Extreme Confidence - Nineteen Powerful Methods To Transform Your Life

change the way you think, the way you act, and help you change your life in ways the world's most powerful CEOs, this book can and will teach anyone how to be Jack Canfield's amazing ability to be extremely articulate, understandable, and .. Jack Canfield is a registered trademark of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. The.
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I feel the hurt in you and I love you, my neighbor. Thanks for your advice. Recently, i have been feeling so extremely low. From the ages of 11 to 22 roughly. I was bullied all through school told i was worthless, ugly, scary, weird, smelly, you name it i was called it. Was always picked last for sports, tall, awkward, tried to hide my perceived ugliness in make up and often wore too much, which made the bullies pick on me even more they used to even hit me and pull my hair while calling me names like ugly witch…Once I left school I then got into a violent relationship with a guy 12 years older than me.

He hit me and called me all the names under the sun including the familiar ugly and stupid. Was with him nearly 3 years. Married at age 22 to another guy he is 10 years older. Still together but he is heartless and unloving sometimes. We have one daughter. I love her more then anything and she gives me reason to carry on. However she too, is now being bullied, by the children of the monsters that picked on me back in my high school days.

Just yesterday they all picked on her, calling her ugly, fat, stupid, tramp, all the names I used to be called. It hurt me incredibly and it made me ill all day today. Seeing my beautiful baby go through what I did makes me feel so horrible inside. I tell her how lovely she is and how she is worthy of so much love and respect…but I feel it will impact her life as it has mine.

Oh love, hearing your story makes my heart ache. I know that just like you, your daughter is sooooooo beautiful, too. Keep loving her and showing her what it means to love — including how to love herself! That is the greatest defense we can cultivate and share with one another. Because if you have love, you have everything. I know how terrible the world can be… It can hurt you so badly. But only if you let it. Never let anyone or anything stop you from loving with all your heart. You, sitting right there, are absolutely gorgeous. I played varsity soccer and I was bench most of season and that brought my self esteem even lower.

My grades are shit 2. I hate my life so bad. You will be so successful, I am sure because you care about your succeed. I repeat it again dont worry, you will be a great man one day. Everyday at school is like a raging war of anxiety attacks. I got bullied in Elementary, and I came to a conclusion: This and alot of unmentioned reasons are why I hate myself. I disapline myself for popping pimples by locking myself in my room. I just needed a vent. Thanks to anyone who cared to listen. I will try to live a peaceful life.

Hi everyone, I too hate myself for a lot of things. Like one time a friend arranged that i got to their house, and her mum made food as well, but last minute i backed out. You are not horrible at all!! Not in the slightest!!

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  • The Dance of the Caterpillars (French Edition);
  • I Hate Myself.
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  • Overall Statement of my Life's mission.

But trust me, we are our own worst enemies and critics. We can judge ourselves for the tiniest things that no one else even notices or cares about. Just keep being yourself. You are absolutely beautiful and wonderful the way you are… truly… You say that you hate yourself because you lack organisation, commitment, and courtesy. So do many of us! But in truth, those are things you can work on and improve at.

One thing you can practice is doing lots of nice, altruistic things for other people. Your family, strangers, a teacher. You can even make a list. Buying a coffee for the person behind you in line at Starbucks counts! Take all the things you wish someone would do for you and do them for others. Sometimes it takes a little getting beyond ourselves and our little worlds we create in order to feel connected and loved and meaningful. But we can do it. And you can do it, too. You know im 12 and i look 15 or 16 and i am really tall but you know what? I have a great life, I have parents who love me more than they love theirselves, I have my smart sister who almost always knows every answers of my questions and always supports me in everything I do, I hv the best friends I could ever have in this world.

I have the perfect life anyone can have in my age, yet at the same time, I often feel that I hate myself. Every little mistakes that I made only make me hate myself more. I knew u would never work it out well!! I never told my parents abt this because I dont want them to worry. Thank you so muh for this article, it really opens my eyes to see that I dont need to damn myself and have negative thoughts abt myself for every little mistaks or imperfection that I make. Hi m a 23 year old girl living in a conservative country. I m v beautiful n smart.

I was a topper all through my life but still I feel empty. My father is n abusive husband he has aIways dominated me n my mom. My entire childhood n still I feel DT m under a house arrest. My dad has controlled my life entirely. I was never allowed to go out or even talk to my guy cousins or make male friends. I was not allowed to even look at boys directly. I never made friends n dun believe in friendship cz everybody has hated my guts I was v pretty n intelligent n won every competition of drawing studies painting or beauty etc.

Which was y everyone hated me as I was perfect. Many guys now want me BT I was in 2 relationships n mind it dese r basically d only guys I hv talked to n befriended. Both of them dominated me again. They dun allow me to make friends, extremely possessive n jealous. I m marrying one if them. My dad hates me cz I crossed d line BT accepted my bf cz he is from a v good family. So u can c d contradictions. Despite being perfect m feeling d same as above people. I hate my life n myself. I have tried to commit suicide twice. I dunno what I wanna do in my life. Whatever career m pursuing its cz of d burden of being perfect.

I always feel out of place n lonely. I think I m different n awkward. I think like a loser always as I never take compliments seriously though I hv been always getting them cz I think I dun deserve them. My bf whom I m supposed to get married to next year is a party animal n outgoing.

I on d other hand m n introvert n very emotional. I dun drink or smoke hv always followed every god damn rule in my life. Everybody thinks I m boring n belong to 19 the century. I recently failed in d toughest exam of my country. M completely destroyed n I need help. Cannot go to a doctor cz I dun hv money. Hi, I have struggled with self worth for 31 years.

I finally liked me. I was going to college. Maybe I tried to compensate and never was completely healed and why I so easily fell back to these feelings. Wow… Honestly I found the comments rather depressing. I mean if they have nothing else to live for than putting other people down, then they are stuck, while we have a chance to fly.

My Mission Statement

Yeah, I know, freaky right? I mean I hated myself for a long time, for being different, but u know what? These people that focus on putting others down will get nowhere in life, and secretly they know it. It s people like us, the freaks, geeks, and weirdos that will run this country, and have done so before. I know that expressing yourself this way, venting as is, is overall good for you to get it of your chest, and help you let go of things. But at the end of the day, the only person that can change your life is you. Wauw I know the post is from ages ago. But for a seventeen year old I think your style of thinking is amazing.

And though I am way older I really feal supported by your last sentence. Thank you so much for your post. I hate posts like this. Starting off on that foot means that the rest of the article is also inapplicable to me and generally seems to be rephrasing CBT and making it look like some revolutionary technique credited to the Firestones alone, which could not be further from the truth.

Hey, i rather not mention my name. I have experienced bullying from age Everyday these voices of the bullies haunt me day after day. One day i finally found the perfect guy, i know it may sound strange coming from a 17 year old girl. I was myself around him , for once i felt like myself like i was free. So i ended up pushing him away. Today after reading this little article i realized i have to try to get the real me out, to try to get him back, and to leave the negative me behind.

It may be a struggle to do but thanks to you i believe it can be done. I would like to point out, though, that people can boost those positive or negative feelings. The only thing that brings me back to life and helps me feel relaxed with people is alcohol. I feel content with alcohol and I can have a laugh and connect with people — no problems. My parents have never shown much love, mainly disapline and money orientated. If my parents brought me up the way they did and this is what I am because of it, then I guess this is what I have to man up and face. I have to admit this article has got me thinking that maybe I am not the only one with that destructive inner voice problem.

Thanks for putting that worry out of my mind. Besides the article, the comments have helped me immensely to realise that it is okay to have these problems in the first place as long as you fight it and not drown in despair. They refused to acknowledge the problems I had with myself brushing it aside as attention seeking behavior.

As a result I had stopped confiding in my mom who used to be my bestie as I used to and kept of my problems to my self. But in reality this only seemed to be fodder to the inner critic and the self loathing escalated. This kept me from making friends as well in fear of being perceived as damaged. But finally I am in a place where I no longer withhold my problems if I have any. I open up to my best friends thankfully I have made three even if I still have difficulties with my parents.

I am saddened to learn so many of you are self loathing out there. I am 31 years old, have a job, an apartment and a wonderful fiance. I happen to be pretty and thin and most people accept me at this point. I too have been bullied through out elementary and middle school. Those experiences resulted in extreme social anxiety. I used to base my self worth on my appearance and sometimes still do at times, but have learned my low self esteem has absolutely nothing to do with my appearance.

My self esteem is attributed to many experiences of ridicule and childhood bullying. I was raised by loving parents, but both of them suffered with addictions. Now, as an adult I know we should not look to external factors to dictate our self esteem and self worth. I still, to this day suffer with social anxiety and what people think of me and how they perceive me etc. In looking into my issues, it is not them who I am concerned with though. I am the one who is judging and critizing myself when I am out with friends or social settings. They are not judging me the way I think they do.

I am trying to avoid my own self critic, and therefore tend to choose to opt out of social events. The worst part about doing that is that I then feel super guilty and mad at myself for not being normal enough to just go out and have fun. I then self loathe as a result of opting out as well. It seems you cant win when you try to prevent these feelings. My poor fiance has suffered through many of my social anxiety and panic attacks.

If he tells me we are going to his parents for dinner, I tend to have a meltdown pretty fast. Even if we are going out with friends, I have to punish and berate myself and hate myself for a good few hours before I go out. BUT I do know listening to our instincts, and our true selves can set us free. If you realize you are afraid of yourself and do not trust yourself enough to enjoy life then please do seek help. Your life was not meant to live in fear and self hate.

Each day take steps to do the things that make you happy. The only person that can change how you feel is you. So work on convincing yourself you are worthy. Ultimately your opinion is the one that matters. Do not look to others to build you up.

They will never be able to heal your wounds. I would just like to add that all of you possess a commendable quality!! The ability to be vulnerable and share your stories with strangers shows a tremendous amount of courage and bravery. Most people hide their insecurities and pretend to be okay. You all were all brave enough to share your stories and will now be helping many people because you chose to speak up about having low self esteem. For that alone, you are a quality human being who is worthy and deserving: I have trouble making friends and being friends with people.

Before I made friends and lost almost every single one of them save for one and now I honestly cannot seem to make any friends at all. I have this deep rooted fear of other people hating me and this has strangely been true in all past relationships. So I guess I maintain my distance from anyone, am polite but also cold and am mean to people who try to get close to me in any way. I hate feeling stupid and inadequate and I feel that I am way dumber or mentally underdeveloped than other people my age.

In public, it is so difficult for me now to interact with people, sometimes to even form coherent sentences. I screw up or bore people. I also have a habit of comparing myself to every single person around and overanalysing every single detail. I go over the most trivial thing over and over again in my head with extremely negative, pessimistic thoughts.

So everything, especially the way I present myself to other people, including family members, makes me hate myself to the core. Jeez, I feel like I wrote this. This all makes perfect sense to me. I have suffered from intense feelings of not being good enough my entire life. I dont seem to be aware of the thoughts though so i find it difficult to dispute them etc. They are very self sabotaging thoughts. They allow me stay stuck where I am and not try for success of any kind. Kind of like a battered dog that no longer will move for fear of being hit. I feel sad just writing this.

I want to change this pattern and rid myself of these thoughts but not sure how. I have tried CBT and found it not to be very useful. I am a very confused person; too indecisive. But i knew it was merely my luck; especially in the latter and i felt completely useless. I cant have myself sit and study for some reason! I vile my time looking for solurions for this confusion i feel in life! Then i feel extremely guilty about it! I know id make an amazing doctor- its my passion.

But what d hell am i doing- running away — feeling lost — ignoring my problems- watching movies and spending time on FB instead!

50 Ways to Change Your Life

If someone can help me — it will be great — any advice is welcome …. Im glad it deters from blaming my parents. Im not sure where, or when this started in my life. I know im tired of feeling like a dweeb. Im very sick of my inner voice calling me horrible names. Then when i do get my wish and have many friends, my inner voice tells me what great people my friends are for allowing me to hang out with them.

That they feel sorry enough for me to let me be part of their group. I am 53 years old and extremely shy. I have s of friends all across the US because people truly like me. I still feel unworthy of their friendship. I even heard myself tell my friends and aquaintences that i didnt and dont expect good treatment.

That its ok to be mean or rude to me. I know its wrong now, and i want to be happy. Im 19 and I have always struggled with my appearance. In my eyes I am disgusting, overweight, undeveloped mis matching breasts, spotty, out of proportion and I know its true.

I Hate Myself: Why Self-Hatred Occurs and How to Stop It

I recently found the cause of many of these issues was because of polycystic ovary syndrome. I look at other girls my age with their beautiful faces and bodies and I feel sick when I look at myself. I grew up knowing I would never have a boyfriend but I do. I have started doubting my relationship he is so outgoing and confident im the complete opposite I feel i hold him back. I wonder why hes with me and if he is just waiting for someone better to come along. I have noone my doctors treat me like a hypochondriac because I am an anxious person and I do visit too much but ive stopped that now.

My family just think im being silly but I cant even call a support number Im never alone or talk to a professional as I think they will just think im a psycho. Just down in the dumps and that is why i googled this and it does make a lot of sense. I just wish I could get over it alreadyl. I am a 20 year old male with no friends or social life.

I truly am bisexual. I know it sounds ambiguous but i have dealt with this since i have enough reason, and I acknowledge that im not straight, but im also not gay. Society expects black and white, and i feel like im not. Im depressed more than i am happy. My therapist said, that because i was sexually abused twice as a child by two different men on different occasions, that i have made a connection with pleasure and the male sex organ.

Because i felt pleasure. It was wrong i know, but i have hope. This has been a salvation to find. It gives me peace to know that there is hope for someone as broken as me. Hi, my name is Amanda. I have had strong feelings of self doubt from a very young age. My dad is a very irratable person and works at home. As a result my brother and I had to be very quiet when we were little or he would blow up.

When I was around 10 I was kind of chubby and my mom was always criticizing me for being fat. I remember feeling really bad about that. If my mom called me fat I would go in my room and destroy all of the honor roll awards that I got from school. Now I am 17 and am an alcoholic. I was cutting my arms with a razor before, but now I drink instead. I even drink on the weekdays and feel horrible at school. I have absolutely no communication with my mom, and very little with my dad. I have grown into my body and am not fat at all anymore, but now my mom criticizes me for being a vegan.

I feel very alone. My dream is to join the army and my siblings or anybody does not know, I have tried to tell people but im fat and my parnents would say no and my siblings would say ur too fat. My dad is on business trip and we all know he still cheats on my mom. That makes me want care from other people. And then i got gf. Then we broke up at the end. I cry almost everyday. I afraid to believe in people again. Can you advise me? The popular kids at my school tend to judge and I feel very intimidated when they r around.

I feel like they r criticizing me every second!!! I feel that I have to do do what everyone else is doing to fit in. I really look up to my BFF and whatever she does I feel the need to do it to fit in. I love my best friend, but she one ups me in everything is just a little better my parents want to move which adds even more to my depression!!! Btw I cried all the way through reading this. In a realization way. I am about 4 stone over weight, which would be about 56 pounds, and my dad never fails to point this out to me. I know to a certain extent this is my fault. A work in progress I guess.

But my dads constant criticism is hollowing me out inside. I spend the vast majority of my time in his company sucking up to him in the hope that he will not mention my weight, and begin is tirade of abusive rhetoric. He has on numerous occasions mentioned he is ashamed to have members of his side of the family see me, and he says he hates hugging me because he can feel my fat. I work very hard and I am a cleanly person. All these criticisms are breaking my heart, and leaving me in a constant state of anxiousness.


I am never comfortable. I often wish myself away from family home, and back at my desk in work because it is one of the only places I feel accepted, and even there I am constantly on edge. Does my breath smell, does my skin smell, is this top hugging me too tightly and can everyone see my fat? When I make a remark I instantly feel as if it was a stupid thing to say. When interacting with a set group of people such as colleagues, I am constantly feeling as if I am the disliked one. Hi Mary, I felt very sad reading your comment.

You sound like a lovely young woman. If I were you, I would limit the amount of time you spend around your abusive father. His behavior is abuse and it is not acceptable. Is there a way you could move out of your family home or find activities that would keep you out of the house more? Wishing you happy holidays and a happy birthday!

I feel like because I was beat daily and my step mother reminded me daily thay noone liked me and I was stupid. Im 36 now and I cant trust or really like anyone I guess ill feel this way forever a complete waste of life. I have never been abused. I was always happy, lucky, had and have a great family that takes care about me. But i hate myself. I hate myself for not being what i want to be, for being too lazy at one time, and not having enough rest at another.

I hate myself and i hate others. Some i can accept and love. For no reason i hate, and hate. But how comes i manage to scare people away with my thoughts. In one place i act like all people do, in another i act polite and careful, in third i act angry. Almost all of them love me still.

What is wrong, and is something wrong, is there anything i have to do? Not that i would do it, i just wish to know. The unknown eats me from inside, and the worst thing is that nobody can give me a valid answer! There is no truth, we know nothing, and we will never know. All is wrong, all is different, nobody will ever understand a person sitting right next to them!

And yet i wonder, why. Why do i bother myself hating others. Why do i bother myself with anything at all. I have to keep on going forward, i cant quit. This is not something i must quit. I am from India…. I am completely shattered and needs an expert advice. I prepare well for an examination and is failed. I was sure that i had done well…now i lost all my self confidence. I want to become a researcher. Normally i dont talk much to people about my problems, thinking that they are not interested in listening.. Oh my, I read some of your input and I just want to cry. I was so much against them.

It started working after 2 weeks. I am 20 doing law I chosed this profession no one forced me but I am not putting any efforts to succeed I dnt know why my parents r supporting me although I have been a failure in my lyf they still r investing so much on my studies but em not being able to give them good in return although law is my passion: I wana marry him n he also have same proffession as my father my prob is I dnt wana hurt my parents plus wana marry him I hate my self cuz I em disobeying em wht should I do: Why do I hate myself so much, I look in the mirror at my self and I am disgusted.

I try and exercise and I feel like I am going to break my ankle and my chest starts to hurt I also feel like I am not able to get enough air in my lungs. I constantly feel like punching a wall to hurt myself because I am to much of a wimp to hurt myself. I feel like everyone expects me to make them happy no matter how I feel about it. I use work for an escape from that stressor. The new guy is putting everything in the wrong place and inventory is next month. I want the managers supervisor position but I know that I will never be good enough for that job.

I try to exercise to get ride of stress but it hurts so I stop and I just try not to eat and fail. Everything that I do I fail. What is the point of trying when there is so many more people better then you. I am so mad all of the time because I feel that I will always be stuck at my husbands parents house. Every penny I make goes to my husband and what he wants. So I never can save my money. We are stuck here and it sucks, I am trapped here. Everyone here hates each other they are always yelling at each other.

I hate my self I want someone to hurt me because I cant do it my self. I cant do anything right someone is always mad at me. I have been snapping at people a lot even when they are actually being nice. I fear I have lost myself and I am never coming back. I hate who I am I am fat and ugly and a horrible person. I feel that I am completely worthless I cant do anything right an I always feel like crap.

I am just dragging everyone down. I need someone to talk to me that wont yell at me. I deal with this as a 40 year old man. For the first time ever I feel like there is hope. My insulin intake has now dropped to 20 units morning and night from last January. My general health has much improved and I am slowly, but surely, losing weight — 15 kilos up-to-date.

7 Steps to Transform Your Life

My specialist is delighted and asked for the name of the book to read for himself. I love the program it is fantastic and has helped my self confidence as I was putting pressure on myself for not being able to lose weight. Now the pressure is off! This programme is exactly what I needed to really understand the method and apply it to my life. The support on the forums and the generosity from Jon is incredible. I am so happy I took the leap of faith and committed to the programme. I have had it explained to me before but now Jon has given me the key!

I think of the insulin effect every time I want something to eat now. It has made an enormous difference. I am enjoying food so much more now and making great choices Thanks so much Jon and the team. Big hugs from me, you are all a gift to the world. It is just great and amazing to follow the Gabriel Method step by step program. The core lessons are so interesting and I learn so much! The meltdown has begun for me and I see and feel the fat melting away day by day! Something I never thought possible! The Gabriel Method Step by Step program is really designed so you can take weekly steps, that are exciting, not a chore, because Jon gives us weekly visualizations that help you to happily incorporate every single one of them!

I feel lighter, more positive and have already changed habits. This is only going to keep going and get better and better! I am getting so much out of the Gabriel Method Step by Step program. I really am feeling the fat melt away! The Gabriel Method Step by Step program is the best thing that has happened to me…. The Gabriel Method Step by Step program is the best thing that has happened to me. Ever since I read your book two years ago I wanted something like this. I just love the weekly checklists that show me exactly what to do.

Since I started putting into practice the Gabriel method I can see an improved relationship with my husband. I have lost 2. The visualizations are calming and encouraging. Thank you Jon and the Team for this fantastic effort! I read this book regularly particularly when I need more inspiration to stay positive. It is effectively set out so that I can access the key information that I need, when I need it! Lost 4kg this week. New goal is kg by the 23rd of October which will be kg loss. I have to get there to show myself it can be done! I have read the book twice and use it as a reference book.

I still feel that I have work to do to completely turn off the FAT programs, but this book is a great resource to assist me with my journey. I am a GP and have recommended to several of my patients that they purchase this book. I've not dieted for 2 weeks and lost I have lost about 15 pounds so far, and I now have a plan that I know will get me long-term results without as much pain…. I find the most powerful parts are the visualization and mental aspects you teach.

Your book has been a revelation as far as explaining why I have had trouble losing weight before. I have lost another 3 pounds this week, despite indulging my cravings for chocolate. Fifty-five pounds total so far! I'm feeling better and better every day, and I have no loose skin! Thanks so much You inspire me every day! People like you really do make an impact on the world. You have covered the very thing that everyone else misses—the mind-body connection.

I have been reading your book Through reading your book and listening to the evening visualization CD I have gone from kgs to 58kgs! You are the best thing that ever happened to me, you have taken me out of a swirl of stress and constant weight worry. With reading your book and listening to your CD every night I have gone from kgs to 58 kgs. I look better and sleep better. Thank you so much for being so real. I totally resonate with Jon's work and have needed to implement it with myself and my own weight loss program. On the 14th June , I weighed myself and was exactly kgs.

Six months later on the 14th December , I weighed myself and I am kgs, I have lost 23kgs so far. I am really proud of myself and mostly thank Jon. God bless you and your family with health, love and peace. I just wanted to say that I read your book about 2 years ago and have since then lost 75 lbs. It was the most inspiring weight loss book I have ever read, and believe me, I've read a ton! It helped me figure out why I was holding on to that unwanted fat and helped me convince my body that I no longer needed it. I lost the weight with no extreme surgery or exercise.

Thank you so much for writing this book, I have recommended it to so many people! The Gabriel Method is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. This information is intended for educational purposes only, not as medical advice. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, eating, or health program. Why Sleeping Matters… Dr.

Harris recommends the following lifestyle changes: Exercise moderately for at least twenty minutes in the late afternoon or early evening. Avoid caffeine including chocolate and soda after 1: Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine as much as possible. Include a quieting down period before bedtime.

Sleep in a dark, quiet room without electronics. Keep the same rest and wake routine every day, including weekends. Beat Stress, Lose Fat Doctors at the Mayo Clinic promote specific relaxation techniques as a means to reduce stress symptoms. Using mind-body practice, you can: You can meditate on a particular goal such as compassion or safety , or simply sit quietly.

There are dozens of techniques that include everything from mantras and prayers, to breath work and movement. Each practice has its benefits, and more important than that specific mediation technique is that you simply practice what works for you. Practicing gentle, seated stretches can be a great way to relax the body and create balance within the body. Other forms of stress-relief techniques include, but are not limited to: Tai chi, massage therapy, tapping, progressive muscle relaxation, and hypnosis. Good Nutrition is a Good Idea Focus on eating healthy, whole foods instead of on counting calories.

Try these steps to reduce stress. Start Your Transformation Today! The Gabriel Method Team. A leader in mind-body weight loss, The Gabriel Method takes a hormonal approach to "inside out" weight loss by addressing the underlying causes of weight gain and reversing them forever. Founded in by Jon Gabriel, The Gabriel Method has touched over , lives through its best-selling books and holistic weight loss coaching programs. Lose Weight By Napping June 2nd, Freedom from Chronic Pain June 21st, If every person was given this book no one would be obese If every person was given this book, no one would be obese.

Alannah Cadman , New Zealand. Since listening to your CD every night, I don't feel hungry at all I have been struggling with my weight for the past ten years… I could not understand because I don't eat desserts, cakes, chocolate or sweets and I cook most of my food. Beverly Lewis , South Africa. Michelle Turnbull , Australia. My whole relationship with food has changed WOW! Brenda Black , New Zealand. I am astounded at the changes that I have made in my life I cannot remember the last time I felt so alive, fulfilled, and happy. I don't crave sugar at all anymore Since I've read your book and listened to you CD, I've been craving dark green leafy veggies, and I've also slowed way down on sugar.

A strategic plan outlines where you are now, where you want to go, and how you intend to get there. It includes things like your mission, vision, and your major goals for the key areas of your life, such as health, wealth, success, and your relationship with God and others. Write down your plan and take action to achieve your goals.

The sooner you start, the faster you will get more of them. Plan to have a better life full of the desires of your heart and enjoy your life. To start living differently you have to start thinking, talking, and acting differently and continue doing so until your life is transformed. Implement your plans, monitor them and evaluate them on a regular basis. Revise them if you need to. Every step you take in the right direction gets you closer to your desired destination. Many of us have a lot to be grateful for, including things we take for granted.

Feeling Fat? Change Your Mind, Change Your Body

Having eyes to read and access to the internet are among our many blessings. What do you have to be grateful for today? Who can you thank for a blessing you received recently? Gratitude releases endorphins in your body and this makes you feel good. It helps you cope with stress and it is good for your health. Gratitude opens doors in your life for receiving more -- for yourself, and to share with others. Transforming your life can be challenging, yet exciting and rewarding. If you want a much better life with more of the things you truly desire, then take some action today to start doing so.

Her mission is to help others develop themselves for success and make a difference in the world. For more information, see www. For more on this topic, you can get a copy of Transform Your Life: