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Comprehensive list of synonyms for to not keep a promise, by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus. to not do something that you promised or agreed to do.
Table of contents

However, there they do not have the authority to actually tell the customer the truth.

Account Options

In fact, it is exceedingly difficult to find SAP consultants that will tell you anything, but the standard SAP marketing and sales position. By that time, the company has made the investment and then must customize the software to make it work. If SAP is the active at the implementing company rather than letting a consulting company take most of the work SAP will fight aggressively to hide this fact as long as possible.

I have been pressured several times by SAP to help them cover up for the mistakes of their salespeople. Another tactic they will use is to state that the requirement is not legitimate because all SAP functionality is based upon best practices; so therefore, the requirement is not a best practice. I have demonstrated that this is just a political tactic and has no validity. More on this can be found in the following article. However, there is actually more to this story that I am placing in the book.

However, I think it is tangential to the narrative, so I am publishing this perspective here instead of in the book.

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The next question is what can companies that encounter this issue expect from SAP. Here are the steps that SAP account management will employ:. Bullet 1 and 3 are standard SAP spin and can be dismissed out of hand. I analyzed the requirement and determined in around 15 minutes that SNP did not contain this functionality. However, we were made to spend many hours — all billed to the client — to come up with a design employing standard functionality. This is three consultants all working and billing the client — to cover up a mistake made by SAP sales.

What did the client get after all of this billing? Not much. I eventually worked with my client counterpart to develop a custom design that leveraged no SAP functionality that would have been a freestanding application.

Working, but not as feature-rich as promised

The internal communication to be my SAP was completely cynical. Evidently, this would have removed any obligation on the part of SAP to cover part of the custom development, so it was all they were really after. Review the following providers of information to see their dependence or independence from SAP. After enough of these experiences, combined with reading many case studies, I have concluded that the major consulting companies do not factor implement-ability into their sales process.

They exist in a fantasyland which puts the sale above all else. This is my hypothesis as to why the best salespeople tend to be the most divorced from reality and end up with the most blown up projects. There are two fundamental problems around SAP. The first is the exaggeration of SAP, which means that companies that purchased SAP end up getting far less than they were promised. This means that on virtually all accounts there is no independent entity that can contradict statements by SAP.

In a market where inaccurate information is commonplace, our conclusion from our research is that software project problems and failures correlate to a lack of fact checking of the claims made by vendors and consulting firms. Neither this article nor any other article on the Brightwork website is paid for by a software vendor, including Oracle, SAP or their competitors. As part of our commitment to publishing independent, unbiased research; no paid media placements, commissions or incentives of any nature are allowed.

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