Aspen Heir

Editorial Reviews. From the Publisher. Kate, a nice-looking, well-married, childless, New York Aspen Heir by [Marlene Browne, Robert C. Tourville].
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Aspen Leger

She is desperately lonely in spite of her superficially perfect orchestration of things personal and professional. Craig, an unmarried, devastating-to-the-eye kind of handsome, Ivy-Leaguer in his early fifties, ski-teaches for a living.

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He has a thorough knowledge of mythology and philosophy and reads the classics and Romantic and Black Mountain School poetry for inspiration and pleasure. He exemplifies one who exalts internal values over the external. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Learn more about Amazon Prime. Read more Read less. From the Publisher Kate, a nice-looking, well-married, childless, New York City attorney living in a beautiful East Side condo, is a member of the Armani-clad, urban glitterati.

  • Same same, but different?
  • Aspen heir.
  • Murder of Nancy Pfister.
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  • Editorial Reviews!
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Authorhouse January 30, Language: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers.

Heir Vintage Aspen

Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Tedious, predictable and trite. Had high expectations given the editors ambitious reveiw. Aims too high and falls very short. Author s voice is contrived and self conscious. Best suited for for a soap opera or a 'Lifetime' movie The book jacket is nice. One person found this helpful.

  1. Aspen Heir: Marlene Browne, Robert C. Tourville: Books.
  2. Ecstatic Evil (Tova Gallagher Book 1).
  3. Optical Interferometry, 2e;
  4. The Gingerbread Bump-Off: A Fresh-Baked Mystery.
  5. Jeffreys Favorite 13 Ghost Stories.
  6. Pfister was greatly involved in her kids' lives. Shortly before the time of her death, she rented out her house to retired doctor Trey Styler and his wife Nancy. Pfister refused to let the Stylers collect their belongings from the home. On the evening of February 26, , Kathy Carpenter, a bank teller who Nancy Pfister had become close friends with, [1] became concerned when Pfister had not returned her phone call from two days earlier. When she learned that Nancy had not shown up for her job as a tour guide for two days, Carpenter drove to Pfister's secluded log home in rural Buttermilk, Colorado.

    However, there seemed to be no trace of the missing woman. She later told police that as she entered the bedroom, she noticed the bed in disarray, the comforter draped over the side, and the sheets pulled off one side of the mattress. As she drew closer, she noticed a very small stain of blood, spattered on the bed frame.

    Aspen Leger

    Carpenter then made her way to the walk-in-closet, where she found Nancy Pfister's lifeless body. Carpenter immediately called , and investigators arrived to examine the body before taking it to the crime lab. Nancy Pfister had a large gash in her torso, where she had been struck with an ax. The wounds to Nancy Pfister's face were later determined to have been caused by someone beating her with a hammer.

    There were no defensive wounds on Nancy Pfister's body, which led the medical examiner to believe that Nancy had been beaten while she slept. He determined that the cause of her death was due to blunt force trauma to the head and exsanguination. Pfister's memorial service was held at Hotel Jerome , her favorite place in Aspen.

    Hundreds of people came to the memorial. Police immediately became suspicious when they received information that Pfister had in fact, returned home early from vacation. Kathy Carpenter told them that she had picked Pfister up from the airport, driven her home, and was asked by Pfister if she could stay at the house over the weekend. After spending the weekend with Pfister, Carpenter got up early and left for work, leaving Pfister alone at the house.

    Carpenter left a note on the door for guests, saying that Pfister was sleeping, and to call her to see if she was awake enough to talk before entering the house. Another one of Nancy's friends, Billy Clayton, said that he did not want to bother Pfister while she was sleeping, so he sent her an email. Pfister never replied back. Things became even more strange on Wednesday, when Pfister's roommates, Trey and Nancy Styler, called Kathy Carpenter to tell them that they had recently moved out. They told her that they had moved into a motel in Basalt, Colorado , only returning to the home to clear out their belongings.

    Carpenter, as well as the police, found it odd that the Stylers had not once seen Pfister in her own home. Nancy Styler came upon Pfister's dog, Gabe. The dog had obviously been alone for a while, given that the dog's food and water dishes were empty. Carpenter drove over to pick up the dog, and decided to check up on her later that night, when she found Nancy's body in the closet. Investigators turned their attention to the mattress, where they believed Pfister had been murdered.

    Kiera Cass

    When they flipped the mattress over, they found a large pool of blood, indicating that whoever killed Pfister had flipped the mattress in order to cover their tracks. The police believed that Pfister had been dead since Monday morning, and had laid in the closet for two days before Carpenter had discovered her.

    Aspen -The Dragon Kings, #2 -clip2

    Based on where her body was placed, investigators also believed that she had been attacked by two people, who both carried her body to the closet. Shortly afterwards, they zeroed in on Trey and Nancy Styler, the couple who had been renting her house, because there were no signs of forced entry. The Stylers had met 25 years earlier, in a Wichita hospital. Trey worked as a doctor, and Nancy, an instructor. After the two were married, they moved to a large house in Kanorado, Kansas , that they had built together, and became world-renowned in specialized botany, for their shared hobby of growing the Victoria water lily.

    In , Trey became ill, and had to stop practicing medicine. The two lost everything. After they were near fatally poisoned by carbon monoxide , [ citation needed ] Nancy had the idea to move to Aspen to open a spa, and contacted Nancy Pfister to inquire about her real estate offer in the local paper. Police had no reason to suspect the two until they discovered that they had been withholding rent, due to the broken dishwasher and stove. The Stylers also complained about the house smelling like cigarettes Nancy Pfister was a smoker and accused Pfister of blaming the smell on them, in order to keep their security deposit.

    Nancy Pfister was unhappy, but asked Kathy Carpenter to arrange the repairs, as she was on vacation at the time. By this point, the Stylers had become fed up with Pfister, and told Carpenter that they would be out by February Pfister returned the very day that the Stylers said they'd be gone by, but they had not yet removed all their belongings. Pfister was unhappy, but allowed them to come back a few times a week, in order to move all of their belongings to the motel in Basalt.

    After Nancy Pfister's body was discovered, the two were separately questioned by police, to which they both denied any involvement in the crime. Trey Styler took and failed a polygraph test, which added to investigators' suspicions, but could not make a murder case against the two. DNA could not be used, because it could easily be explained: The Stylers were released later that day. A few days later, a Basalt city worker was picking through a public trash bin when he discovered a bloody hammer, pill bottles with Nancy Pfister's name printed on them, and a vehicle registration for Trey and Nancy Styler's Jaguar.

    The city worker immediately contacted police. Police discovered that the trash bin was just behind the motel where the Stylers were staying.

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    Another important piece of evidence came when investigators discovered the owner's key to the closet in which Nancy Pfister's body was found just outside the Stylers' hotel room. The Stylers were arrested on March 3, Shortly afterwards, they developed a theory that Kathy Carpenter had helped the two commit the crime based on multiple statements Carpenter made to investigators describing items she had seen at the crime scene that were impossible to have been observed.

    The theory held up and Kathy Carpenter was arrested and charged with 1st degree murder, just three weeks later. In her interview with the police, Nancy Styler said that Pfister was a liar, an alcoholic Pfister had been arrested on DUI charges and hated by everyone. Pfister had called her and her husband "trailer trash," said they should be living in a "trailer park" and treated Nancy Styler like a slave, and treated Carpenter the same way. Prosecutors used this to say the Stylers and Carpenter had motive to kill Pfister.