The Dream World

I believe that the dream world is just as real, if not, more real than this physical reality we are currently living in. Ever since my first lucid.
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The vast majority of dreams we experience will—for most of us—never be remembered.


Memories of dreams usually fade very quickly after we awaken. Our individual capacity to recall dream varies widely.

Dream world (plot device)

Some people can regularly remember dreams, often with great detail, while others may have only hazy recollections of themes or subjects in their dreams—or no recollection at all. There are a number of possible explanations for why some people are more or less able to remember their dreams. The fluctuations of hormone levels throughout the night might also have a role in dream recall. Much—but not all—dreaming appears to occur during REM sleep.

Dream world (plot device) - Wikipedia

This stage of sleep is characterized by high levels of brain activity, similar to what occurs during a state of wakefulness. REM sleep is part of the normal sleep cycle that also includes several other stages of non-REM NREM sleep—stages , with stages 1 and 2 being light sleep and stage 3 consisting of deep sleep. Dreaming can occur in every stage of sleep. During REM sleep, the body becomes largely paralyzed, in what appears to be at least in part a protective response to the emotionally and physically charged nature of dreaming. REM atonia keeps the sleeper from acting out physically in response to dreams.

This can be a deeply frightening experience, particularly the first time it occurs. When this happens, you may be unable to speak or to move for a brief period of time. This can be the result of stress , sleep deprivation, other sleep disorders including narcolepsy, as well as a side effect of medications or over-consumption of drugs or alcohol.

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Dreaming remains in many ways a deep mystery.

Why we dream is one of those things. Although researchers have offered theories that range from memory consolidation to threat simulation, emotional regulation and a whole jumble of big words, science has still not given us a unified explanation, established among all experts. The possibilities for creative insight, being able to get your pesky home tuition or school work done while you sleep or even to have strange premonitions that seem to come true, continually remain unexplored by many of us.

So, is a dream just a dream? Is dreaming a gateway to a greater mystery or is it nothing but the flailing signals of your mind as the lights go out? An ancient awareness The idea that dreaming takes us to an alternate realm has been part of ancient cultures across various tribes for centuries. Long before the modern age, Arab tribes across the Middle East practiced the art of dream interpretation to uncover patterns and take a glimpse into the inner self for answers about life or health. They understood that our subconscious could communicate the condition of our mental, emotional or physical state through the power of sleep.

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Much more interestingly, they believed in the possibility of premonitions and that unlocking the riddles of dreams could sometimes enable us to peer into the future or give us insights into the unknown. Given that time itself is a frail concept and the full capabilities of the human condition have yet to be uncovered, recurring situations remain a pertinent mystery.

The Aborigines of Australia have long held as part of their belief system the idea of a dream realm.

Energy The Dream World & The Nature of Reality

Known as the Dreamtime , the Aboriginal understanding of the world points to its creation and its great stories. The Aborigines refer to the Dreamtime as the beginning of knowledge from which laws of existence originate, and they hold that all life as we know it human, animal, bird or fish is all part of a vast network of relationships that can be traced to the great spirits of the Dreamtime. They consider the dream space a sacred one, with ties to spiritual origin. Native American culture also is deeply rooted in the concept of dreams and stands as a testament to the power of the dream realm throughout history across numerous ancient civilizations.

Perhaps most popularly known in the modern world as a trinket or fashion accessory, the dreamcatcher is a handmade willow hoop on which a net or web is woven. It may also include sacred items such as feathers or beads.

  1. Locating the dream self in the dream world!
  2. The Mysterious Depths of the Dream Realm.
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  4. Traditionally, dreamcatchers were often hung over cradles as a form of protection, for it was believed that they trapped evil dreams or spirits to keep slumbering children safe. You can control them!