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Nearly all the gun violence happened on the West and South sides. in the worst shooting of the most violent weekend in Chicago this year.
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We have been getting death threats from all over the area because of your bullshit article. Days later, Kuzma confronted Mader in person. Kuzma, in uniform, had responded to a call at the training school where Mader was taking classes to become a long-haul truck driver. Kuzma chose to videotape the encounter, later saying he wanted evidence in case anyone questioned what took place.

Kuzma angrily accused Mader of having sought to cover up his own failings. Mader did his best to explain himself. In the moment, Mader said, he had wanted to protect Kuzma from the knowledge that, in killing Williams, he had just given a suicidal man the exact and awful outcome he had desired. The raw, spontaneous shouting match in a West Virginia truck lot got at the heart of so many police shootings — the duty to protect.

The duty for cops to protect each other. And their duty to protect citizens, even disturbed and dangerous ones. Could a cop decide not to shoot if he or she feared most for the life of the civilian holding the gun or knife or bat?

Almost West Virginians had died in the war, and Weirton, like many of the steel towns around it, had sent many of its boys to Southeast Asia. To this day, its enlistment rates are high. The city, in turn, has worked hard to pay tribute to its soldiers. Thus was born the Weirton Military Banner Program.

Banners, measuring 2 feet by 3 feet and displayed around the city each year from Memorial Day to Veterans Day, carry the names, service information and photos of local veterans. Chris Connell, a resident who had pitched in to help the VFW post get the program going, noted proudly that Weirton was the first West Virginia city to do so. Mader still lived in Weirton, and he had no desire to leave. He and Kaycie had had a second boy three days before the article was published. He had begun training to become an MP with the National Guard. The military, it seemed, was still happy to have him carry a gun.

I was aghast. I think we need to represent this guy. Mader said Coleman contacted him via Facebook Messenger. She wanted to talk. In the weeks after his firing, Mader had sought to find a local lawyer to take up his case. He said he was repeatedly turned down. Some of the lawyers he approached had the city as a longtime client. He counted 20 rejections.

It was his litigation that helped lead to a federal consent decree governing reform of widespread misconduct in the Pittsburgh Police Department. And up until he did not shoot and kill this young African-American man, he was accepted as someone who should be on that police force. Cases, opinions, law journal articles — the lawyers came up empty.

He had been unfairly fired, his lawyers wrote, and then targeted for retaliation by city officials out to destroy his reputation. There was some support for making it a Black Lives Matter issue, focusing on Williams.

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That was too much risk for them. I think they want to depend on that. If you can shoot, you should shoot. But then they were handed what amounted to a gift. The city of Weirton filed a response to the lawsuit, denying the claims. She said the authorities treated them more as relatives of a criminal suspect than as the grieving kin of a suicidal young man, dead at Williams car, parked in front of Marie, was impounded.

State police investigators compiled records of every brush he might have had with the law: a DUI that was dismissed; a purported role as a getaway driver during an assault in Ohio. The official state police report included a claim by authorities in Ohio that had they encountered Williams when he was alive, they would have arrested him. What possible relevance, the family wondered, did the unsubstantiated claim have to an investigation of whether the Weirton officers had acted properly in a fatal shooting?

The family had called the state police but was told that Gibson, who was conducting the investigation, had gone on vacation days after the incident. Fearing that the investigation was less than objective, the family decided to tape-record some of the interactions with the state police. The trooper on the phone, exasperated, said he had explained that Gibson was on vacation. Natasha took a breath and tried again.

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Please just put yourself in my shoes for a second and have some compassion. She waited. The line was silent. The trooper had put her on hold. He never came back to the call. It was in their interests, he said, to withhold information and dig up dirt on Williams so they would have a consistent story to go public with eventually. Dolance saw the shooting this way: The two backup officers raced to the scene full of fear, adrenaline and a readiness to shoot; that their two patrol cars almost crashed was evidence of their eagerness.

Screaming at Williams to drop the gun and advancing on him and Mader fundamentally altered the dynamic at Marie. And Kuzma wasted no time taking charge and taking action. Williams was not a threat. Which, as it turns out, he was absolutely correct about. He was holding an unloaded gun, and was having, from all accounts, the worst night of his life.

And it could have been avoided. Davis, who has held the job since , said his practice is to rely on state police investigations when weighing any possible charges against an officer in a shooting. He said each of the three other fatal police shootings he could remember reviewing were deemed justified. His restraint felt distinctive and powerful. They thought he might become a kind of spokesman for the better handling of police shootings. But he made clear that he would be of no help in any effort by the family to sue Kuzma or the department.

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He tells it how it is, and he had no agenda. Sometimes you have to accept the facts as they are, not as you would like them to be.

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Informing Ida Poole and her children that Mader would not aid their cause, Dolance said, was excruciating. In the year since his firing, Mader had made headway in navigating a new life in his hometown. He covered 3, miles a week and spent five nights away from his family. Still, there was the matter of his good name. To clear it, he had won the right to take sworn accounts from his accusers.

Kuzma, the officer who had shot Williams and who had called Mader a coward, went first.

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It began, as almost all depositions do, with some simple biography. Kuzma said he was in his 12th year on the Weirton force. He was married, with children. The police chief and city manager had claimed in their news conference a year earlier that Mader had been a problem officer. If he had been, Kuzma should have known.


Asked if, before the shooting, Kuzma had ever thought Mader was not suited to be an officer on the Weirton force, Kuzma said he had not. The questioning led Kuzma through a second-by-second recounting of the events in front of Marie. And when they were done, Kuzma wound up in a place he likely could not have expected. Kuzma told the lawyer he first saw Mader with his gun pointed at something, and only later saw that he was pointing it at Williams. Under questioning, Kuzma said that if Mader had not regarded Williams as a threat, perhaps he should have tackled him.

A shocking story of police and lethal force. Just not the one you might expect.

Or moved to stand between Williams and the arriving officers. Maybe he could have shouted something about his belief that Williams was suicidal, Kuzma said. Kuzma, though, said he was dead certain what Mader should have done once Williams raised his gun and started walking toward the officers: He should have shot him.

Williams was pointing a gun at me. Mader had with him prior to me arriving, but I can say very confidently that once Mr. Williams left Officer Mader and focused on me and started pointing the gun at me, I think the realm of decision making for Mr. Mader changes rapidly, and that he would have a duty to protect me.

Mader is that he did not use deadly force at the first instant that you believe it should have been used, correct? Williams raised the gun from his side and started going back and forth?