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And then you can see how the pain mechanism becomes functional—it's going to draw your attention to that. Emotions are not some mysterious ghost-like thing. Emotions are a physical phenomenon. From an evolutionary perspective, he explains, it makes sense that relationships might provoke reactions from the same areas involved with physical pain. You need to do something about this. And, MacDonald argues, that pain is probably a healthy response, especially early on in a relationship when people are susceptible to becoming obsessive about their partners.

When it hurts

Feeling some physical agony—such as chest pains or queasiness—may help a person adjust their expectations of their relationship, motivate them to talk to their partner about their needs or make them reassess how valuable the relationship is, he says. The question is, how concerned should we be when we experience physical discomfort we think is related to love? Emotions are a physical phenomenon," he says. One of the bigger takeaways, MacDonald continues, is that these love-induced pains are functional. These negative emotions are part of an adaptive response and healing process," he says.

Try to understand why the need is so great. Jul 09, ISBN A few bleeding slices straight from the butcher shop. A sampler from an enormous archive of work that will, no doubt, be pored over by grad students, book lovers, film historians, music nerds and straight-up perverts a hundred years from now. Inserted between these biting personal essays, Lunch thoughtful cultural insights convey a widely-shared desire to forestall inevitable cultural amnesia and solidify a legacy for her predecessors and peers. Her interview with Hubert Selby Jr. The worthy idols of the past have been obscured by more profitable historical narratives, but Lunch challenges us to dig deeper.

Amid these punchy personal revelations, the author layers honed essays with a broader scope. Lunch fans will enjoy her unleashed musings and the healthy rage that abound in these fierce essays. This slim collection of potent essays, profane rants and astute cultural critiques sometimes reads like the writings of a hypnotic Beat poet.

Her latest release, So Real It Hurts , is just so: an anthology of new and established writings that include everything from violent feminist revenge fantasies to diatribes on pollution and politics and yes, Trump in the Anthropocene epoch. She delivers dark sermons of death, perversity, and need with relish.

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So Real It Hurts makes it obvious that Lunch has always been more than a heckler. She is a journalist at heart, a documentarian of the darkest impulses, unafraid to catalogue ugliness, to be ugly, and to mock. She has created her own genre of nonfiction and at present is its sole inhabitant. Paperback —. Add to Cart. Product Details.

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Building a Life Worth Living. Marsha M.

Born Jewish. Marcel Liebman. On Thomas Merton. Mary Gordon. The Kids Are in Bed. Rachel Bertsche. Hill Women. Cassie Chambers. Lee Warren, M. Robert A. To Shake the Sleeping Self. Tonsillitis is an infection and inflammation of the tonsils, which are two lymph nodes at the back of the throat.

Tell Me Where It Hurts

Tonsillitis is a common cause of painful swallowing. Tonsillitis is a contagious condition. Viruses or bacterial infections, including strep throat, can cause tonsillitis. Epiglottitis is a throat infection that causes inflammation of the epiglottis, which is the flap in the back of the throat that prevents food from going down the windpipe. Yeast infections in the mouth, throat, or food pipe can also lead to discomfort swallowing. Yeast is a type of fungus that can grow out of control if the conditions inside the body change in a way that promotes yeast growth.

The food pipe, also called the esophagus, is the pipe that carries food and liquid from the mouth to the stomach. Esophagitis is inflammation of the esophagus. The most common cause of esophagitis is gastric reflux disease, which is a condition that allows stomach acid to flow back up the food pipe. Although less common than other causes, an injury to the throat can also lead to pain when swallowing.

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  6. Eating or drinking something that is too hot can burn the inside of the throat or food pipe. People can also scratch or cut the back of their throat when eating a cracker or chip that has a sharp edge. Depending on the location and extent of the injury, there may only be pain on one side of the throat or further down in the food pipe. An accurate diagnosis is vital to treat pain when swallowing.

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    Doctors may recommend various tests to make a diagnosis. After reviewing a person's medical history and carrying out a physical examination, they may perform the following diagnostic tests:. Medication is the standard treatment for certain types of infection. Doctors usually recommend antifungal medications to treat yeast infections and antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, including strep throat.

    When people have recurring tonsillitis, or it does not respond well to medication, a doctor may recommend removing the tonsils in a procedure called a tonsillectomy. Painful swallowing often resolves in a few days, especially if it occurs due to a cold. However, in some cases, professional medical help is necessary to determine the cause and provide treatment. It is also important to recognize when painful swallowing can be a sign of a medical emergency. A person should seek immediate medical care if pain when swallowing occurs alongside:.

    Although it can be uncomfortable, pain when swallowing is typically only temporary. Depending on the cause, painful swallowing often goes away in a few days.