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Feb 8, - Diversions of a naturalist [microform]. by: Lankester, E. Ray (Edwin Ray), Sir, Publication date: Topics: Natural history.
Table of contents

Throughout Rochester there are more than 3, acres of nationally recognized parks which include parks, playgrounds, scenic overlooks and more. Instead of throwing your documents into a trash can, curbside recycling bin, or hoarding them at home, bring them to Shred Fest. At the University of Rochester and surrounding community, there are many ways to celebrate Earth Day.

The Swaraj Project has been created on an overgrown lot which had been used as a garden in past years. For the seventh year in a row, the University of Rochester has been recognized as a Tree Campus Institution. From March 1 through March 12, a drawing will be held to promote the UR Sustainable social media pages and gain more followers. New energy efficient lighting has recently been installed in the Memorial Art Gallery MAG , with various lamps and light fixtures updated throughout the museum.

Naturalist #5

Green Reps act as sustainability advocates, teachers, and liaisons in their department. Their mission will now be supported by a permanent program coordinator. Have you ever wondered where the University of Rochester gets its drinking water? E-Cycle Day helps promote sustainability by diverting thousands of pounds of waste from ending up in landfills. In order to set those goals, an inventory of current greenhouse gas emissions was needed.

Several programs, notably City Cycles, encourage and note cycling to, and on, campus. E-Cycle Day is an opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and affiliates of the University to safely and conveniently recycle unwanted personal electronics. There have been several recent developments in the world of sustainability at the University. This year, a total of 18, pounds was collected. This past year, numerous LED retrofitting projects have been completed , replacing outdated lights with more sustainable ones, saving energy and money.

Since , Paul Spaulding has managed a furniture exchange program for the River Campus. This allows for a free exchange of furniture among University departments. University Facilities and Services is holding its sixth annual Shred Fest from a. This achievement was made possible with the help of multiple department leaders and sustainability interns. The University provides various opportunities for employees, faculty, and students alike to increase their environmental awareness.

Intersections of Contemporary Art, Anthropology and Art History in South Asia

In the majority of University recycling did not come from paper, plastic, glass, or metal. Instead, asphalt and concrete made up the bulk of materials recycled. The reason? In effort to help those in need see better, University Facilities and Services holds a recycling program to collect eyeglasses twice per year. So far, three collections have been completed. A few different departments have been working to make exchanges of furniture and other items both more convenient and sustainable.

The financial advantages are also substantial. Mark your calendars! Along with the change in weather more of those small electric cars, looking somewhat like golf carts, will be seen zipping around campus. New courses that address environmental sustainability have been developed in other departments across Arts, Sciences and Engineering.

We hope that the break has rejuvenated you with enough energy to trounce the competition in the intercollegiate annual recycling tournament, RecycleMania! What is not quite as known to most is that South Campus is also home to an ecologically rich, biodiverse old-growth forest. Do you know what to do with those household electronics cluttering up your drawers and cabinets? University Facilities and Services has the answer!

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Keeping track of all this information is no easy feat! The University currently composts about 2. This system prevents all of this waste from going to a landfill! Fierce competition, distinguished rankingsā€¦ and recycling? What happens when you want to recycle something like a computer, a cell phone, or a TV?

Use of Oxford e-resources

During this event, all University staff and faculty are invited to bring in their personal documents from home to be disposed of in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. Find out when and where.

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Read this year's impressive numbers. Architects, engineers, and construction workers have worked to provide an ideal setting for research, while constructing a green building. Earth Day is a day to honor planet Earth and appreciate all that it has given to us.

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It is also a day to reflect and think about what we can do to help preserve and protect our treasured planet. The total recycling percent has steadily been growing since when it was only Read how we're doing now! Our turnout was so popular the Sunnking truck was filled five separate times. Read more about this tremendously productive event.

While rechargeable batteries require more of an initial investment, for most uses they will pay for themselves in a short amount of time. We can even recycle them! Increase your rechargeable batteries IQ. Check 'em out for yourself. Ever wonder how those plastic bottles you faithfully recycle get processed? Wonder no more! Read the numbers here.

Decoding Visual Worlds

This Saturday, March 27, Earth Hour will once again sweep across the world, from one time zone to the next. Robert Maloney is studying for an important test. Did you know that the University sponsors a mortgage program for homes in the 19th Ward and the South Wedge? Consider the benefits of living near the University. Some microforms may have sensitive or confidential information on them, and cannot simply be thrown away.

Find out more. Like leaving home, leaving the office for vacation merits a bit of preparation. A team of dedicated staff, led by Recycling Coordinator Amy Kadrie, has worked for months to make sure that the highest quality containers were put in the most convenient and safest spots possible in Flaum Atrium. Find them and use them! The University's temperature guidelines are an important part of helping to reduce our energy bill. The Zipcar program is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint by driving less and reducing the number of cars on the road.

Do you have old computers, laptops, telephones or other electronic equipment sitting around your basement, garage, or dorm room? Read more about disposing of old devices safely and at no cost to you. If you live in or around Greece, the Park-n-Ride is a great way to get to work. Thanks to the support of students, the River Campus will be installing gooseneck-spigots on 18 water fountains. The only thing one has to do with a refillable water bottle is.. The gooseneck-spigots are designed to help you do just that.

Learn more about the new water bottle refill stations on campus. The calculation is staggering when determining the amount of time spent in them! That enormity is topped only by the amount of food and paper waste associated with these scheduled blocks. Where can an individual or department get furniture for less? No, it's not your local big-box store, it's the University's Surplus Property Program! Sometimes innovation turns a problem into a green opportunity.