Beyond Millennium

Our Blessed Lady comes to lead humanity towards the Age of Her Divine Spouse , the One True Spirit. By the grace of God, Her visible presence is manifested.
Table of contents

But it is not possible to reach an international agreement on all important dimensions of economic and social development and environmental protection.

  1. Beyond the Millennium Development Goals.
  2. Women, children, and global public health: beyond the millennium development goals | The BMJ.
  3. Beyond The Millennium.

Any international agreement on such specific development targets would naturally be selective, leaving out many dimensions to which several countries may attach particular importance. There is no automatic trickle down from economic growth to human and social development.

Thus, instead of focusing on selective specific targets in the areas of economic and social development and environmental protection, we should aim at creating an enabling international environment to allow each and every country to pursue developmental objectives according to their own priorities with policies of their own choice. Sustained economic growth is absolutely necessary for progress on the social front. No country has ever achieved constant improvements in living standards and human development indicators without sustaining a rapid pace of economic growth.

Women, children, and global public health: beyond the millennium development goals

Without this, progress in human and social development would naturally depend on external and domestic transfer mechanisms — that is, aid and redistribution of public spending, respectively. Since there are limits to such transfers, social progress cannot go very far without an adequate pace of income and job generation.

Industrialisation is essential for reducing income, productivity, technology and skills gaps with more advanced economies since there are limits to growth and development in commodity-dependent and service economies.

We also know that there is no automatic trickle down from economic growth to human and social development. Policies and institutions are needed to translate economic growth to social development.

Wilhelm Scream from Millennium and Beyond Part 1

Job creation holds the key to improvements in living standards and to human development. But economic growth is not necessarily associated with the creation of jobs at a pace needed to fully absorb the growing work force. Thus, active policies are needed to provide secure and productive job opportunities. We defined achievable targets and timetables. We have more development success stories than ever before.

Beyond the Millennium

The transformative impact of the MDGs [millennium development goals] is undeniable. This is an achievement we can be proud of. But the clock is ticking, with much more to do. There is more to do for the mother who watches her children go to bed hungry—a scandal played out a billion times each and every night.

Beyond the Millennium Development Goals | Inter Press Service

There is more to do for the young girl weighed down with wood or water, when instead she should be in school. There is no global project more worthwhile. Let us keep the promise— Ban Ki-moon, in his opening remarks to the millennium development goal summit, 20 September The millennium development goals were aspirational targets set by the United Nations in New York in September The goals were the result of concern at stagnation in mortality rates and social inequity and were based on what might be achievable by the end of The eight goals were:.

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