Katzenjammer: Band 2 - Roman (Dackel Herkules) (German Edition)

Dackelblick Band 1 Roman Dackel Herkules German Edition, Katzenjammer Band 2 Roman Dackel Herkules German Edition, Welpenalarm Band 3 Roman.
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That being said, even those moments are charming — they work for the simple reason that you are already in love with Hercules, and with Caroline, and you genuinely care about both finding happiness. Puppy Love was a lot of fun to read. How can you resist those puppy dog eyes? Puppy Love is a warm, wonderful, charming book to enjoy on a lazy weekend or a relaxing day off. Hercules, adopted name formally known as Carl-Leopald Von Escherbach would have us believe he is a pedigree Dachshund, though it seems the vet knows more and there is a little terrier blood in him, too.

He finds himself at the dog shelter and is adopted by the lovely Caroline, Violin maker and is taken to his new home. He is not so trusting of the man in Caroline's life and takes it upon himself to convince Caroline she needs a new man. This is a very cute and easy to read story narrated by Herc Hercules, adopted name formally known as Carl-Leopald Von Escherbach would have us believe he is a pedigree Dachshund, though it seems the vet knows more and there is a little terrier blood in him, too.

This is a very cute and easy to read story narrated by Hercules himself. I did enjoy the story, but feel it would be much more entertaining to see the film version I believe it is soon to be a film and would be interested to see who is to be cast as the voice of Hercules. This was a cute read. This is SO not the kind of book I read!

If this had not been from the dogs point of view, I probably would have skipped this completely! I quite enjoyed it! It was quite humorous especially seeing somethings that I probably take for granted from a dogs perspective - reading for example! Hercules description of reading had me laughing out loud! It was really heart-warming as far as the animals were concerned, they were lovely.

Some of the human characters were a bit dodge but in some instances This is SO not the kind of book I read! Some of the human characters were a bit dodge but in some instances critters are better people than people! Hopefully, the next 2 books will be translated into English soon, so I can see how the rest of the story goes. Um livro leve e bem-humorado. The cover art gets five stars. I enjoyed the Dachshund, Hercules', narration, and his conversations with Mr. Beck the cat as they tried to understand and manipulate human behaviour and find Hercules' owner a boyfriend.

There are moments that made me smile throughout the story. It's just that there isn't a great deal of plot to get your teeth into. However, as an undemanding, brain-in-neutral, chick-lit read for dog lovers this is h The cover art gets five stars. However, as an undemanding, brain-in-neutral, chick-lit read for dog lovers this is highly recommended. I got this book soley because it had a cute little dachshund puppy on the cover.


It was a cute story. Told from the perspective of a dachshund mix who thinks his new owner needs to find the right man, and will do anything to help her find him. Of course his best friend is a cat who knows too much about almost everything. Chaos ensues of course.

This was originally written in German but I think the translation does a pretty decent job. Overall a good book. Not the greatest but certainly not the w I got this book soley because it had a cute little dachshund puppy on the cover. Not the greatest but certainly not the worst either. Apr 02, Melanie rated it liked it. The book was cute in that it is narrated by a dog. At times the dog was annoying. I didn't find it believable that two characters at the end were in love.

At no point did I feel connected to the characters. It was an okay story and simple story. I really hope other readers are able to get something out of the story. On a positive note some parts of the story is funny. Oct 28, Katie rated it liked it. Very well written, an original idea and a supercute protagonist. I wasn't too intrigued by the plot, however, and while the animals in this were wonderful, the humans were not believable at all.

Also, the dialogue felt horribly stilted to me, though that might just be because I haven't read a German book in so long. This book was book of the month at the library so I thought I d give it a go, it's the most random book I think I may have ever read. The dog tells the story from his point of view, trying to find his mistress a man.

Cute little story with a happy ending. Jan 22, Biene rated it liked it Shelves: A very cute book if you don't want to think about what you are reading, or are on holidays by a pool or beach.

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The ending was disappointing and the dialogue between the characters can be a little stiff at times. It's a good book. My mum gave me a copy on Christmas and I was excited because I have a Samoyed that acts pretty much alike Hercules and is always keeping all the boys at least a mile away from me. It's a fun book to read if you want to be in a dog's mind for a while.

A light hearted easy to read book. Written from the perspective of a dog, an easy book to read, you did not have to think to hard. For dog owners you will now look at your pooches in a new light, wondering what they are really thinking about when they look at you and bark: Oct 09, Caro rated it liked it Shelves: Not as good as The Art of Racing in the Rain but told in the same style. Cute little love story. Jan 27, Sophie rated it liked it Shelves: Ein wirkklich sehr lustiges Buch. Die Welt aus dem Blickwinkel eines Dackels. Cutsey and sweet, not much of a plot beyond the relationship between the dog and cat but good fun all the same.

Mar 05, June Churchill rated it liked it. I'm reading the English Translation, Puppy Love. Chicklit, why was I surprised. Silvia Borges rated it liked it May 30, FairyRain rated it liked it May 22, Izzy rated it liked it Sep 18, Yuvee rated it liked it Jan 10, Puppy Love, by Frauke Schenemann 1 11 Jan 17, Other books in the series. Dackel Herkules 4 books.

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Nov 01, Kerstin Stutzke rated it it was amazing. Carl-Leopold von Eschersbach entstammt einer angesehenen Dackelzucht und ist dennoch im Tierheim gelandet und versteht die Welt nicht mehr. So landet also der Carl-Leopold von Eschersbach entstammt einer angesehenen Dackelzucht und ist dennoch im Tierheim gelandet und versteht die Welt nicht mehr. So landet also der kleine Carl-Leopold unverschuldet im Tierheim.

Carl-Leopold ist sehr angetan von seinem neuen Frauchen und auch mit dem Namen, dem sie ihm gibt "Herkules" er ist nun einmal ein ganz besonderer Hund kann er sich arrangieren, nur Thomas, der mag den kleinen Herkules irgendwie gar nicht so. Der Kerl muss weg! Ein neuer Mann muss her. Der Plot wurde abwechslungsreich erarbeitet. Die Figuren wurden facettenreich und authentisch erarbeitet.

Gerade die Figur des kleinen Herkules hat mein Herz im Sturm erobert, muss er doch in seinem jungen Alter ganz allein sehen, wie er klar kommt und auch als er ein Frauchen hat, muss er zusehen, dass diese ihre Leben in richtige Bahnen lenkt. Jul 28, Brina rated it it was amazing. Seit kurzem hat der sechs Monate alte Dackel Herkules ein neues Zuhause. Sie braucht einen neuen Mann!

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Allerdings ist Frauke Scheunemann kein unbeschriebenes Blatt in der Literaturwelt. Herkules ist ein aufgeweckter und intelligenter Hund, der jede Menge Trubel in das Leben von Carolin bringt. So wird er u. Die Rolle des Sprechers hat Heikko Deutschmann eingenommen.

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Aber auch alle anderen Charaktere wie Herr Beck oder Carolins Jugendfreund Daniel werden gut gesprochen und einzelne Textpassagen sehr gut betont. This was a romantic contemporary - way out of my usual haunt. But if there's a book with an animal as the narrator and an assurance that they don't die, god knows I'll be reading it. This was also translated from German just to mix it up even more!

He was snarky and loving and joyful and earnest and plain old adorable. I honestly wish there were more books Actually 3. I honestly wish there were more books with Hercules, just because I want more of his narration. I kinda want him as a voice in my head commenting on my daily life that's not creepy is it?

The story itself was decent, although it really moved around a lot. It was good it kept me on my toes, but there never seemed to be a solid plot line to follow. I feel like if I was trying to explain it to someonone it'd just be like: A little bit too all over the place for my liking. On the good side though, I wasn't sure who she was going to end up with because she was changing her mind every 30 seconds; a very indecisive main character.

I admit that annoyed me quite a bit. The side characters made a strong impact as well: I still haven't figured out what I thought of Beck yet. Will take further consideration. This is one of the first books I've read that is translated, so I think I had to get used to having some of the finer nuances slip through the cracks; the writing seemed a tad simplistic at times. The ending also seemed very abrupt, like she had a page limit and she had to squeeze everything in pages in a hurry.

I definitely would've liked a more full ending, or at the very least an epilogue! Honestly, this book gets an automatic 3 stars because the writing from a dog's perspective was just. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing how we live from a puppy's point of view, all the innocence and confusion at some of our little quirks. I'm glad I read this if for no other reason than to spice it up. Aug 21, Elena rated it it was amazing Shelves: Dummerweise hat sie jedoch Thomas als Freund, der sie schlecht behandelt und Hunde nicht ausstehen kann.

Dass der Weg dabei nicht frei von Hindernissen ist und vor allem Herkules das ein oder andere Abenteuer erlebt, versteht sich von selbst! Auch durch das bewusste durch den Kakao ziehen von bekannten Klischees mittels der Nebenfiguren entwickelt sich die Geschichte mehr als einmal ziemlich erheiternd. Jul 19, Sabine rated it it was amazing. Carl-Leopold von Eschersbach ist ein niedlicher kleiner Dackel.

Bereits beim zweiten Treffen wird er handgreiflich - aber wie soll ein kleiner Dackel auc Carl-Leopold von Eschersbach ist ein niedlicher kleiner Dackel. Der Plan geht auf und Carolin wirft ihren Freund raus. Ein neuer Mann muss gefunden werden! Doch wer soll es sein? Daniel, Carolins Arbeitspartner der schon lange ein Auge auf sie geworfen hat?

Der nette Tierarzt Dr. Doch sein neues Frauchen findet er toll und daher ernennt er sich auch zum tierischen Kuppler. Hier gibt es wahrlich nichts zu meckern: Toller Schreibstil, witzige Dialoge und wirklich interessante Personen - menschlich wie tierisch. Ein wirklich rundum gelungener Unterhaltungsroman, den ich innerhalb weniger Stunden verschlungen habe.

Nov 24, Butterblume rated it it was amazing Shelves: Mit einem Trick gelingt dies den beiden sogar, doch leider weint Carolin seitdem den ganzen Tag. Aber wie findet man den Richtigen, wenn man in Sachen Liebe ganz andere Vorstellungen hat als sein Frauchen? Und was soll ich sagen? Ich bin absolut hin und weg: What a charming, adorable book! A dachshund who lacks the pedigree for his original, dog breeding family, Hercules is rescued from the animal shelter by Caroline What a charming, adorable book!

Beck scheme to find Caroline a man. They are certainly comic, but at times, felt a bit repetitive — how many times can Hercules conceivably pull off the same trick without people, especially Caroline, becoming seriously concerned? That being said, even those moments are charming — they work for the simple reason that you are already in love with Hercules, and with Caroline, and you genuinely care about both finding happiness.

Puppy Love was a lot of fun to read. How can you resist those puppy dog eyes? Puppy Love is a warm, wonderful, charming book to enjoy on a lazy weekend or a relaxing day off. Aug 21, Bloggin' Hinkenpinken added it.

Auch wenn Herkules damit nicht ganz einverstanden ist, kann er sich doch damit ab Darum geht es: Auch wenn Herkules damit nicht ganz einverstanden ist, kann er sich doch damit abfinden. Eigentlich ein ganz normaler Liebesroman. Besonders mitgerissen hat mich das Buch dennoch nicht. Mehr aber auch nicht. I love dogs and the premise sounded fun. But this book is so impossibly annoying! Right from the start, the puppy is a huge snob, Thomas is a neanderthal written in a very exaggerated manner and Caroline is a complete idiot.

I couldn't go past a couple of lines without letting out a loud "blech! Maybe because I' I love dogs and the premise sounded fun. Maybe because I'm reading the translated version in Portuguese it looses from the original. But it can't loose so much that it becomes the unbearable book this is. Thanks Frauke, for making me not like a dog for the first time in my life.

Hercules, adopted name formally known as Carl-Leopald Von Escherbach would have us believe he is a pedigree Dachshund, though it seems the vet knows more and there is a little terrier blood in him, too.

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He finds himself at the dog shelter and is adopted by the lovely Caroline, Violin maker and is taken to his new home. He is not so trusting of the man in Caroline's life and takes it upon himself to convince Caroline she needs a new man. This is a very cute and easy to read story narrated by Herc Hercules, adopted name formally known as Carl-Leopald Von Escherbach would have us believe he is a pedigree Dachshund, though it seems the vet knows more and there is a little terrier blood in him, too.

This is a very cute and easy to read story narrated by Hercules himself. I did enjoy the story, but feel it would be much more entertaining to see the film version I believe it is soon to be a film and would be interested to see who is to be cast as the voice of Hercules. This was a cute read. Was reluctant to buy this book The book is kinda thick, about pages, but I finished it in 2 days because of its sheer awesomeness! Not your average kind of pet perspective story book, and sometimes reading this will trigger questions we're not aware of ourselves - like why humans act that way?

Read a translated work, but still it's amazing, as if the dog really exist and has an unique mindset of its own! Plots can be unexpected, and I kept saying "W Was reluctant to buy this book Plots can be unexpected, and I kept saying "Who would have known! Well, that includes the ending of the story Who would have known it would end this happily, ever after?! Haha, a good read and also a must read! This is a first for me. I have read a book narrated by a dog!!! Translated from the German bestseller, 'Puppy Love' by Frauke Scheunemann is a cute, heart-warming story told from Hercules the dachshund's point of view.

His efforts to find his mistress a partner are hilarious. There are witty asides about the nature of humans and how he must come to terms with the way humans use irony when they speak if he is to understand them. I loved his relationship with Mr Beck the cat. I This is a first for me.

I was going to warn readers to suspend disbelief, but never having owned a dog, perhaps they really are this clever and devious. This is SO not the kind of book I read! If this had not been from the dogs point of view, I probably would have skipped this completely! I quite enjoyed it! It was quite humorous especially seeing somethings that I probably take for granted from a dogs perspective - reading for example!

Hercules description of reading had me laughing out loud! It was really heart-warming as far as the animals were concerned, they were lovely. Some of the human characters were a bit dodge but in some instances This is SO not the kind of book I read!

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  6. Some of the human characters were a bit dodge but in some instances critters are better people than people! Hopefully, the next 2 books will be translated into English soon, so I can see how the rest of the story goes. Um livro leve e bem-humorado. The cover art gets five stars. I enjoyed the Dachshund, Hercules', narration, and his conversations with Mr.

    Beck the cat as they tried to understand and manipulate human behaviour and find Hercules' owner a boyfriend. There are moments that made me smile throughout the story. It's just that there isn't a great deal of plot to get your teeth into. However, as an undemanding, brain-in-neutral, chick-lit read for dog lovers this is h The cover art gets five stars.

    However, as an undemanding, brain-in-neutral, chick-lit read for dog lovers this is highly recommended. Puppy Love, by Frauke Schenemann 1 11 Jan 17, Other books in the series. Dackel Herkules 4 books.