowledge.

One is carnal postulation based on mere words, the mental perception of things based on the natural human senses. The other is spiritual revelation, spiritual understanding of truth given by the Holy Spirit in accordance to His Own Word. This is what Paul said: Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: Another reason for such name calling is to scare the believers away from knowing the Truth of God. I have been called a devil, a false preacher, an unbeliever of the message of Bro. Branham, a blasphemer, a man without love, etc. If these preachers have the Truth of Christ, why are they not at peace with themselves?

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Why do they not just preach the Truth they claim they have instead of preaching and running down other preachers with their lies? When I try to answer and clear up their charges and false accusations, they are only more infuriated. Or are they to act intellectually stupid so as to be true believers in the eyes of God and perhaps in the eyes of their own kind seeing that they have to believe every word uttered by Bro.

Such carnal intellectual reasoning and knowledge is exactly what Bro. Branham was referring to in some of his sermons. No one can deny it. The intellect of God lies within His Spirit. If a man is born again of His Spirit and His Word, then the man has the ability to learn of God with that same Spirit that dwells within him. God is his Father and he is His child. Therefore, as a child, a believer does possess spiritual intellect. But many just do not use it. Maybe they were afraid to use it, or perhaps, they do not know they have it. Anyhow, Paul told the Roman believers to use it.

When a Branhamite preacher propagates a peculiar teaching, with only a cursory reference or remark from the Scripture but many statements from the sermon books and tapes of Bro. The assertion of such a claim is a mockery when spoken among non-message believing Christians. One such peculiar carnal teaching is that William Branham, who died in , is one day going to rise up from his grave to travel around the world preaching the Gospel once more before Christ comes to translate the saints. But where are the facts of Scriptures for it?

The Care - Flaming Sword

Then what is it based upon? It is based upon the opinion of some smart-alecky, intellectual preachers who carnally read into the statements of Branham. Take heed to these words: Beloved, Christ is the doctrine of the Scripture of God cf. It is what the Bible is all about. Some who do not know that faith is a fact may quote this verse of Scripture: This verse does not speak of a blind faith as if one is groping about for a particular thing in the dark.

It speaks of trusting in God with the assurance of the things we hope for, and being certain, convinced, of the things we cannot see. This faith is not blind. It is based on the Promised Word of God. Our daily life is full of natural faith being manifest.

Flaming Sword

In eating, we do not fear as to what would happen to the food as we swallow. We have the revelation, the understanding, and the knowledge, that they would be digested and assimilated into the body by certain natural processes. What we cannot see is manifested later in the growth of our body.

How about the switching on of an electrical lamp? We do not fear that the light might not come on simply because of the fact that we know the lamp has been properly wired up and connected to a flow of electricity. We are convinced of those facts and therefore we will see the light. Similarly, here are two simple straightforward Biblical examples: Noah had not seen of what was to come upon the earth but God had warned him about it and told him also to build an ark.

If God had not warned Noah about the coming deluge, would Noah be smart enough to know what was going to happen? Would he know to build an ark? But God gave him a revelation of what was to come. God had warned him. When God said it, He meant it. Noah believed it and he acted upon it.

  • Flaming sword - Wikipedia;
  • Cherubim and the Flaming Sword.
  • Practical Guide to Evidence.
  • The Business Cycle: Theories and Evidence: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Economic Policy Confe.
  • Flaming sword (mythology) - Wikipedia.
  • And Gently He Shall Lead Them: Robert Parris Moses and Civil Rights in Mississippi.
  • Fur Elise (For Elisa)?

And later, Noah saw it. For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

The Revelation of The Flaming Sword

Later, as he lived in a strange land, the land of promise given him, he was like a foreigner, living in tents with his son and grandson, heirs to the same promise of God. God uncovered a mystery for him. Blind faith certainly could not have convinced Noah and Abraham to see the reality of a blessing that awaited them. He has deceived himself. Such is the blind who leads the blind.

With the Spoken Word handed down to us in a volume of sacred books , God maintains the same Revelation of Himself. He cannot stray one iota from His Word.

Cherubim and the Flaming Sword

He has to fulfill them all. Therefore He has to speak according to those same Word recorded by holy men under the inspiration of His Spirit. That is His Absolute to us. Revelation of Truth cannot, nor does it, come to the religiously intellectual who seek for it by signs and wonders only, the things they could see with their eyes cf. Such were those who came out of Egypt by the power of God under Moses. Though they saw all the signs and wonders of God, they could not enter the Promised Land because of their unbelief.

They could not believe the promise of God cf. They could not see the revelation of it. True believers walk by faith, by revelation, not by sight cf. Revelation is God unfolding His mysteries to us as He calls us back to His Word and we obey as He speaks what has already been written.

Unlike John the Baptist, many today refuse to believe and to see because they have hardened their own hearts to the Word. Such errant teaching surely does not come from the Spirit and the Word of God. It could have only come from hell and these men are accursed for denying that it is the simple Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that provides salvation.

Even for one to claim a revelation of One God does not warrant one salvation. Truly, a revelation of TRUTH does set free a believer from a life of bondage in sin, fear and false doctrines. However a false revelation of a Truth does not only bring forth a false doctrine but it will also further put a person deeper into spiritual error and bondage of iniquity.

Such are those in the organized traditional religious system, and those in the cultic movements. Many of them who are caught deep into false revelation are so seduced by demons that they would condone iniquities and fight those God-fearing believers who expose errors, lies and sin. That mysterious Flaming Sword still turns every way to face those who dare to misappropriate the Tree of Life.