Strategies of Peace (Studies in Strategic Peacebuilding)

Editorial Reviews. Review. Co-winner of the International Studies Award Best Book Award in.
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In , this group became the Peace Science Society. Peace science was viewed as an interdisciplinary and international effort to develop a special set of concepts, techniques and data to better understand and mitigate conflict. Among the original executive committee was Johan Galtung.

The IPRA holds a biennial conference. Research presented at its conferences and in its publications typically focuses on institutional and historical approaches, seldom employing quantitative techniques.

Strategies of peace : transforming conflict in a violent world

The PJSA publishes a regular newsletter The Peace Chronicle , and holds annual conferences on themes related to the organization's mission "to create a just and peaceful world" through research, scholarship, pedagogy, and activism. In , Strategic Foresight Group presented its report on an innovative mechanism to find sustainable solution to conflicts in the Middle East. It also developed a new Water Cooperation Quotient, [13] which is a measure of active cooperation by riparian countries in the management of water resources using 10 parameters including legal, political, technical, environmental, economic and institutional aspects.

There has been a long-standing and vibrant debate on disarmament issues, as well as attempts to investigate, catalogue, and analyse issues relating to arms production, trade, and their political impacts. Peace and conflict studies is now well established within the social sciences: Peace Studies allows one to examine the causes and prevention of war, as well as the nature of violence, including social oppression, discrimination and marginalization.

Through peace studies one can also learn peace-making strategies to overcome persecution and transform society to attain a more just and equitable international community. Feminist scholars have developed a speciality within conflict studies, specifically examining the role of gender in armed conflicts. Examples of feminist scholarship include the work of Carol Cohn and Claire Duncanson. The negative and positive peace framework is the most widely used today. Negative peace refers to the absence of direct violence. Positive peace refers to the absence of indirect and structural violence , and is the concept that most peace and conflict researchers adopt.

This is often credited to Galtung [17] but these terms were previously used by Martin Luther King in the Letter from a Birmingham Jail in , in which he wrote about "negative peace which is the absence of tension" and "positive peace which is the presence of justice. Several conceptions, models, or modes of peace have been suggested in which peace research might prosper. There have been many offerings on these various forms of peace. These range from the well known works of Kant , Locke , Rousseau , Paine , on various liberal international and constitutional and plans for peace.

Udayakumar , Tom Woodhouse , others mentioned above and many more.

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Democratic peace , liberal peace, sustainable peace, civil peace, hybrid peace, post-liberal peace, trans-rational peace s and other concepts are regularly used in such work. Under the conceptions of peace, sustainable peace must be regarded as an important factor for the future of prosperity. Sustainable peace must be the priority of global society where state actors and non-state actors do not only seek for the profits in a near future that might violate the stable state of peace. For a sustainable peace, nurturing, empowerment, and communications are considered to be the crucial factors throughout the world.

Peace and conflict studies

Firstly, nurturing is necessary to encourage psychological stability and emotional maturity. The significance of social value in adequate nurturing is important for sustainable peace. Secondly, in order to achieve real security, inner security must be secured along with arranged social systems and protection based on firm foundation. Lastly, communications are necessary to overcome ignorance and establish a community based on reliable and useful information. It will prevents isolation to take place which is critical to bring sustainable peace.

Johan Galtung 's conflict triangle works on the assumption that the best way to define peace is to define violence, its opposite. It reflects the normative aim of preventing, managing, limiting and overcoming violence. Each corner of Galtung's triangle can relate to the other two. Ethnic cleansing can be an example of all three. Cost of conflict is a tool which attempts to calculate the price of conflict to the human race. The idea is to examine this cost, not only in terms of the deaths and casualties and the economic costs borne by the people involved, but also the social, developmental, environmental and strategic costs of conflict.

The approach considers direct costs of conflict, for instance human deaths, expenditure, destruction of land and physical infrastructure; as well as indirect costs that impact a society, for instance migration, humiliation, growth of extremism and lack of civil society.

Strategic Foresight Group , a think tank in India , has developed a Cost of Conflict Series for countries and regions involved in protracted conflicts. This tool is aimed at assessing past, present and future costs looking at a wide range of parameters. The concept of civil society is contained within the small "quasi middle class," while the powerful rich, and poor majority are completely ignorant or disinterested in the concept. Thus, the credibility of democratization projects is questioned, if they only target the small, self-serving middle class, while the majority is either suspicious of its impact or ignorant of the concept.

Finally, and perhaps even more importantly, new opportunities result in intangible change in the social psychology of conflict-affected societies. Among these intangible changes is a sense of hope for the future. Hope for change and mutual trust are fundamental, indispensable elements that transform society from "war-system" to "peace-system. Creating basic social and economic opportunities helps stitch together the gap between the poor and the middle classes, in particular between urban and rural residents, through trade and services.

Without hope, there will be efforts to cooperate, to rebuild societies, and no incentives to invest in long-term relations between battered communities. Based on recent conflicts in Central Asia, this essay tries to show how declining social and economic opportunities either directly caused violent conflicts or triggered mounting grievances.

It then proposes that the creation of economic opportunities is vital to prevent the reoccurrence of violence in post-conflict societies for a number of reasons. Opportunities reduce social tensions and restore interdependent relations that help transition to peace.

Opportunities also help keep governments and peace deals legitimate and deny massive disenchantment that would allow mobilization for violence. Creating new sources of income reduces reliance on resources such as land, and water, and reduces strain on the governmental services. In the long term, more economic opportunities help redress grievances of people and create a wider middle class on which democracy can be built. Finally, economic opportunities bring hope and trust in people and discourage violence, emphasizing the prevailing benefits of peace.

This said, peace processes must pay more attention to stimulating economic recovery and creating alternative opportunities for key stakeholders. They should also favor policies that increase peoples' abilities to change their lives by their own efforts, as opposed to concentrating peacebuilding efforts mostly on political reconciliation and attainment of certain political standards. The data about protests were collected from police logbooks, indicated incidence of protestors, approximate number of people and claims. Update Briefing, 25 May International Crisis Group report.

Click here for more info. World Bank policy research papers. A PDF version is available online. Official national data estimates are range from , to , The Macroeconomics of Remittances: The Case of Tajikistan. Civil Society in Tajikistan: Academic research paper, Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies.

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Strategies of Peace - Hardcover - Daniel Philpott; Gerard Powers - Oxford University Press

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Daniel Philpott and Gerard Powers

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