Gesammelte kleinere Erzählungen:4. Teil (German Edition)

Results 1 - 16 of Teil (German Edition). 13 Apr Gesammelte kleinere Erzählungen Teil ( German Erzählungen, Umrisse und Erinnerungen, Vol.
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It is based on] TEI P5 XML-encoded transcriptions which comprise poetry drafts and scholarly annotations and introductions for each poem; the edition also includes images of original manuscripts as well as theoretical essays. Within the edition, these objects are incorporated into the free, open-source Javascript application called the Versioning Machine http: T]he Versioning Machine [hs been augmented] specifically for this edition in order to incorporate intra- and inter-lineal comparisons.

More than manuscript volumes containing the Chronicles have survived [ It delivers complete or partial transcriptions of all surviving manuscripts containing these Books, a new translation into modern English providing readers with an accessible way of exploring chapters selected from the first three Books, several complete high-resolution reproductions of illuminated manuscript copies, and a range of secondary materials codicological descriptions, name index, historical commentaries, textual commentaries, scholarly essays, glossary and commentaries on the illustrations.

The Online Froissart also provides a number of advanced tools to unlock the riches of the resource. Toquemada en la hoguera. Galileo Galilei's Notes on Motion - Ms. Die Handschrift ist faksimiliert, Text und Zeichnungen transkribiert und mit editorischem Markup versehen. The Gascon Rolls Project The edition will initially be provided as an online resource only.

It will be available alongside high quality digital images of the original rolls provided by The National Archives TNA. There will also be extensive indexes which will be fully searchable and a full historical introduction which will make the edition an invaluable resource for scholars" [from resource]. Akademie der Wissenschaften [ohne Jahr; evtl.

There is information about the location of the manuscript, of copies and of print editions to the individual letters. This information is completed by a summary, citation overview of the letter and details of known researchers to uncertain data like missing dates, places etc. In diesem Archiv schrieben vom Januar bis zum Pascal Mercier, Alain Goulet et al. St Gall Priscian glosses. The Diary of William Godwin.

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It maps the radical intellectual and political life of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, as well as providing extensive evidence on publishing relations, conversational coteries, artistic circles and theatrical production over the same period.

One can also trace the developing relationships of one of the most important families in British literature [ The diary has been transcribed and encoded so that it is fully searchable. High resolution scanned images of the diary are also provided. Der junge Goethe in seiner Zeit. Zur Darstellung wird Folio Views verwendet. Inzwischen gibt es auch eine Internet-Version der Edition. Manuscrito digital de Juan Goytisolo. Queste del saint Graal. Diary of Robert Graves and ancillary material. Digitale Abbildungen und tief ausgezeichneter und annotierter Volltext, der als diplomatische Abschrift dargestellt wird.

Papers of General Nathanael Greene. The William Elliot Griffis Collection: Enthalten sind zumindest Transkription mit kritischem Apparat und Abbildungen der handschriftlichen Vorlagen. Editionsprojekt Karl Gutzkow - Kommentierte digitale Gesamtausgabe. Die Gutzkow-Ausgabe erscheint im Internet [ Das virtuelle Hamburgische Urkundenbuch.

Project lead by Alison Wiggins. University of Glasgow, Version 1. The Charles Harpur Critical Archive. The [Samuel] Hartlib Papers. Ein eher experimentelles akademisches Projekt - "an academic exercise for students as well as a lesson in academic contribution and scholarship". Es vereinigt die beiden historisch-kritischen Heine-Editionen, die parallel in der Bundesrepublik und der DDR entstanden.

Hinzu kommen digitale Faksimiles handschriftlicher wie gedruckter Textzeugen, Bild- und Quellenmaterialien. Tractatus de captione urbis Brandenburg. A Hemans-Byron Dialogue National Library of Medicine, This digital edition is divided into 5-year blocks for ease of navigation and contextual narrative. Each electronic text was created by transcription of the original texts. No spelling, grammatical, or word usage corrections were made to the original text.

Editorial interventions are enclosed with square brackets [ ]. Page images are of the original text.

Am Rio de la Plata

The Papers of Joseph Henry. Letters of William Herle Project. Centre for Editing Lives and Letters, A word-search facility allows the letter transcripts to be searched for particular words or phrases according to a range of criteria. Sample images illustrate features of the material nature of these letters. There are also editorial materials that include an introduction, biographical register, bibliography and details of the project's editorial policy. Hesperia - Banco de datos de lenguas paleohispanicas.

Directed by Javier de Hoz. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, The Holinshed Project Raphael Holinshed: Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland. In the meantime we have developed a parallel text edition of the two versions of the Chronicles published in and This enables all interested in the Chronicles to make comparisons between the two texts, and provide an essential tool for the later full edition. Registers van de Hollandse grafelijkheid Huygens Instituut, [no year given; before ].

University of Houston, The evolution and the resulting multiformity of the textual tradition, reflected in the many surviving texts of Homer, must be understood in its many different historical contexts. Using technology that takes advantage of the best available practices and open source standards that have been developed for digital publications in a variety of fields, the Homer Multitext offers free access to a library of texts and images and tools to allow readers to discover and engage with the Homeric tradition.

The Political House that Jack Built. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe — Digitale Edition. Ein besonderes Interesse liegt dabei auf der Methode der Dramennetzwerkanalyse und den damit einhergehenden Visualisierungstechniken. De Humani Corporis Fabrica. University of Oxford, s.

The University of Iowa Libraries, In addition to being one of the most outspoken and influential journalists in the age of the French Revolution, Hunt was a prolific prose writer and an innovative poet. This digital collection aims to make both facsimile images and word-searchable transcripts of approximately 1, letters written by Hunt and his acquaintances available to scholars and the interested public. Huon d'Auvergne Digital Archive. Washington and Lee University, The first phase of the project develops the first version of the Huon digital archive, which includes diplomatic editions of all four extant manuscripts, an accompanying English translation, and a reading interface that demonstrates protocols for textual analysis and comparison of variants.

From the initial foundation of phase one, the Huon editorial team will build additional functionality involving high-resolution scans of the four Franco-Italian manuscripts, creating an interactive and linked reading environment. Henrik Ibsens skrifter Henrik Ibsen's Writings. Disse standardene skiller seg fra dem som er fulgt i tidligere tekstkritiske utgaver av Ibsen.

Henrik Ibsens skrifter er tidligere —10 kommet ut i en trykt utgave HISb. Den elektroniske utgaven HISe inneholder i tillegg til alt materiale fra bokutgaven samtlige tekstkilder til de ederte tekstene, det vil si alle manuskripter og alle trykte utgaver i dikterens levetid. Tekstkildene gjengis i diplomatarisk bokstavrett transkripsjon. Tekstkildene kan stilles opp ved siden av hverandre slik at variasjonen mellom dem blir synlig. Inquisitions post Mortem - Mapping the Medieval Countryside. By Michael Hicks Principal Investigator et al. University of Winchester, IPMs recorded the lands held at their deaths by tenants of the crown, and are the single most important source for the study of landed society in medieval England.

Describing the lands held by thousands of families, from nobles to peasants, they are a key source for the history of almost every parish in England and many in Wales. University of Szeged, King's College London, There will be about 5, lapidary texts published in IOSPE, about three times as many as in the original corpus. Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, by J.

Produced in post-war conditions, it only included illustrations of a few inscriptions, although very many of them had been photographed; and it only offered limited geographic information. The purposes of this enhanced reissue are, therefore, to make the original material available again, and to provide the full photographic record, together with geographical data linking the inscriptions to maps and gazetteers, and so to other resources.

Electronic publication makes this possible, and also allows us to offer greater functionality, such as free text searches. We have included the material from the supplement which contained further texts, numbered in the same sequence The indices of this edition are generated from the texts themselves. This means that in some cases they will diverge from those in the original edition, usually being fuller: Unter der Leitung von Ingo H.

Umfassendes, theoretisch, methodisch und technisch gut fundiertes Unternehmen, das verschiedene Teileditionen - darunter die " Fontes Civitatis Ratisponensis " umfasst siehe dort. Digital Edition of 20, as of May medieval library inventories. No further project description available. Einfache Volltextausgabe mit Sachkommentar und kontextualisierendem Material. Herford and Percy and Evelyn Simpson published between and The Cambridge Ben Jonson takes account of recently discovered works by Jonson, and offers the first complete edition of Jonson in electronic form.

In addition, the Cambridge Ben Jonson is shaped by new research on the ordering and arrangement of the canon, and its editorial policy reflects revisionary thinking on Jonsonian copy-texts. A six-volume print edition will present a modernized text of the complete works [ The electronic edition will enable to search the entire canon for the first time, in original or modernised spelling.

Additional archival material including life records, stage history, masque records, and early allusions will also be incorporated and fully searchable, together with a comprehensive Jonson bibliography. Importantly, the electronic original-spelling edition will be hypertextually cross-referenced with the modernized edition, allowing readers to make textual comparisons at the click of a button. The site includes related multimedia and scholarly works. Muir, Oxford, Bodleian Library, The DVD contains a historical introduction and codicological analysis of the manuscript, the complete texts and translations hyperlinked to sets of extremely high resolution images; there is also an extensive bibliography, diagrams illustrating the sometimes problematic structure of its gatherings or quires, and images of the manuscript's binding.

Kabinettsprotokolle der Landesregierung von Nordrhein-Westfalen. A Rediscovered Letter by John Keats Mit Einleitung, Transkription und Anmerkungen. Eine weitere Online-Edition bilden die Keller-Briefe. Harry Graf Kessler, Das Tagebuch Published writings, including newspaper articles; unpublished writings; journals, notebooks, and loose papers; letters and handwritten dedications Kierkegaard wrote in books.

SKS consists of a printed book version and an electronic version. In excess to the printed version, the electronic version comprises concordances and indexes. The Athanasius Kircher [Correspondence] Project. Lateinische Briefe der Jahre Paul Klee — Bildnerische Form- und Gestaltungslehre. Klee bezeichnete dieses Material als Bildnerische Gestaltungslehre. Gall Monatery Plan - Codex Sangallensis Jugend - Textgenetische Edition. Bei den Typoskripten, die von Koeppen selbst angefertigt bzw.

Die Sequenzstruktur bildet zugleich das Ordnungsprinzip der textgenetischen Edition. Kolb-Proust Archive for Research. Gegenstand sind die Forschungsunterlagen von Philip Kolb, die dieser bei der Forschung zur Korrespondenz Prousts angesammelt hatte. Ihr besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt aber auf der Rekonstruktion der Textgenese, die auch durch eine Themen-Zeit-Matrix visualisiert wird. Bearbeitet von Daphne Schadewaldt. Ziel des Projektes ist es, die insgesamt ca. Sie dokumentieren in authentischer Form die Willensbildung der Landesregierung.

Inzwischen ist der Zeitraum von bis durch diese Edition erschlossen. Mit dem sechsten Band, der die Protokolle der Legislaturperiode von bis umfasst, wurde die Arbeit an der Edition erstmals auf eine digitale Publikationsform ausgerichtet. Solyman and Almena - An Oriental Tale. Eine vergleichsweise einfache "Edition", bestehend aus dem Faksimile der Druckausgabe, dem diplomatisch transkribierten Volltext, inhaltlichen Anmerkungen und weiteren Materialien. Papers of Henry Laurens.

The manuscript contains a pastoral romance and 67 poems, apparently written between and The manuscript was found in and consists of 55 sheets. Some of them are broken, and some other 20 sheets are currently lost. On the website the editors offer the text of the manuscript in five different presentations: Moreover, the grammatical analysis of the text in progress , a complete concordance of the text, and a list of bibliographical references are provided.

Edited by Susan Schreibman, Dublin: Its goal is to create a crowd-sourced digital collection of letters written around the time of the Easter Rising 1 November — 31 October Letters of Clemency from the Chancery of Brittany. The Liber pharetrae Project. The Liber Genealogus G. Edited by Jean-Baptiste Piggin. The layout shows both the lexical character of the work, with lemmata and definitions distinguished, and its chronographic character, dividing the text up into biblical episodes. The entries are linked to the matching pages of the St Gall manuscript Cod. Until this digital publication, the G recension of the Liber Genealogus had not been available as a free-standing edition.

Anne Grondeux project coordination et al.

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Liber Matriculae - Il libro della matricola dei notai di Vercelli sec. Abraham Lincoln Legal Papers. Facsimiles of the original manuscripts and of selected printed editions will be provided. A preliminary version of a catalogue of all known letters to and from Linnaeus is now available. Editions of the full texts with summaries are now available for most of the letters up to Several complete exchanges of letters up to are also available.

The texts and the summaries are searchable, as is the database. Livingstone's Field Diary. Project lead by Adrian S. The project archive contains over 60 downloadable documents and files produced in the course of the project that collectively provide an intimate and comprehensive look into the production of this critical edition" [from resource]. Livingstone Online - Explore the manuscripts of David Livingstone.

We currently offer images and detailed transcriptions of many of Livingstone's letters, and we aim to make all of his manuscripts - including his diaries and journals - freely available online. We also run a transatlantic collaboration to apply spectral imaging and processing to restore a series of faded, illegible texts produced by Livingstone during his last travels Virginie Lovelings dagboek Online-Edition auf der Grundlage einer gedruckten Ausgabe von The Lucula noctis Project.

The Lucula is an extended scholastic critique of humanist education that Dominici, a Florentine dominican, sent to Coluccio Salutati, chancellor of Florence and pre-eminent humanist scholar. Enables active comparison of texts through Dynamic Collation. Lyrik des Deutschen Mittelalters.

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An Online Broadsheet, which explores MacGreevy's and Yeats's professional and personal relationship, and [other material]. The Archive uses Lucene to deliver a majority of texts. The Dolley Madison Digital Edition. An XML-based archive, the Digital Edition offers a powerful selection of search tools, allowing users to perform simple or advanced searches by period, correspondent, or topic.

The letters may also be accessed directly through a comprehensive, sortable list or read in chronological order. Stage One of the project is focused on the Roman War Episode and Caxton's Book V, which have been the main focus for editors of the Morte Darthur since the re-discovery of the manuscript in The Electronic Manipulus florum Project. Building upon the seminal scholarship of Mary Rouse and Richard Rouse, who published an extensive study of the Manipulus florum in that includes editions of Thomas' Preface and his list of authors and works Preachers, pp.

Dei viaggi di Messer Marco Polo. Directed by Colin Greenstreet and Jill Wilcox, [no hosting institution declared] ff. The end product will be a freely available online academic edition under a CC by 3. The team is seeking to create a fully searchable semantic web based corpus of over 20 million words by The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe.

No responsible editor named, Dunedin NZ: University of Otago, ca. The initial release of the site contains material from to [ Searching this site will return results based on the transcribed text and the metadata associated with an item. You can filter results based on a number of filters.

Also available is an Advanced Search page that allows you to select known options from pre-populated drop down boxes. The Papers of George Catlett Marshall. The Benjamin Marston Diaries Project. Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella: The Oldest Commentary Tradition. The primary goal of eLaborate is to facilitate online collaborative transcribing and editing of texts.

When more and more projects started to use the tool, a second goal became the online presentation of editions, with clever digital functionalities that allow a varied, user-chosen presentation of the text, and simple searches. Punctuation and capitals are added in most cases, following modern rules. The edition is presented in four columns: A Family at War: Each of these entries has been transcribed and compiled into searchable database. The original diary is held at the National Library of Ireland. The diary is searchable for specific people and places, and can be read chronologically, or by a specific entry.

Abteilung und Teile der Editorischen Apparate [ Die Herkunftsorte der StudentInnen werden auf einer interaktiven Karte angezeigt. Il progetto [Francesco] Maurolico. Opportuni programmi permettono poi l'estrazione del testo dei testimoni stessi e la stampa del testo critico sia in forma cartacea che in formato pdf e html. Sono queste versioni quelle che potrete consultare in questo sito. Das Projekt ist im Web nicht mehr vorhanden, die Startseite http: As this follows some sort of "database" or "digital archive" paradigm and there is no introdcution, no overview and no browsing access, it is rather hard to understand what is really in there.

However, a lot of transcriptions and synopses, as well as indexed persons and places can be found through the search interface Some documentation on BIA can be found on the Medici Archives page. From the self description: Users are able to find entire volumes or individual documents by search through place, person, and category tags, archival collocation, date of creation, and keywords. A Fluid Text Edition. Based on the recently discovered working draft of Typee, this electronic edition offers digital images, a transcription of each manuscript page, corresponding print texts, and a dynamic reading text, which allows readers to inspect the revision sequences and narratives of more than revision sites.

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Comprehensive introductory essays by John Bryant discuss the evolution of Typee and innovative features of this edition, among other things. Boise State University, Kunstbibliothek der Staatlichen Museen Berlin, "Erich Mendelsohn gilt als einer der wichtigsten Wegbereiter und Vertreter der modernen Architektur.

At the same time, the effort furthers the permanent calling of the INAH to study, preserve, and spread awareness of the cultural patrimony of the Mexican people. Projekt zur Gesamtausgabe vor allem der poetischen aber auch anderer Werke John Miltons. Een tong van lijntses. Geannoteerde leeseditie van de Brieven van Pierken Der gedruckten Ausgabe liegt eine CD-ROM bei - eine [Selbstbeschreibung] "elektronische editie met interactief notenapparaat, facsimile's, volledige concordantie, belangrijk bronnenmateriaal en een tal audio brieven voorgedragen in het Gents door Bob de Moor" [u.

Correspondance Mirabeau - Sacconay This demo provides fully marked up transcriptions of twenty-two witnesses to a sample chapter, Bava Metsia ch 2, and illustrates basic functionalities. In a number of cases, the witnesses available for browse expand beyond the sample chapter to include all of Bava Qamma, Bava Metsi'a, and Bava Batra.

Montaigne Michel de , Essais Michel Eyquem de Montaigne: Es bietet eine synoptische Fassung von insgesamt vier verschiedenen Ausgaben des Werkes. Hugo von Montfort - Das poetische Werk. University of Oxford, Version 1.

Der kleine Vampir - Trailer (deutsch/german; FSK 0)

The Morris Online Edition. Florence Boos et al. In Mozart's Words [Correspondence]. The website offers i a univocal database of all references to people, places and musical works contained in the letters, facilitating the systematic search of all cited occurrences, and ii access to background materials such as reviews, newspapers, documents, objects, paintings, engravings, and books as a corollary to the historical-critical annotations.

The letters are presented in three views: Project lead by Ulrich Leisinger and Iacopo Cividini. Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg, ff. Die Druckausgabe soll bis abgeschlossen sein. Robert Musil - Klagenfurter Ausgabe. A digital archive of Latin poetry, from its origins to the Italian Renaissance' Research Project, was established at the end of It offers two major features not available in the printed book: The Chymistry of Isaac Newton. Of these, roughly six hundred have been edited and are available online, including Newton's Most Complete Laboratory Notebook.

Newton's texts have been painstakingly transcribed from their original handwritten versions and electronically encoded in a form that allows users to view all the additions, deletions and other revisions that went into the creation of each document. Alternatively, the texts can be viewed in 'normalised' versions that are easier to read and closer to a traditional edition.

The result is a completely new type of edition, in which the editorial process is far more transparent than the medium of print permits. Die Sankt Galler Nibelungenhandschrift: Parzival, Nibelungenlied und Klage, Karl, Willehalm. Gallen und dem Basler Parzival-Projekt, St. Die Texte der Fragmente zu 'Parzival' und Nibelungenlied' erscheinen in synoptischer Darstellung mit den entsprechenden Abschnitten des St.

Digitale Edition Codex St. Galler Nibelungenhandschrift [Epenhandschrift] Cod. Hypernietzsche "is a kind of research matrix that creates a virtual workspace". Konzeptionell steht hier weniger Textkritik und kritische Edition im Vordergrund als vielmehr ein hoch organisiertes, auch semantisch erschlossenes digitales Archiv unter dem Paradigma des Hypertextes.

Der Eintrag ist inzwischen historisch. Two editions are currently under publication in Nietzsche Source: Der Link zielt auf die Seiten des Verlags. Dat Nuwe Boych - Das neue Buch. Dieser Ende des Neben der digitalen Textpublikation bietet die Plattform auch Informationen zum Text, seiner Entstehung sowie zu seinem Autor. Nora White Pricipal Investigator , Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, "Ogham stones are among Ireland's most remarkable national treasures. The stones are inscribed with the names of prominent people and sometimes tribal affiliation or geographical areas.

These inscriptions constitute the earliest recorded form of Irish and, as our earliest written records dating back at least as far as the 5th century AD, are a significant resource for historians, as well as linguists and archaeologists. Digitaal Oorkondenboek van Noord-Brabant. Vanaf worden de oorkonden twee maal per jaar na afronding van de bewerking onmiddellijk aan de database toegevoegd en gepubliceerd.

Deze database zal op termijn, bij de afsluiting van het project, ca. Enerzijds biedt de keuze voor een elektronische teksteditie de mogelijkheid om een continue stroom aan bewerkte oorkonden te publiceren, die permanent gecorrigeerd en aangevuld kunnen worden, anderzijds beschikt de onderzoeker over een nieuwe onderzoekscomponent door de uitgebreide tekstretrievalmogelijkheden en de toevoegingen van afbeeldingen.

Het tekstmateriaal kan via het DONB integraal wereldwijd onderzocht worden, een mogelijkheid die ontbreekt bij gedrukt materiaal. Galler Orosiushandschrift durch Ekkehart IV. Published by The Orwell Price, o. The diaries start as Orwell heads to Morocco with his wife Eileen to recuperate from injury and illness, and end in or as the Second World War rages.

In addition to the diary entries, there are images and documents complementing the diaries [ L'Ospital d'Amours by Achille Caulier. Man beachte die 3D-Visualisierung der Kollation. View or edit your browsing history. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping.

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Speak German in 90 Days: Product details File Size: March 16, Sold by: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. One person found this helpful. Although mentioned in the description that this is a pre photo-reproduction, it hadn't occurred to me that the type font would be an old Gothic style. This significantly extends the time required to read this book. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase.

The German DTV edition is by far the best on the market. DTV is a large German publisher and this edition is the same you get in Germany so don't bother with anything else. The story itself is great; a man who will stop at nothing, not even making a deal with the devil to get in this world what he wants. One of the most famous and memorable sentences from the story is: Augenblick, du bist so schoen, verweile doch ein bischen!

It's something most of us have felt at some time when faced with the fleeting nature of bliss. See my list "Great German Books". See all 4 reviews. What other items do customers buy after viewing this item?