From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call: Close More by Doing What You Do Best

From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call: Close More by Doing well on a sales call, you probably ask yourself, "Why did I lose that sale?.
Table of contents

Learning the answer though Win Loss Analysis can mean the difference between landing and losing the next sale. You'll learn how to: Approach postdecision prospects for Win Loss debriefs using best practices and proper etiquette Design a comprehensive Win Loss interview guide Obtain more candid and accurate Win Loss feedback from prospects Use aggregate Win Loss data to identify important patterns in your techniques Double down on what works and improve what doesn't to close more sales than ever Filled with sample dialogs you can use with prospects, From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call is neatly organized into eight easy-to-follow steps that take you through the whole process: This comprehensive, powerful program leads to better sales techniques and increased close rates.

In short, it works. Read more Read less. Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Sponsored products related to this item What's this? Overcome any objections and sell every qualified prospect with the proven one second selling methods. Start making more sales instantly!

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  2. Editorial Reviews.
  3. The Assumptive Close?

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Coaching and Consulting Made Easy: Be able to start, build, and grow your own coaching and consulting business. Download your copy of Coaching and Consulting Made Easy right now! How did a 17 year old immigrant from South Africa become one of the wealthiest and most powerful businessmen in history? Keep reading and find out About the Author Richard M. Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. This book will help unlock your potential as a sales professional.

I could not recommend it more highly - truly a must-read. This book is an excellent guide to improving your sales performance by analyzing the reasons for the successes and failures of your past sales efforts. In this book, for the first time, he shares his secrets with the rest of us. Now I could talk confidently and naturally to a passionate, and engaged audience. Find out as much as you can about them. The best sales calls are individually tailored to what people need. For each prospect, start by Googling the company to get some key details about its size and niche.

Use tools like Rapportive, Clearbit and FullContact. Finish up your research by using a contact management tool to put all of the info in one place so you have a well rounded picture of the person you will be talking to.

18 Closing Phrases To Seal a Sales Deal in

Be clear of the value of the solution you are selling. You must know how having your product or service will make them money, save money, save time, increase happiness, or reduce friction. Ideally you have the stats, case studies and industry knowledge to back it up. You are not calling to impose on them, you are calling because you have something that will improve their life.

21 Powerful Sales Techniques (Backed by Scientific Research)

You are the trusted advisor. For most endeavours, practice makes perfect. Sales calls are no exception. Even better, record the run-through so you can hear exactly how you sound. If not, try again. Looking for a proven sales tool to help you close more deals?

From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call: Close More by Doing What You Do Best

I recently joined a company as a fresher and want to learn more about sales call and voice messages. Hi Kelvin, thank you for your comment.

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Sales Call Tips

It sounds so simple, doesn't it? The disarming and unassuming quality of this question is precisely why sales expert Brian Tracy recommends it. Phrasing the decision as "giving the product a chance" instead of "making a commitment" downplays the risk and ramps up the rapport.

See a Problem?

Similar to 2, but with one important caveat. The closing question in 2 assumes that the salesperson will resolve a prospect objection before they sign the contract. This closing technique-- called a "rebound close" -- promises that the rep will grant a special request after the prospect provides their John Hancock. This critical change in the closing timeframe reflects the difference between a deal-killing objection that other vendors might be able to address and a special favor that other vendors will likely be similarly hesitant to grant. If you know the prospect has a firm deadline they need to stick to, use it to crank up the urgency.

And since you're using the prospect's deadline instead of pulling one out of thin air, this type of reminder-slash-closing line actually helps the buyer instead of unduly pressuring them. Ah, the old direct ask. Sometimes the simplest closing technique can be best, but other times it can come off as presumptive or pushy.

How to Close a Sale:

A salesperson has to have a firm command of the situation and a high level of familiarity with their buyer to use this closing line successfully. Everyone likes the idea of progress. This closing line also reduces the friction of buying -- the contract is already ready, so all they need to do is sign.

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According to sales expert Mike Brooks, "Whenever your prospect begins stalling or providing any other excuse for not acting today, you simply reply with these three words. You're leaving the door open for them to get more information while making it clear where you stand. I think we're ready too. With this statement, you transition the conversation from general, abstract topics like ROI and product features into the actual agreement.

It's not a very subtle shift, but it works.