Condor and Falcon (Condor One Series Book 3)

Elizabeth said: Condor and Falcon has so many good things going for it, and at the Condor and Falcon is the third book in the Condor One series and the story .
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The action is great and flows well. The human Mary is cantankerous but loveable, and the puppy is cute. I love the way David thinks and the way he handles situations and crises. I do have to say that the writing comes off as stiff in some places, and it would have benefited by having had a better editor. Plus I can see things that I might not have noticed before. Read the entire review here - http: Condor One Share on. By John Simpson 2 reviews. Select format eBook Paperback. Remember me on this computer. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem.

Return to Book Page. Preview — Condor and Falcon by John Simpson. Condor and Falcon Condor 3 by John Simpson. Condor and Falcon Condor, 3 3. President David Windsor's former Secret Service agent, Shane Thompson, is now a permanent partner in his life, and David is determined to see Shane receive the respect he deserves as the First Gentleman.

Condor One by John Simpson | Dreamspinner Press

Assigned the codename "Falcon," Shane will be taking on the traditional duties of the First Lady as David, codenamed "Condor One," continues his administration. But the tes President David Windsor's former Secret Service agent, Shane Thompson, is now a permanent partner in his life, and David is determined to see Shane receive the respect he deserves as the First Gentleman. But the tests of the Presidency are still looming as David faces both domestic and foreign political challenges. Just doing his job could mean extreme danger for himself and Shane, the man he loves most in the world—the man David wants to marry, despite all the press and attention it will bring them and the possible repercussions on a run for re-election.

Paperback , 1st Edition , pages.

Condor and Falcon (Condor One #3)

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Lists with This Book. May 22, Elizabeth H. Condor and Falcon has so many good things going for it, and at the same time so many bad things going for it, that my head about exploded reading it. I've read four books by this author, including the entire three-book Condor series, and for some reason I find the author extremely likable. It's very odd and unusual that I get a feeling for the writer of a book, but John Simpson strikes me as writing from the heart. And that goes a long way towards my rating of this book. I've neve Condor and Falcon has so many good things going for it, and at the same time so many bad things going for it, that my head about exploded reading it.

Condor Eco-Golok First Impressions: $35 Worth Of Awesome! - Preparedmind101

I've never met him, but I can imagine engaging in a spirited discussion with him if we were ever to encounter one another. That is, assuming the bio is true. I have a friend who claims it couldn't be. The pace of this book, and the other three Simpson books, is fast. It races like the wind. This is a very good thing in what I perceive to be meant to be a political thriller with romantic overtones.

The problem with the quick pace is that it happens because the book is told in ninety percent dialogue. There is almost no exposition and no description.


I occasionally lost track of the speaker of the dialogue partly because of this but, most important, the author lost a lot of possibilities to give depth to the book because he just couldn't keep his characters from talking! There really isn't much emotional content in this book at all: The author lost so much because of this pace. If he'd slowed down and allowed his characters to react to what had happened, the book would have been so much richer and more interesting. Ah, if only the world were really this simple! The political actions taken by the president might be something some readers would cheer he certainly believes in the death penalty, for instance , but his actions in the international arena and even in the domestic sphere were just not believable.

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Congress does, after all, have a say in things! As does the will of the people. Plus, so many drastic events took place in books one and two that were barely touched on in book three, when realistically the country would be still recovering from them. I looked hard trying to see if the author were writing tongue-in-cheek, but I don't think so.

I think this is meant to be realistic drama, but to me it isn't. After reviewing in my head the events of the first two books, I knew with great certainly what would happen as the action centerpiece of this one, and I was right. That kind of predictability isn't a good thing. Given all that, I really do like these characters. I feel as if I barely know them even though I've read them for three books, but I still like them a lot, especially Shane.

There is a distinct and fascinating readability to it. Certainly there is a huge chunk of imagination in this Condor series that is wonderful to behold. In the end, I'm left with an exploded head, I suppose, because this book could have been so much more than what it is, but even so I have to say that I raced through reading it in less than a day.

Dec 05, Marge rated it liked it Shelves: I liked that this book focused more on David and Shane together, and I loved that they can be together openly now. The book still dealt a lot with the Presidency and with a good bit of drama in the job as well, which was well done. Some of David's ideas on how to solve things were great, but some were totally unrealistic. Too bad that Congress and the press would never let these ideas go through so easily. Then again, it's nice to hope it could all work out so well! Condor and Falcon is the third book in the Condor One series and the story picks up almost immediately where Talons of the Condor leaves off.

While the President is dealing with the aftermath of the highest incident of treason in American history, he continues to face c Condor and Falcon is the third book in the Condor One series and the story picks up almost immediately where Talons of the Condor leaves off. This review was originally published online by Rainbow Reviews on June 6, Dec 07, pbj added it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. I liked something about these enough to read all three - but the totally irrational fantasy-politics of these books just tired me out. I actually think he word diplomacy isn't used once in the world of trigger-happy peacenik, President Windsor. His ethos is eerily similar to that of Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element, who when sent to negotiate with the aliens who have commandeered t I liked something about these enough to read all three - but the totally irrational fantasy-politics of these books just tired me out.

His ethos is eerily similar to that of Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element, who when sent to negotiate with the aliens who have commandeered the spaceship he is on, shoots one in the head and then says "OK, Now, who else wants to negotiate. Aug 08, Denise rated it liked it Shelves: Shane's and David's relationship is out in the open now, with Shane officially moving in and taking on some of the duties usually reserved for the First Lady.

Meanwhile, international politics in the form of aggressive posturing from Iran are also keeping President David Windsor busy.

So, let's just get this out of the way: