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As Silver Refined: Learning to Embrace Life's Disappointments (Kay Arthur).
Table of contents

However, family and friends of those suffering from depression could gain a better understanding from this book. I believe it would also be beneficial for spiritual directors of people suffering from depression. This book is not light reading though, so unless you fall in one of the three categories I listed, or just have a general interest in psychology, this book is not for you as it reads like a textbook. The first half of the book is designed to help one better understand exactly what depression is and is not.

Symptoms, both physical and emotional, are listed and explained in detail in the first chapter. Also addressed in the first chapter are the different types of depression and some causes of depression. Chapter Two addresses "Depression and the Spiritual Life" and includes a very interesting take on how Jesus redeemed depression on the Cross.

Kheriaty also makes it a point to convey that.

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The Temperament God Gave You. Strength in Simplicity. When God Is Silent. Finding Confidence in Times of Trial. The Catholic Guide to Loneliness. Avoiding Bitterness in Suffering. True or False Possession? Sign up for weekly specials. Email address required. According to Burkeman, negative feelings aren't feelings to be pushed away or ignored.

Rather, they are vital parts of life that, when properly understood, can ultimately be a gasp! The CBT Toolbox takes on a slightly more technical tone than many of the other workbooks we've listed, partly because it's just as appropriate for those battling depression as it is for those who help those battling depression.

The workbook provides readers with dozens of helpful exercises based upon the clinically proven Cognitive Behavioral Therapy method. By completing each exercise, readers should begin internalizing the tools that could help them overcome depression. This bestselling book by Daniel G.

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Throughout, Amen also includes various scientific studies and cases to show that changing the way your brain thinks can actually change your life. William J. Readers can use this workbook to both evaluate their own depression and find the right tools with which to battle and overcome it.

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Knaus has provided his readers with myriad helpful worksheets, exercises, and prompts for reflection, many of which are very often used by therapists in a doctor-patient setting. According to author Lawrence Wallace, "happiness is a trainable, attainable skill! Each skill is based on mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy, combining two of the most popular methods for overcoming depression.

Wallace, who has battled both anxiety and depression, also includes inspiring personal anecdotes throughout. Peter Lewinsohn's bestselling book Control Your Depression aims to help readers suffering with depression to find their missing zest for life. To achieve this weighty task, Lewinsohn first asks some of the tough questions surrounding depression: What is really happening inside a depressed brain?

What do depressed people think about? He then offers tools with which readers can target specific reasons for their depression and conquer it. For many people, and for many reasons, taking medication in the face of depression is not a welcomed option. That's why Stephen S. Ilardi wrote his bestselling book The Depression Cure. The book discusses six important life elements that have been proven both scientifically and throughout history as ways in which we can slow down the oftentimes overwhelming pace of life in order to get back to the basics.

It's when we can get back to the basics, says Ilardi, that we can overcome depression. While most books about battling depression are written by psychologists, Depression-Free, Naturally is written by a nutritionist. Joan Mathews Larson believes that depression and anxiety are both the result of various imbalances and deficiencies in the human body.

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Throughout her book, Larson offers tips for different foods, minerals, vitamins, and supplements for naturally boosting one's health and mind, thereby defeating depression for good. One of a few workbook-type books to make our list, The Depression Workbook by Mary Ellen Copeland is aimed at those in need of the motivation it takes to take control of their health.

Through personalized activities, readers of The Depression Workbook will not only begin to understand their depression, but will also learn the best ways to combat it by boosting their self-confidence and learning to mindfully relax in order to avoid mood swings and uncomfortable situations. There is also a helpful section through which readers can develop their own plan for managing their depression.

The mind is a powerful thing when it comes to overcoming our moods and emotions; if you can change the way you think, then you can change the way you feel.

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The Stanford-based psychiatrist explains through easy-to-understand writing the ways in which our minds tend to distort our thoughts and lead to depression, anxiety, and anger. He then offers a series of mental exercises and challenges his readers to consciously replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts in order to "learn to feel good. Between keeping up with our peers on Facebook, managing our households, and dealing with work, the world in which we live is extremely fast-paced.

Though most of us realize that such an environment can be stressful, few realize the dominating effect it can have on our mood and overall health. In his bestselling book Full Catastrophe Living , author Jon Kabat-Zinn offers helpful habit-forming tips that can make living in a busy and competitive world less stressful. In the book, God Where is My Boaz , Stephan discusses the different reasons that may hinder you from having the love of your life. The book helps you feel encouraged, empowered, and focused.

It uncovers what it takes to truly become a woman of faith, strength, and grace. Donna talks about family, faith, fitness, and even fashion in this book.

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The life of a woman can easily become too busy and overwhelming. With so many demands that need to be met, it is so easy to put the optional over the mandatory. In the book, Women Who Move Mountains , Sue Detweiler explores the life-changing power of prayer and how it can draw you closer to God. There are numerous women mentioned in the Bible and Ann Spanger, in her book Women of the Bible , gives you a glimpse into the life of some of these women.

The book features 52 remarkable women in the Bible, whose lives teach valuable lessons for Christian women today. Ann Spanger skillfully weaves the failures and successes of these biblical characters and come up with compelling insights and perspectives. The book of Eric Metaxas enumerates seven of the most influential women in history.

The book, Seven Women , discusses how women, through their examples, can make an impact not just on their family but also in the world. The book allows you to put your trust in God as you wait for His perfectly timed answers, cover your life with prayer, and maintain the right relationship with our Creator. There you have it; a quick rundown to some of the most popular and best Christian books for women. While I am sure that every book has their flaws , they are helpful nevertheless. It is important to always go back to the real source of all wisdom and knowledge, the Bible.

It should lay the foundation of our Christian doctrine, faith, and knowledge. Let us use these books as a guide and supplementary to what we can learn from the Word of God. I hope you enjoyed our list. I might even add them to my list.