The Digital Scholar: How Technology is Transforming Scholarly Practice

While industries such as music, newspapers, film and publishing have seen radical changes in their business models and practices as a direct result of new.
Table of contents

This book will explore these changes, their implications for higher education, the possibilities for new forms of scholarly practice and what lessons can be drawn from other sectors. Lessons from Pioneers Around the World.

The Digital Scholar

Charles Leadbeater Photographs by Romain Staropoli. Arguing about the World: The Work and Legacy of Meghnad Desai. Mary Kaldor and Polly Vizard eds. Globalization and Economic Diversification: Policy Challenges for Economies in Transition. Rob Vos and Malinka Koparanova eds. The Limits of Engagement. Please note that ebooks are subject to tax and the final price may vary depending on your country of residence. While industries such as music, newspapers, film and publishing have seen radical changes in their business models and practices as a direct result of new technologies, higher education has so far resisted the wholesale changes we have seen elsewhere.

However, a gradual and fundamental shift in the practice of academics is taking place. Every aspect of scholarly practice is seeing changes effected by the adoption and possibilities of new technologies.

About The Digital Scholar

This book will explore these changes, their implications for higher education, the possibilities for new forms of scholarly practice and what lessons can be drawn from other sectors. How Technology is Changing Academic Practice 1. Lists with This Book. Oct 23, Dirk rated it really liked it Shelves: The book refreshingly avoids the widespread hype about web.

I highly recommend the book to academics whether they use, plan to use or resist to use technology in their work. I have been readi mweller has written a fabulous book discusses the challenges and opportunities, myths and realities of the impact of technology on higher education. I have been reading the kindle version of the book.

Unfortunately, the kindle book does not have a table of content.


The book is available for free from Martin Weller's website http: Apr 20, Malcolm rated it really liked it Shelves: As a result, it is rare to find higher education programmes that do not, in some for, exist on-line — although this is usually an in-house VLE in a market dominated by names such as Blackboard, Moodle, WebCT and other neo-tech-speak that marks the cognoscenti from the luddite. The heated form of these demands and demands means that someone like Martin Weller, and avowed Ed Techie to mangle the name of his blog — see http: It is this final point that makes to book so useful.

In exploring these issues he takes us through a sceptical analysis of the impacts and meanings of abundance, of public engagement, of interdisciplinarity, of openness and of networks — noting that this is a form of scientific-method-scepticism the questions, challenges and critiques the taken-for-granteds of popular and powerful claims. In dong so he considers not only the shifts that are claimed for teaching and research, but also developments such as on-line conferencing, publications, the debates around open access journals and the implications of these shifts for the ways we understand how academics work and questions such as career development and promotion.

All of this is then drawn together into a useful discussion of want he calls digital resilience at government and funding body, institutional, disciplinary and individual levels. The key point through all of this that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, which is, in a sense, the logical consequence of his rejection of any form of technological determinism. In short, this is a compelling case that new digital forms and technologies offer us, as academics, valuable ways to work, study and teach differently all the whole noting that this difference is shaped by our social, cultural and economic worlds.

Just as I am sure that the jeremiads are wrong, I am also sure that missionary zeal of those who tell us these technologies are fundamentally changing our world is also misplaced. While I accept that there may be a generational divide, I am also reminded that my students who complain that too much of my popular culture classes are only on-line suggest that it is not monolithic and may not be as great as is often claimed but this is little more than anecdotal evidence: Weller is much more rigorous in this book that is not only scholarly and big-picture, but is also packed with useful and important ways to work and apply the technological new-ness we live with.

Valuable and highly recommended. Jun 12, Betshy Sanchez Marrugo rated it it was amazing. One of the most powerful books to read , especially for those interested in digital era success. Dec 02, Debbie Morrison rated it really liked it Shelves: Every aspect of scholarly practice is seeing changes effected by the adoption and implementation of new technologies Weller, It is the effects that Weller speaks of that are challenging traditions and creating rifts within the academic world.

The Digital Scholar: How Technology Is Transforming Scholarly Practice - Open Research Online

Weller addresses every aspect Every aspect of scholarly practice is seeing changes effected by the adoption and implementation of new technologies Weller, Weller addresses every aspect within academia [including publishing and research], how each is changing, and incorporates suggestions of how-to adapt to each. Educators will be better prepared to handle change, and even use it to their advantage when they are familiar with how a given technology is influencing an established practice within academia. Though this book is available from Amazon in various formats e-book, softcover and hardcover , you can read it free of charge through Bloomsbury Academic [Bloomsbury publishes a select number of its research publications under open content licenses].

I highly recommend this resource for educators working within Higher Education.

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At least one chapter, if not more, would be relevant to educators, whether technology devices are used or not. The author writes from the perspective not of the user of technology, but from the academic practice's point-of-view, and how it is affected by technology.

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