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A brave sea captain and a band of amazing animals devote their lives to protect and beautify an Island that is also their home. Tragedy struck when this dearly.
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What do each see in the still waters? What do their visions portend? Sam must also make the hardest decision of his life in a drama which reminds us of the Parable of the Two Sons. Join us as we continue our adventures through the Lord of the Rings.

What stood out to you in The Mirror of Galadriel Pt. In the house of Celeborn they were greeted as friends.

New Little Legends - Protector, Hushtail and Paddlemar

Yet one of the Company was missing. Join us as we continue our journeys through J. The Elves in the hall of the house of Celeborn cried aloud in grief and amazement upon hearing this. Celeborn declared these the most evil words spoken in Caras Galadhon in long years full of grievous deeds. As the Company recounts the events that led them to the Golden Wood what can we learn from the life and death of Gandalf the guide?

We discuss this and much more on this episode of the Secret Fire Podcast. Messengers of Elrond had given news of the travellers.

The Jewel Cloud

When it is revealed that a dwarf is with them the Elves make it clear that he cannot pass through the Golden Wood. But Gimli is an honorable dwarf. We take a closer look at his character as we continue our adventures through The Lord of the Rings. Dwarves are not permitted in the land of the Galadhrim, according to Haldir. His people have not had dealings with the Dwarves since the Dark Days — the long years of the Second Age when the races of Middle-earth suffered under the domination of Sauron.

In this episode of Secret Fire Podcast we take a closer look at Gimli. Elrond trusts him in this most important and dangerous of quests.

The members of the Company can attest to his faithfulness. His folk have never had dealings with the Enemy. They have done no harm to the Elves. In his own land he is know to be true of word. Gimli is an honorable Dwarf. Who may dwell on your holy hill? Those who walk blamelessly, and do what is right, and speak the truth from their heart; who do not slander with their tongue, and do no evil to their friends, nor take up a reproach against their neighbors; in whose eyes the wicked are despised, but who honor those who fear the Lord; who stand by their oath even to their hurt; who do not lend money at interest, and do not take a bribe against the innocent.

Those who do these things shall never be moved. A tragedy occurred here. What that means is that nothing that has been published in the previous five years exists anymore.

Lothlorien and Gimli

Needless to say, he is not very happy about this. We all who are involved in the Great Commission Transmission Network have no desire to cease creating and decimating thanks Autocorrect! We have been blessed over these years to hear from listeners of Finding Christ In Cinema, The Theonauts, and Secret Fire Podcast who tell us what a blessing our podcasts have been; how much they have grown in their understanding of the scriptures; and how we have provided tools for sharing the Good News with friends and loved ones.

Rebuilding is going to be rough. It most certainly will be different than before. We had so many tweaks to the code on the backend: custom this, latest do-dad that… All these things — these customizations — were added a little here; a little there. There is no way to remember what all previously existed. Too, the loss of such fantastic blog posts — especially those of Brenden Taylor for the Finding Christ In Cinema podcast. They were truly stellar.

Reading Room | Upholding the Great Secret Mantra

And now, gone. Secret Fire Podcast is only up to thirty-nine episodes, so those could be re-written. Thank you all for years of friendship. Thank you to our patrons who help to fund this ministry via PayPal and Patreon. I love GCTN and could not imagine life without it.


The company has reached the eaves of Lothlorien — the Golden Wood — home to the Galadhrim. After traveling little more than a mile into the forest they came upon the Nimrodel, a stream with healing powers, named for the Elven-maid who lived beside it long ago. Are self-published fan zines a lost art? Plus, Casey becomes annoyed at a group of small children not being as entranced by My Neighbor Totoro as he is, and we all betray our socialist leanings.

We jump back into the fray with Greg Hatcher , to talk debate the merits of Star Trek Discovery, the future of the franchise and what we want from a Trek property. We also look at the trailer for the new streaming Titans series, and wonder why such a fun property would want to be dour and overserious. Why do so many fans —and even creators — just miss the point? The field of battle, the Highlander franchise.

It blossomed — or some say, decayed — into four critically-panned movie sequels, a long-running television show, an animated series, and even an anime film. We dig into topics of whether every film truly should be made into a franchise? Should there have, indeed, been only one? In what is an ultra-MEGA-sized two-and-a-half hour episode, exclusive to our Patreon supporters , we really run the gamut. Is that even possible or desirable? Do genre stories like science fiction and superheroes have a responsibility to touch on questions of social and cultural importance?

Why do the calls for political neutrality usually seem to mask a right-wing agenda? And finally, things get a bit emotional when we talk about how profoundly powerful and deeply intimate the new documentary about Mister Rogers is.

Protectors 18 (Malibu Comics)

To hear this episode — and many more! We look at the pilot of the show, set in a downtown Boston bar, that would become a television juggernaut. Does the show hold up? Does it hit the ground running in the pilot? Is it really funny? Not to be a total spoiler, but yes, yes and yes. Check it out! We go over the promise and the pitfalls of the prequel concept and ask ourselves what we really wanted from this movie. We talk about a recent internet rabbit hole: a legendary and notorious New Jersey water park that many have called the most dangerous amusement park ever: Action Park.

It had a cascade of bloody noses, a lax policy of selling alcohol to minors and a confirmed body count.