An Abundant Woman

An Abundant Woman [Elizabeth N. Walker, Elizabeth Neff Walker] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Women's fiction.
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You continue to focus on the image, idea or feeling regularly, giving it positive energy until it becomes objective reality … in other words, until you actually achieve what you have been imagining. By visualizing yourself acting, speaking and writing with confidence and competence in an area where you are fearful, your visual image will eventually be accepted by your subconscious mind. The way you see yourself and think about yourself, is eventually altered by visualizing these positive mental pictures. Lisa Nichols is the CEO of Motivating the Masses, one of the top training and development companies in the world, a best-selling author of 6 books and one of the most sought-after transformational speakers whose global platform has reached and served millions.

Learn how to reprogram your subconscious beliefs with the latest cutting-edge science, so you remove one of the deepest-rooted barriers to your success. If you internalize a new view of yourself, you automatically change your behavior to line up with this new perspective. How you view yourself is largely an automatic process controlled by the subconscious. If you can change that, then creating new habits becomes much easier for you. If you can get those suggestions into your subconscious mind without the judgements of the conscious mind, you can change from being a procrastinator to being a successful achiever.

Hypnosis is stronger than willpower because it put the suggestions straight into your subconscious. By the time your conscious mind is aware of the suggestions, they will have been accepted by your subconscious already, so the judgmental self talk by the conscious mind will not be an issue. Hypnosis is an effective and lasting way to overcome procrastination. If you are unable to go to a hypnotist, Dr.

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Jones has some excellent audios for self hypnosis. His self hypnosis audio to alleviate procrastination can be found here. Hypnosis is a state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced external awareness having an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion, as explained in Wikipedia.

During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and concentration.

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The person can concentrate intensely on a specific thought or memory, while blocking out sources of distraction. Hypnotized subjects are said to show an increased response to suggestions. A hypnotized person displays certain propensities, most notably heightened suggestibility and responsiveness. It is because of this this heightened state of mind that you can use hypnosis to make changes to your self beliefs, and patterns of thinking safely and naturally.

After experiencing hypnosis, some people are able to induce hypnosis on themselves. Rather the hypnotist serves as a sort of coach or tutor whose job is to help the person become hypnotized. Hypnosis works by relaxing you into a state where your brain shifts its activity. On a brain scan, a person in hypnosis shows the brainwave activity as experienced in the early years of our lives when our minds were able to sponge up information and immediately integrate it.

This same accelerated learning occurs in hypnosis, bypassing the conscious mind so that unconscious beliefs and perceptions change. Some of the most dramatic effects that can be seen with hypnosis are changes in sensation and perception. Some of the sensory changes include temporary blindness, deafness or loss of feeling in a part of the body.

The changes in feeling can be very helpful for people who need anesthesia for surgical procedures or for chronic pain. Studies on hypnosis have shown that a hypnotized person being told pain cannot be felt, will not consciously experience the pain of a pinprick or having the arm immersed in ice water. When it comes to perceptions, a hypnotized person can be told a good friend is sitting across the room, and this person will not only see this friend but can give vivid detail of the friend and even touch this friend.

The opposite can be experienced also. If told something with a foul odor does not smell, the hypnotized person will not consciously perceive any odor. Although effects of true hypnosis can be very dramatic, there are limits to the behaviors influenced by hypnosis. You cannot be hypnotized against your will. You will not behave in manners contrary to your moral and ethical values.

An Abundant Woman

Hypnosis cannot make you stronger or give you new talents. The body is designed to heal itself. Although this is an automatic process, hypnotic techniques can enhance and accelerate this process. By directing the subconscious mind to focus energy on a specific system in the body, more natural healing resources will go there. As an example, if you used hypnosis to help the healing of an injury or burn, you could accelerate the process so the healing happens in half the time it would take for the normal, unassisted healing to occur.

Steven Gurgevich, along with other doctors, the medical use of hypnosis can benefit asthma, back pain, brain injury, burns, cancer, childbirth, erectile function, eyesight, fertility, fibroid healing, headache, hypertension, immune system, irritable bowel syndrome, liver conditions, migraines, multiple sclerosis, neck conditions, pain, pregnancy, side effects of chemo or radiation treatment, skin conditions, spinal cord injuries, stimulating hair growth, strokes, surgery and recovery, tinnitus,and ulcers, just to list a few of the medical benefits.

There are also the benefits of changing behavioral patterns, which will promote a longer, healthy lifestyle — addictions, anxiety, depression, insomnia, smoking cessation, stress, weight loss. You want to be sure to consult a licensed clinician. The can supply you with information of health care professionals in your area.

Although still in the beginning stages, some insurance companies are covering hypnosis to treat am assortment of disorders. For those unable to visit a hypnotist, there are also reputable hypnotherapists who provide recordings that can be used to hypnotize and help with the healing process.

The ones I have used and found very helpful are Dr. Jones and Natural Hypnosis. Because of the healing benefits I have received with headaches, skin and pain from using recordings made by these two sites, I have become an affiliate. I will make a commission if you should choose to purchase any products. They do offer some free hypnosis sessions, should you wish to try them out first.

They both have exceptional and reliable recorded sessions that can help with healing. The ancient Greeks used the mind-body connection for healing on a regular basis as a normal way of healing, and it was considered an important aspect in the health of an individual. This was put to the wayside when modern medicine made its appearance. This ideal has just recently started to be taken seriously again, and is being proven in studies and research.

The following visualization therapy information was supplied by The Silva Life System of which I am an affiliate because of their outstanding research, programs and reputation. There was a 61 year old man diagnosed with a terminal case of throat cancer with his weight dropping to under lbs. He could hardly swallow or breathe. After giving considerable consideration, the doctors decided to try the radiation therapy. Simonton told the patient he had the ability to control the progress of his disease and gave him a few relaxation and creative visualization techniques.

The Blog of Becoming An Abundant Woman!

The Patient experienced almost no ill side effects from the treatment. He regained his weight and the cancer was gone. The Simonton Center www. The placebo effect has been known about for years. Doctors know a patient can manifest self-healing by simply believing they will be healed. A patient would take a sugar pill thinking it would cure their ills, and it would. It also goes with knowing about ills and diseases, and contracting them as I wrote about in my last post.

It is the beliefs you have about something that makes it harmful or not. If you believe it is harmful, it will tend to be true. There was a study using 40 subjects. They were all given a saline solution to inhale and were told it was allergenic. All modern drugs today are tested against a placebo before being released to the public and many former medications have been taken off the market when it was found the healing properties were only due to the placebo effect.

The Abundant Woman | Thrive Global

I remember a great aunt who always seemed to get her illness and health issues based on what she heard about from friends and family. We found it amusing and thought she was just imagining she had these illnesses, when in fact she actually did have some of them. J Bruce Moseley had 10 patients scheduled for an operation to relieve arthritic pain in their knees. Two of the patients underwent arthroscopic surgery, scraping and rinsing of the knee joint, three had rinsing alone, five had no procedure done at all with just a cut on the knee to give them the impression they had gone through the surgery.

Six months after the surgery, all the patients reported a large decrease in the pain in their knees without the five without the surgery knowing they had not had it performed on them. Did you know a good hypnotist can actually get a person to tan their skin? In a study, one in five people developed a blister from touching the item. Hypnosis is being used in place of anesthesia in surgery. It is also used to help with skin conditions, bronchial conditions, pain management, weightloss, illness and disease.

Kristen Prevallet states on her website http: Six years ago, I was diagnosed with Trochanteric Bursitis in the right hip, which caused severe pain to radiate down my thigh. For the next six years, I had the coritsone shots, anti-inflammatory medications and an experimental plasma shot, none of which helped.

The Orthopedic Surgeon said the next step would be surgery. After having had surgery on my shoulder and elbow, it was the last thing I wanted.

Finally, with the use of hypnosis tapes, I was able to use the mind-body connection to heal the bursitis and have had no pain in my hip and thigh for the past 4 months. I have also been able to alleviate all symptoms of diabetes and fibromyalgia. I use the tapes recorded by Dr. Jones, who is an internationally known hypnotherapist of the highest calibre. I was so impressed with the results I have seen that I am now an affiliate of his.

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You can find an extraordinary list of hypnosis tapes at http: This is mind-body healing, and everybody has the ability to heal themselves in order to live an abundant life that everyone deserves. I recently had the opportunity to read a book written by a truly abundant and inspirational woman. Click HERE to read my review of the book. I would like to share an abbreviated version of her life. Anita was born to Indian parents in Singapore. Her paternal grandfather was a textile merchant, and her father traveled the world. When he was finally able to settle down, Anita was 2 years old, and he chose to move to Hong Kong.

Because of the vast diversity of the population there, she learned to speak English, Sindhi and Cantonese. Growing up in Hong Kong, Anita was immersed in 3 different cultures. Since Hong Kong was a British colony, she was exposed to the English way of life at the British Catholic schools she and her brother, Anoop, attended.

At the same time, the majority of the population, along with the housekeeper, Ah Fong, was Cantonese and practiced Buddhism and Taoism. And, as I said she was born to Indian parents. Since she spent much time with Ah Fong after school, shopping and visiting Ah Fongs parents and child, she was very familiar with their way of life and traditions.

And, although Anita and her brother, Anoop, went to British Catholic schools in the majority Buddhist Hong Kong, the family practiced the traditional Hindu religion. As Anita grew, continuing to practice the Hindu religion and traditions, she began to question her path. She wanted to continue her education and go on to college. Her father wanted her to get married and become the traditional, subservient wife of a man in a respectable Hindu family. During this time in her life, she met the man she was to marry, Danny Moorjani. She had her misgivings when they first started dating as he was Sindhi.

She was sure he was looking for the perfect, submissive woman to be his wife. As they grew closer, though, she found he also questioned and even rejected a lot of the Hindu traditions when it came to women and marriage, and embraced the modernized life in which his wife could pursue her dreams and be a contributing member of society with her work. In January of , Danny proposed to Anita. Of course, she was devastated thinking how much she had disappointed him when he was alive. On December 6, , Anita and Danny were married in a traditional Indian ceremony with festivities that lasted almost a week.

She was so happy, thinking they were going to live happily ever after….. For the first time, Anita was living in a different country than the rest of her family, which devastated her. Also, during this time, those in her culture were constantly reminding her she should be having children as it was expected right after marriage. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. An Abundant Woman really liked it 4. Amanda Potters marriage is unraveling, her career being sabotaged.

In America her boss is biased against large women, and Dr. Hunter, whos not, insists she take a hard look at her perceptions of weight, sex, and fidelity.

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To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about An Abundant Woman , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Sep 27, Debra rated it really liked it Shelves: Make a conscious effort to remember even the smallest of things that made you smile on each day. You can make deposits into it every day.

The effort of writing entries in this journal will help you attract even more things that will make you happy. Forgive any resentments or grudges. Not forgiving someone or something takes a lot effort — both mentally and emotionally. The majority of people on this Earth have a hard time forgiving because they fear if they do forgive, they run the risk of being hurt again. People associate forgiveness with weakness and uncertainty, especially if someone has really caused harm or injury.

But, who is really the victim when you hold a grudge against a circumstance or a person? Who is being harmed on a daily basis? Forgiveness resolves all of the negativity and complications. It frees you from the bondage of resentment and allows you to heal inside. Just remember, after forgiving those around you, you must also learn to forgive yourself. How can you feel scarcity if you share what you have? Whatever type of positive abundance you have, share some. Not only does it make you feel abundant, but also very good about helping others. Keeping external reminders around can help.

One idea is to put post-it notes around home and work. Another idea is to put a rubber band or bracelet on your wrist. Congratulations on a great start to your website. You make some really valuable observations and your positive approach will ensure the successful development of your site and business. Life just gets better! John, I am grateful for your words of encouragement!

Enjoying the unlimited abundance as we age is the secret to attracting and manifesting an even more rich and fulfilling life.