Dreaming of Atlantis Issue 03

Embed: Artists Physical Dreams. Release. $ Length ; Released ; BPM ; Key A maj; Genre Trance; Label Miami Mafia Sounds Records.
Table of contents

It is the power that helps heal your relationships and get you in a more positive mindset. But it isn't just an emotion. In fact, several research studies shows, that simple practice of gratitude such as keeping a gratitude journal will actually change your brain chemistry, lowering anxiety, reducing depression and helping you sleep better In this week's podcast I want to bathe in the energy of gratitude with you.

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Let's enjoy a grateful moment together as I share.. In this episode of Heaven on Earth Anu shares message from the Angels of Love about how to learn to love yourself fully. You have the deepest and most meaningful relationship in your life with yourself and so loving yourself needs to be a top priority. Angels remind you that love is everywhere and will teach you how to feel love anytime, anywhere, with anyone and especially with yourself.

Life in the Fifth Dimension is extraordinary.

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Manifesting becomes quicker and you experience magic in your life. To get to the 5D reality we need to rise from the 3d through 4th all the way up to the highest physical reality. In this episode Anu walks your through step by step through these dimension and gives you a tour in each realities so that you can more easily become aware of where you are at this time and where you want to be next. In which dimension do you live in right now? Find out and learn how to raise your vibration to reach the heaven on earth, the fifth dimensional state of being. In this episode, Anu helps listeners become aware of how other people affect wellbeing and happiness.

She shares lists 8 signs of negativity followed by 8 powerful tools to deal with negative people in a way that is loving, compassionate and aligned with the light that you are. In this episode, Anu explains who the angels are and why they are here. She teaches you how to communicate with your angels and shares 3 easy yet effective ways to open communication with these beautiful Light beings right away. Angels are messengers of love and light and they are here to help you live a happier and more fulfilling life. You will also get guidance on how to start channeling through writing letters with your guardian angel.

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Like Anu on Facebook. Leave a review on iTunes. In this episode, Anu talks about the secret of becoming more successful in everything that you do from creating a successful life purpose business to having better relationships. The key to success is knowing what you truly desire and creating a sustainable flow of joy in your life.

That will manifest in many wonderful opportunities and resources that fill your life with successful moments. However, in order to avoid the thieves of your success, there are certain things you need to learn to be aware of Feel inspired and get on a clear path to success.


Topics include messages from the Angels of Atlantis, origin of Atlantis and how it related to the global shift happening on our planet, as well as looking at the human evolution and activation of some powers such as levitation and flying. The messages from the angels will be uplifting, healing and comforting. In this first episode of Heaven on Earth Podcast Anu talks about Ancient Atlantis and the Atlantean Dream of creating a dream life and living in ultimate freedom.

Subconscious mind and past lives. This was the opening interview of the entire summit with clear guidance and inspiration to those looking for their Life Purpose.

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Player FM is scanning the web for high-quality podcast content right now. Try us out on any web browser — desktop, mobile, or tablet. Mark all un- played. This series is archived "Inactive feed" status Please note series archiving is a new, experimental, feature of Player FM with the aim of helping users understand how we fetch series and report on any issues.

By Anu Shi Asta. Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio streamed directly from their servers. Tap into your divine creatrix to unleash golden abundance, exquisuite love and Atlantean living.

Escape from Atlantis - General FAQ

In this open heart to heart interview with Hay House author Tim Whild, both Tim and Anu share powerful Atlantean memories to inspire you. You will learn about ancient Golden Atlantis and go through an exercise to align your 12 Atlantean ascension chakras. Download the audio podcast version She talks about starseeds, souls that have incarnated here on planet Earth to rise the vibration and to help us transfer into 5th dimension.

Starseed often struggle with the heavier energies on this plane In this episode, Anu gives a tour to the city of Poseidia,. You will learn about the the founder of Atlantis, Sea God Poseidon and how Greek mythology gives us insight on the original Atlanteans. You will also learn about the spiritual awakening to the fifth dimension in Atlantis lead by Atlantean High Priests an In this episode of Heaven on Earth Anu shares both spiritual and scientific points on the human evolution and our ascension process.

Our DNA is activating and with it we are stepping into a new reality where telekinesis, telepathy and even levitation will activating. Anu shares an Atlantean past life memory of flying lessongs at a mystery schoo In this episode Anu shares tips that will help you manifest the highest vision of yourself and your life for the New Year ! She walks you through a powerful exercise to help you create your dream life. Make your best year yet! Level Up Your Spiritual Business. Learn from the Atlanteans and use modern day marketing technique to grow your email list and get more high quality clients.

Gratitude is a beautiful uplifting emotion that instantly lifts your spirit to the fifth-dimensional heaven on earth state of mind. It is the power that helps heal your relationships and get you in a more positive mindset. But it isn't just an emotion.

Atlantis - Gottlieb

In fact, several research studies shows, that simple practice of gratitude such as keeping a In this episode of Heaven on Earth Anu shares message from the Angels of Love about how to learn to love yourself fully. You have the deepest and most meaningful relationship in your life with yourself and so loving yourself needs to be a top priority. Angels remind you that love is everywhere and will teach you how to feel love anytime, anywhe Life in the Fifth Dimension is extraordinary. Manifesting becomes quicker and you experience magic in your life.

To get to the 5D reality we need to rise from the 3d through 4th all the way up to the highest physical reality. In this episode Anu walks your through step by step through these dimension and gives you a tour in each realities so tha In this episode, Anu helps listeners become aware of how other people affect wellbeing and happiness. She shares lists 8 signs of negativity followed by 8 powerful tools to deal with negative people in a way that is loving, compassionate and aligned with the light that you are.

In this episode, Anu explains who the angels are and why they are here.