Little Rituals

Little Rituals. likes. Melbourne based rock band from Melbourne, in Melbourne. Rock band. Melbourne. Listen to our debut album Black, White & Grey.
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Why do tiny rituals work better at decreasing stress than BIG changes? Because they subtly disrupt your busy-ness just long enough to start harvesting the power of mindfulness without requiring a lot of energy on your part. In short, they are doable because they feel doable. So, give these little rituals a try.

Pick one of these tiny rituals, or get creative and design your own.

Play with your day! This guest article originally appeared on YourTango. Find help or get online counseling now. By Cynthia Ackrill for YourTango. Stress is powerful — manage it or it manages you, right?

Step Three: Little Rituals

Retrieved on September 17, , from https: Hot Topics Today 1. Coping With the Rejection Of a Child. More Than Just a Dream: Should We Apologize for Symptoms of Mental We can build rituals to connect the mind, to connect the body, which are critical to put the pieces of us that were broken back together.

Mindfulness is important; so, too, is learning how to be bodyful. We can also create rituals that help us appreciate our present, instead of resenting what our life has become, which serves no-one, especially ourselves.

And we can learn to build boundaries, instead of wearing the heavy armour that weighs us down and keeps us looking over our shoulders. And this holds so true.

Little Rituals’s tracks

I had just a one hour conversation with a girl in my Community. In that conversation we talked about many things, she was going through a low period. Recently, she wrote this:. I had an hour session with Emily on Skype and she suggested I commit to doing one thing every single day that I know makes me feel better so I chose yoga and meditation. When we do commit to doing that one thing every single day, and we do it, then we create real, transformative change for ourselves.

Try These 3 Little Rituals to Combat Bigtime Stress

We can create rituals and habits that help us to create beliefs that serve us, rather than disempower us. Whichever of those beliefs we hold, will prove true.


The third step in the path to recovery, en route to living a ReConnected Life, is doing the things, every day, that little by little make us better and better. We can start to re-build our self-confidence and self-worth and make decisions that stop us living a small, narrow, or half-life, and instead stretch our boundaries into living a fuller life. Little rituals have immense power.

More By Little Rituals

Life Labs is Psychologies' expert blogging platform, where we are inspired by and interact with global experts as we seek to learn how to thrive, flourish and live our best life. Brought to you by Psychologies. Mahatma Gandhi famously said: Your beliefs become your thoughts Your thoughts become your words Your words become your actions Your actions become your habits Your habits become your values Your values become your destiny And this holds so true. Recently, she wrote this: Emily is the founder of ReConnected Life.

Emily is a fierce advocate of survivors and is using her voice to break the silence and speak for survivors on issues relating to both recovery and societal attitudes and myths — as such she is a regular blogger for Psychologies Life Labs, Metro and Huffington Post. Emily has a strong vision of ending rape culture within a generation by empowering the rest of society to stand up for survivors whenever they are presented with misogyny and ignorance and is the upcoming author of ReConnected: You can find out more about her work and the services she offers here: Thea Jolly over 1 year ago.

Little Rituals - Melbourne, VIC - Music

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