Mystery at Blackbeards Cove

This rollicking tale magically combines this unruly group of youngsters, Blackbeard's ghost, secret tunnels, skeletons, hidden treasure, a very mysterious .
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  1. Tanglewood Publishing!
  2. Mystery at Blackbeard’s Cove – Audrey Penn.
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  4. Beautiful Music for Two String Instruments;
  5. Blackbeard and the Sandstone Pillar.

This book jazzes that up, though, with a strong sense of place and history, a touch of what, for want of a better term , feels like middle grade magical realism, and patches of really elegant writing. There are parts of this book that actually are "thrilling". The North Carolina coast, the hero kids' island, the historical Blackbeard, and the practices and behavior of real pirates, are all treated with care and with attention to accurate detail. We're not just running around generic caves and tunnels chasing the tracks of cartoonish pirates. This feels much more realistic, and that adds a great deal to the reading experience.

Along the same lines, through dream sequences, tale telling, and some creepy scene setting there are touches of the eerie and ghostly that fit nicely within the otherwise straightforward treasure hunt narrative. This gives the book a depth and weight that is unusual. This is complemented and enhanced by some very evocative yet restrained writing. Early on there is a dream sequence in which the elderly Blackbeard relative who sets the adventure in motion is drawn to Blackbeard's ghost ship.

  1. Mystery at Blackbeard’s Cove | Tanglewood Publishing!
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It is powerful, colorful and touching all at once. Again, this is way above the running-around-in-caves standard. So, we get a great pirate treasure adventure and a bunch of bonus features all wrapped up in a ripping package. That's a pretty nice find for your pirate reader. Please note that I received a free ecopy of this book in exchange for a candid review. Apart from that I have no connection at all to either the author or the publisher of this book.

Jul 04, Bookworm rated it liked it Shelves: The beginning was promising with a pirate raid occurring. However we then shift to the present and I felt the story slooooow down. There is set up around the widow Mrs. McNemmish who wants to be buried at sea. A group of four children are enlisted to ensure that this last wish is carried out: Billy, Daniel, Mark, and Stefanie. Now I know 2. Now I know I usually love books with my name but a. She whined a lot and never seemed committed to the spirit of adventure like the boys were.

Mark didn't speak although he could communicate a lot through facial expressions and gestures and I found the other two boys indistinguishable. So it's safe to say that I didn't click with the characters. But what about the plot? Although quite a few events are detailed, I felt like this book dragged. It took me ages to read it and I ended up stopping and reading something else more than a few times before buckling down to finish.

Why didn't I DNF? Well, I try to give any book I receive for a review a strong chance. By the time, I was considering stopping, I was already pretty far in and I wanted to know what happened, just for curiosity's sake. I will say that I thought the book improved with more excitement near the end.

But there was so much that bored me in the beginning that I almost didn't stay for that good stuff. I could not connect with the characters and felt the plot dragged for about the first half. While it did pick up, I was never fully immersed in the story. I do like the skull-very piratey even though I feel like that aspect wasn't strongly emphasized in this book.

Feb 03, Sara Thompson rated it really liked it Shelves: As juvenile fiction goes, this book would be on the top of my list for recommendations. The tale centers around four children — Stephanie, Mark, Daniel, and Billy. They are not exactly the best of friends, more like family. Their favorite pastime is visiting with Mrs. Theodora McNemmish is descended from Blackbeard the pirate and loves to fill her visits with stories of plunder and treasure. Theodora is quite elderly As juvenile fiction goes, this book would be on the top of my list for recommendations.

Theodora is quite elderly and, one day, asks the children to bury her at sea and in return she will give them treasure. McNemmish does pass away, the children set out to fulfill their promise. Theodora is buried at sea so she might join Blackbeard on his ghost ship. However, finding the treasure was harder than it looked. Not only did they have to search but against a cunning, evil man who wants the treasure for himself. She and Blackbeard assist from the beyond. The result is a thrilling humorous tale. Audrey Penn has written a fun story steeped in history.

I do think there were bits of the story that dragged on slightly and places where the information given was far too much but that had less to do with the history and more to do with trying to tie up too many loose ends. Sep 15, Mo rated it liked it Shelves: Four teens suffer the loss of an elderly friend, Mrs. They work hard to carry out her last wishes and find themselves trapped in an extensive tunnel by a descendant of one of Blackbeard's crew.

Can the group of friends really find Blackbeard's treasure? I particularly liked that the story takes place on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I vacation there quite often, as do millions of people, and that added some intimate familiarity for me.

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It is also a great setting for pirate adventures. Blackbeard's last battle took place just off the coast of Ocracoke Island. This one has that magical quality that I remember from all the great adventures I read about in my youth.


Hidden passageways, treasure, false bottoms, all the makings of a fantastic tale. I devoured the book in just a few hours. It was like being along with the group of friends as they went on their journey. Mystery at Blackbeard's Cove is intended for young adults, but if you can remember a time when you were fascinated by daring adventures, this one is for you too.

Aug 28, Karen Wright rated it it was amazing. I didn't really notice that it was a children's book but it was obvious once I started reading it and I still enjoyed it. I quickly found myself wrapped up in it and couldn't read it fast enough. It was a good story with wonderful interesting characters and I loved the island setting.

Mystery at Blackbeard's Cove

The characters are lively and colorful and beautifully described. Parts of the book remind me of what it was like to be a child again w I was given an ARC of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review. Parts of the book remind me of what it was like to be a child again where you had something fantastic to believe in and kind of created an adventure out of it. The children were great, and it was so nice to see how thoughtful and caring they were of not only each other but of Miss Theo both while she was alive and after she had passed away. They were determined to do what they thought was right and wouldn't give up.

I am going to have my daughter read this as well. It kind of had a little history lesson in it as well and had great details of pirates and the Underground Railroad. Apr 24, Brandy rated it really liked it Shelves: Audrey Penn, author of The Kissing Hand, has offered a great adventure for older children that combines suspense with discovery of pirates and history. When a group of children make a promise to an old friend that they will make sure she gets the burial at sea that she wants, they have no idea what kind of escapades they will find themselves in.

Kidnapping coffins, a church fire, secret tunnels and skeletons are just some of the challenges they find themselves facing. Will it all be worth it, an Audrey Penn, author of The Kissing Hand, has offered a great adventure for older children that combines suspense with discovery of pirates and history. Will it all be worth it, and can they find the legendary treasure of Blackbeard himself?

Mystery at Blackbeard's Cove offered lots of adventures and still gave me a surprise or two. Penn has successfully built a contemporary mystery that brings to life the interesting history of this amazing location. Great read offering lots and fun, and its squeaky clean! Dec 28, Margaret Boling rated it really liked it Shelves: I was already thoroughly 'into' the story when the four teens got locked into a secret tunnel.

This is a great book for children where they see how driven the children are to accomplish what they think is right as well as how they look out for each other and are considerate.

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Their love for Miss Thea is amazing and their beliefs are strong to carry out her last wishes. This story really was good and I enjoyed how there were historical elements, both with pirating and the Underground Railroad. It was truly a unique and enchanting book. Was this review helpful? Audrey Penn, author of The Kissing Hand, has offered a great adventure for older children that combines suspense with discovery of pirates and history.

When a group of children make a promise to an old friend that they will make sure she gets the burial at sea that she wants, they have no idea what kind of escapades they will find themselves in. Kidnapping coffins, a church fire, secret tunnels and skeletons are just some of the challenges they find themselves facing. Will it all be worth it, and can they find the legendary treasure of Blackbeard himself?

Mystery at Blackbeard's Cove offered lots of adventures and still gave me a surprise or two. Penn has successfully built a contemporary mystery that brings to life the interesting history of this amazing location. Great read offering lots and fun, and its squeaky clean! I apologize up front by the vast number of!!! It was just that great! The book centers around 4 friends who band together to bury their mentor can you have a pirate mentor??

After kidnapping the body and doing the deed, the real adventure begins as the foursome work together to solve the case of Blackbeard's missing treasure. There are so many things to love about the book, I don't know where to start so here is a list in no certain order of the top 5 things I loved although I easily could have come up with a top 10!

I loved the setting. Having visited the Outer Banks before, I felt like I was right back there. The author made those islands come alive for me again from the dialect to the place names to all the other little things that make that part of the US so unique. I loved the main characters. Everyone in the book ceased being just a character for me right out of the gate. Each one was painted with such a wealth of emotion and detail, I just know they had to all be based on a real person. Stephanie, frustrated herself over not finding gold and Diamonds, kicks the chest, finding a secret doorway down under the cottage.

The four friends take shelter there when Zeek returns, only for him to lock them in, hoping that will keep them out of his hair. But when he thinks he's found where the treasure lies, he runs for his boat to get to it before anyone else- leaving the kids imprisoned beneath the island. In the tunnels, which no one on the island seems to know about, the kids have to find a way out, and Stephanie, even though she is sick, also wants to find treasure.

As the hours pass and a huge storm veers towards the island, the kids must try and find a way out of the crumbling tunnels before they are washed away, or die when the tunnels collapse.

Audrey Penn discusses "Mystery at Blackbeard's Cove" (Part 3)

As their parents organize a desperate search, can the kids find the true secret Blackbeard was hiding, and the treasure that everyone thinks exists? I loved this book, which was a wonderful adventure in a place that is both very different and yet the same environment in which a lot of kids have grown up in at the shore.

Deep Thoughts: Mystery at Blackbeard's Cove by Audrey Penn

But this has the added sting of being different by being set on an island, and one that is pretty far from the coast of North Carolina. Storms at the shore here are fierce, but this almost qualifies as open sea, and is much, much more dangerous. This is an adventure, but its an adventure with very serious consequences. Many adventures for kids are written like it's a lark- while you may suffer some hunger and thirst and feel you are in danger during the story, once it is over, you are none the worse for wear. This story has actual, real consequences: I found this a fascinating story, and I bet a lot of kids would, too.