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Translating Islamic Texts: A Textbook ( pages) This book attempts to lay the grounds for translating the different types of Islamic texts, with special attention to the translation of the Holy Koran and the Prophet's tradition, due to their challenging language, recurrence and great demand for them the world over.
Table of contents

The Arab conquests before and during the Umayyad Period that spread into Southwest Asia, Persia, and Northeast Africa laid the groundwork for a civilization capable of fueling the Graeco-Arabic translation movement.


These conquests united a massive area under the Islamic State, connecting societies and peoples previously isolated, invigorating trade routes and agriculture, and improving material wealth among subjects. The Abbasid revolution and the move to a new capital in Baghdad introduced the ruling administration to a new set of demographic populations more influenced by Hellenism.

These factors culminated in a capital more receptive to and actively interested in the knowledge contained in scientific manuscripts of Classical Greece. The advent and rapid spread of papermaking learned from Chinese prisoners of war in CE also helped to make the translation movement possible. The translation movement in Arab progressed in development during the Abbasid period. The Abbasid period encompassed one of the very critical markers in the movement's history, that is, the translation of the central texts of the Islamic religion, in this case, the Quran.

The translation movement was instigated by the Barmakid s. Available documents depict that Persian texts were greatly privileged by the translation movement. The movement succeeded in forming civilization overlap and initiated new maps in the fields of culture and politics.

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The translation movement had a significant effect on developing the scientific knowledge of the Arabs since several theories in science had surfaced from various origins. Late, there was the introduction of the western culture to the Arabic translations that were preserved since most of their initial scripts could not be located.

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Khalidi and Dajani argue that one of the last empires of Persia before Islam was the Sasanian Empire. Arabs could learn different languages, like Syriac as well as Aramaic, to attainability to communicate effectively whenever they were out for trading. They made their journey in what was referred to as summer and winter caravans. Normally in these journeys, one of the Arab tribes that were considered to be famous - such as the Quraysh - would lead them.

The translation is known to date back to when the second century was at the helm. This is the time when the Syriacs are believed to have transformed their original customs as well as beliefs into Arabic. The golden age of Islam was regarded as the landmark for the translation movement. Muhammad , the founding prophet of Islam, delivered information to various political leaders as well as societies such as Persia, Rome, and Syria, which neither spoke nor understood Arabic, requesting them to consider the adoption of Islam.

This resulted in Muhammad searching for private scribes who would translate from Arabic. This motivated muslims to acquire and learn new foreign languages. Zayd Thabit , who was the most competent of Muhammad's scribes entitled to Muhammad, translated to Persian, Syriac, as well as Hebrew in order to ease communication with jews.

The major criteria that Islam incorporated were to motivate others to look for knowledge since they thought that understanding how Allah related to the creation was the most appropriate way of understanding the universe. This criterion was a significant concept that motivated the spreading of their religion throughout the world. When Muhammad died in CE, caliphs that were considered Rightly Guided Caliphs were chosen to lead the Empire of Islam, the information of the Quran was becoming more known in the surrounding civilizations.

There was an expansion of the Islamic empire, leading to searching of multilingual teachers as well as people to translate and teach the Quran and the Arabic language. Later, the Quran would be incorporated into one language. Translation attained more propulsion in the times of Umayyad, and therefore, Arab rose to be the official as well as the popular language in the Islamic Empire.

Arabs were now facing the Greek's knowledge, the majority originating from the scholars that remained during the period of Byzantine. The main factor that led to the translation of the Arabic materials were the Syriacs since, as the Arabs could not understand the language in Greek, Syriacs had understood the language for more than ten centuries. When the fourth Umayyad caliph ruled as a king, translating the documents that were regarded official, as well as treaties in astronomy and medicine, began to happen.

The songs in Byzantine and Persian were translated too. During this period, Greek gnomologia, such as Aristotle's, were translated and affected the poetry in Arabic later.

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A polyglot who was considered to be fluent in almost all the targeted languages was regarded as among the greatest translators during that time. Through a hand from his son, Ishaq Hunayn, as well as his nephew, Habash, he translated more than ninety-five pieces of Galen, almost fifteen pieces of Hippocrates, about the soul, and about generation as well as corruption. The Arabic language extensively expanded to reach communities in places such as Morocco and Andalusia and would later be adapted as their language that was regarded as official. The Umayyad caliphs greatly helped in translating science as well as arts, which gave out a long-term foundation for the Empire of Islam.

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      Arberry was a devout Christian who nevertheless identified strongly with the mystical strain in Islam. However good the translation you read or even if you can read it in Arabic , the text of the Koran still needs a lot of glossing and some context. Cook is erudite, witty and incisive and he packs a huge amount into his pages. Even specialists in Koranic studies are likely to learn something from this amazingly efficient account of how the Koran was put together, what it contains and how it is studied and recited today.

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      Lings is a convert to Islam and his account of al-'Alawi's teachings manages to convey something of authentic Sufism, as opposed to the ersatz new age stuff that is otherwise so widely available in the west. This is a book that may give you some sense of why and how Muslims believe in Allah. This is an outsider's account of Sufism written by an academic specialist in Islamic studies. Ernst lucidly sets out the mystical elements in the Koran and provides a potted history of the great Sufi orders from medieval times onwards.