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The production of large amounts of standardized products through the use of machine-assembly production methods and equipment. Side Chair model DCW. Related: Joseph Cornell. Taglioni's Jewel Casket.

Bicycle Wheel. New York, third version, after lost original of Max Ernst.

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Senga Nengudi. The materials used to create a work of art, and the categorization of art based on the materials used for example, painting [or more specifically, watercolor], drawing, sculpture. Modern Portraits Tino Sehgal. A drama, such as a play, film, or television program, characterized by exaggerated emotions, stereotypical characters, and interpersonal conflicts; 2.

Behavior or occurrences having melodramatic characteristics. A term invented by the artist Kurt Schwitters to describe his works made from scavenged fragments and objects. Transcending physical matter or the laws of nature. Metaphysics refers to the branch of philosophy that studies that fundamental nature of being and knowing. A primarily American artistic movement of the s, characterized by simple geometric forms devoid of representational content.

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Relying on industrial technologies and rational processes, Minimalist artists challenged traditional notions of craftsmanship, using commercial materials such as fiberglass and aluminum, and often employing mathematical systems to determine the composition of their works. Simone Forti. A technique involving the use of two or more artistic media, such as ink and pastel or painting and collage, that are combined in a single composition; 2.

A designation for an artist who works with a number of different artistic media. Related: Howardena Pindell. A detailed three-dimensional representation, usually built to scale, of another, often larger, object. In architecture, a three-dimensional representation of a concept or design for a building; 2. A person who poses for an artist.

The Tiger's Watch

Related: Carl Elsener. Victorinox Swiss Officers' Knife Champion no. Indestructible Object. Modern can mean related to current times, but it can also indicate a relationship to a particular set of ideas that, at the time of their development, were new or even experimental.

April Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. An assembly of images that relate to one another in some way to create a single work or part of a work of art. A montage is more formal than a collage, and is usually based on a theme. The Lovers. Le Perreux-sur-Marne, Rirkrit Tiravanija. A term referring to small-scale, three-dimensional works of art conceived and produced in relatively large editions, and often issued by the same individuals or organizations that publish prints.

Turkey Shopping Bag. Related: Paul Gauguin. Related: Man Ray.

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Paris, Paris, June—July Paul Gauguin. Related: Zarina. A previously exposed and developed photographic film or plate showing an image that, in black-and-white photography, has a reversal of tones for example, white eyes appear black. In color photography, the image is in complementary colors to the subject for example, a blue sky appears yellow. The transfer of a negative image to another surface results in a positive image.

Related: August Sander. Bohemians from the series Menschen des 20 Jahrhunderts Citizens of the 20th century El Lissitzky. Led by the example of Georges Seurat, the Neo-Impressionists renounced the spontaneity of Impressionism in favor of a measured painting technique grounded in science and the study of optics. Neo-Impressionists came to believe that separate touches of pigment result in a greater vibrancy of color than is achieved by the conventional mixing of pigments on the palette. A representative style of art that was developed in the s in Germany by artists including Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, and George Grosz.

Artworks in this style were often satirical in nature, sending a critical eye upon contemporary taste and the postwar society of Germany. In both content and style, artists of this movement directly challenged and broke away from the traditions of the art academies they had attended. A term referring to the islands of the southern, western, and central Pacific Ocean, including Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Paris, June—July Expressionism. A distinguished European artist of the period from about to the early s, especially one of the great painters of this period, e.

In computer software, open source refers to source code that is freely available and may be modified. Open-source software is often developed publicly and collaboratively. Having characteristics of a biological entity, or organism, or developing in the manner of a living thing. Accessories, decoration, adornment, or details that have been applied to an object or structure to beautify its appearance.

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Related: Simple Machines Expressionism. Montroig, late summer—fall John Baldessari. Paris, Pablo Picasso. Georges Braque. Marilyn Monroe, I. Montroig, July —winter John Baldessari. Oskar Kokoschka. Le Perreux-sur-Marne. Vasily Kandinsky. The range of colors used by an artist in making a work of art; 2. A thin wooden or plastic board on which an artist holds and mixes paint.

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Henri Matisse. A flexible, thin blade with a handle, typically used for mixing paint colors or applying them to a canvas. To pivot a movie camera along a horizontal plane in order to follow an object or create a panoramic effect. Related: Hans Bellmer.

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