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Lawrence Taylor,, Ph.D. As Many As I Love Suicide, the Chirch, and the Believer Lawrence Taylor,, Ph.D. As many as I Love: Suicide, the Church,​.
Table of contents

The Church of God was founded in upon the principles of Christ as they are revealed in the Bible, the Word of God. It has its foundation of faith and practice in the Scriptures and the vital experience of its constituents is scripturally oriented. First and foremost, the Church of God is a determinedly Christian church. It is built upon the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The doctrines and practices of the church are based upon His teachings.

The Church of God is founded upon the principles of Protestantism, although it is not a traditional follower of any specific leader of the Protestant Reformation. The denomination stands firmly for justification by faith, the priesthood of believers, the authority of the Bible, religious freedom, and the separation of church and state. It stands against abuses and extravagance of ecclesiastical ritualism and dogmatism. Evangelical is the term used to describe those who affirm the primary doctrines revealed in the Scriptures. These doctrines include the inspiration and authority of the Word of God; the Trinity; the deity and virgin birth of Jesus Christ; salvation by faith in the atoning death of Christ; His bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father; the ministry of the Holy Spirit; the second coming of Christ; and the spiritual unity of believers in Jesus Christ.

Members of NAE subscribe to a common statement of faith. The Church of God can be described as positioned in the mainstream of Evangelical Protestantism. In , many members of the Church of God experienced a spiritual outpouring they identified as the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Because it was so similar to the experience of the early Christians on the day of Pentecost, it came to be called a Pentecostal experience, an enrichment of the Christian life through the power of the Holy Spirit that empowered believers to be effective witnesses of Christ.

The principle distinctive of the Church of God as a Pentecostal organization is its belief in speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance and that this is the initial evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The charismata Gk. The gifts can be divided into three categories: the gifts of revelation, the gifts of power and the gifts of utterance or inspiration.

The gifts of revelation are the gifts of the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge and the discerning of spirits. The gifts of power are faith, miracles, and gifts of healing. The gifts of utterance and inspiration are prophecy, tongues and interpretation. The Holy Spirit bestows these gifts and those who accept the validity of these gifts are called charismatic.

Religion and Spirituality - Death With Dignity

From its inception the Church of God has been a revival movement. Regardless of what others say about you, Jesus loves you deeply and He hurts when you hurt. Your journey may be more difficult than you thought and more lonely than it should be but you are not alone. Even when people turn their back on you, God will never leave you.

Your life does have a purpose and you are significant.

Frequently Asked Questions — LCMS Views

The problem is that we all have sinned and that separates us from God. But the good news is that God made a way.

  • Because God offers us as individuals Heaven and forgiveness of sin, even though we are sinners.?
  • If you commit suicide, can you go to Heaven?;

Thankfully, our God of all comfort waits to comfort you in your distress and grief. In Adam sin entered into the world and all since Adam have sinned Rom.

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The Bible teaches there is none righteous—absolutely no one Rom. God told him what would happen if he chose to eat of the one forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. However, when faced with temptation, Adam and Eve both ate of the fruit. The Bible says in that moment that their eyes were opened. They became sinners and deserved the punishment that God promised.

However, in spite of what they deserved, God came to the Garden and provided them a covering Gen. As the Bible progresses, God institutes the sacrifice system which looked forward to the ultimate sacrifice to come, which was Jesus John Jesus died on the cross—crucified—in order to provide salvation and forgiveness for anyone who willingly comes to God and asks for it Rom.

God poured out His wrath for the sins of mankind on Jesus such that Jesus paid for the sins of mankind 1 John Therefore, if any person comes to God and asks for forgiveness of sins, God grants that request and forgives them. The offer of forgiveness is from God, not from man. In fact, the offer of forgiveness is from God exactly because we are sinners.

Salvation is earned by no one.

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Although some would suggest that some humans become saints and others are sinless, both these ideas are simply not true 1 John — The best person you know; the worst person you know. Regardless of who you are, you deserve to go to Hell because of your sin.

Suicide: The Impact on Believers – Dr. Charles Stanley

That is true for you, me, and everyone else who lives. We are sinners and we sin. In spite of our sinful condition, God still offers us salvation. Any person can get saved if he or she asks God for forgiveness of sins through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. This is the great news of the gospel Rom. Consider the following two important facts:.

What We Teach

First, forgiveness of sins only comes through Jesus Christ. Salvation and forgiveness of sins exclusively comes through Jesus Rom. A failure to turn to Jesus as a repentant sinner and ask for salvation means eternal death and punishment for failing to believe in Jesus John Second, forgiveness of sins is not earned, it is a gift of God. Paul explained salvation to us Eph. His explanation helps us understand our inability to earn salvation.

But, God in His incredible love offers us forgiveness for our sins Eph. We often use the words mercy and grace to describe this. Mercy means God chooses to not punish us as our sins deserve; He delivers us from judgment.