Men Are Stupid . . . And They Like Big Boobs: A Womans Guide to Beauty Through Plastic Surgery

Joan Rivers's hymn to the joys of plastic surgery leaves Carole And They Like Big Boobs: A Woman's Guide to Beauty Through Plastic.
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I have to say I'm glad I decided to finally read it.

It has all of Rivers' trademark humor and talked about types of plastic surgery that I didn't even know existed. I found it interesting. More than just humor, it appears to be really well-researched and for p I picked this up in a used book store because I saw Joan Rivers and thought it would be good for a laugh. More than just humor, it appears to be really well-researched and for people considering plastic surgery I think it could be helpful even if it is a few years old.

She goes in to great detail in some of the procedures so it isn't for the queasy Also, it is Joan Rivers so it's not politically correct. People are made fun of and there's lots of talk about issues relating to sex - the name of the book should make that pretty obvious. Jan 18, Michelle rated it liked it. Different from what I expected I thought it was going to be a ride of constant laughs.

Aside from the typical snarky joke from Joan, it was basically an encyclopedia for plastic surgery options. I am not interested in having plastic surgery done, but I found myself enlightened when learning about all of the procedures, methods, and even the botched jobs done on celebs. Joan has such a delicate way of sharing that last bit with you. I never knew how many ways you can get a butt lift or face Different from what I expected I never knew how many ways you can get a butt lift or face lift!

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There were some very funny parts like the butt, boob, and vagina theories. So even though I am not into plastic surgery, I hereby declare myself a plastic surgery guru after listening to this one. I got this audiobook from the library because in the wake of Joan Rivers's death, I wanted to hear her voice. I'm probably the least likely person ever to have plastic surgery because sorry world!

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I really don't care enough about my appearance to ever go under the knife, get injected with things, etc. The book is certainly filled with candid and in-depth no pun intended information about plastic surgery, and I learned a lot. Rivers does not hold back on the detail, although she is encouragin I got this audiobook from the library because in the wake of Joan Rivers's death, I wanted to hear her voice.

Rivers does not hold back on the detail, although she is encouraging.

  • Review: Men Are Stupid And They Like Big Boobs by Joan Rivers | Books | The Guardian;
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It's eerie to hear her say, over and over again, that a possible result of surgery i. Jul 06, Mrs. Tongate rated it liked it Shelves: Enjoyed hearing Joan's voice as I read. I'm not going to be doing any of the surgeries on a teacher budget, but now I'm more informed and sick to my stomach! Who knew some of these procedures even existed! No wonder my friends in CA look different from folks in Burnside, Ky!

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If you ever decide to go under the knife, read this book. If you go for the bargain, you might have to have a 2nd or 3rd surgery to fix the orig Enjoyed hearing Joan's voice as I read. If you go for the bargain, you might have to have a 2nd or 3rd surgery to fix the original mistakes, and that could cost more than if you paid the higher sum in the first place. May 24, Christine Noel rated it liked it. I've always found Joan to be hilarious, but this book reveals another side of her: Read this book because it is interesting and insightful; I can't imagine why anyone would take advice on altering one's physical appearance from a person w I first became a fan of Joan Rivers back in high school, when she and her daughter hosted the Red Carpet Fashion Review on E!

Read this book because it is interesting and insightful; I can't imagine why anyone would take advice on altering one's physical appearance from a person whose face we picture when hearing the words "bad plastic surgery. Aug 11, Andie Treitschke rated it it was amazing. This book is awesome. I do not know why people hate it. If you want to know more about plastic surgery it's the way to go.. Of course it's not a medical guide. It does not force you to have any kind of surgeries.

I really enjoyed it few years ago Sep 20, Steven Milian rated it liked it. I listened to this on audio and would listen to Joan read anything. Unfortunately I didn't realize this was truly about detailed advice and info about plastic surgery options and surgeries. It's well written and very informative, very descriptive. So not my cup of tea but I enjoyed Joan reading it to me. I would not have read it in book form tho. Dec 28, Jasmine Langdon rated it really liked it. I'm not an advocate of plastic surgery so this book took me over 2 months to read.

I liked it nevertheless. Joan Rivers makes it a funny and informative read. I'm still never getting surgery! Joan talks about non surgical procedures too. The things we do for men! Oh ok for ourselves too! Sep 11, georgia rated it it was ok. She does have some humor, mainly at her self, names names of people who have plastic enhancements and pokes fun at everyone. Sep 20, Connie Pollock rated it really liked it. I was hoping for more humor. Didn't expect it to be informative?

Talk about a boob job

Wow, makes a person go ick, ick, ick about what goes on with plastic surgery. I think I'll stick to my old lady face lotions! Sort of eery reading about Joan suggesting that people research their doctors in light of what's happened. Oh, Joan, how I miss you, you crazy old bat: Feb 03, Sarah rated it liked it. It was cool to hear the details about all the different kinds of plastic surgery you can have. But every time Joan mentioned death could be a possibility for almost any of the procedures, I just thought of how she died. Jan 07, Michele rated it it was amazing.

Joan had me laughing loudly thru the whole book. If I ever wanted plastic surgery this book would tell me everything I needed to know. No, really, Joan, it would be my pleasure. It's not that Men Are Stupid And They Like Big Boobs: A Woman's Guide to Beauty Through Plastic Surgery is poorly written, desperately unfunny and has a stupid title though it is all those things. It's that after reading how a micro-cannula is put into the fatty area of the labia majora in order to perform a vulva lipoplasty, or how you shave a dorsal hump by scraping the excess cartilage on the septum with a scalpel and then using a chisel and a mallet to hammer away the nasal bone , I found myself having strange and violent thoughts.

But first things first. A wise man once told me that the worst refuge of the journalistic scoundrel is to criticise someone for the way they look. But there's no point in beating around the bush: She's pleased with her own work, though. She's an entirely wrinkle-free 75 and helpfully runs through her "procedures": Next up was liposuction on her thighs, then a breast reduction and a tummy tuck.

A Woman's Guide to Beauty Through Plastic Surgery

She's had her under chin "cleaned up three times", an upper eyelid lift and "every six months or so, I go in for my Botox cosmetic shots, collagen in my lips, and if I have something to burn off, a mark or spot, I do it. Read more about this book Read more About the Authors Photograph by George Lange Joan Rivers Joan Rivers is a force of nature--and one of the hardest working celebrities in the world--comedienne, bestselling author, Tony-nominated actress, playwright, screenwriter, motion picture director, columnist, lecturer, syndicated radio host, Emmy Award-winning talk show host, jewelry designer, Red Carpet fashion laureate, businesswoman, and mother and grandmother.

Valerie Frankel had published fourteen novels, four non-fiction titles, and one memoir. Watch videos of your favorite authors. Listen to our Podcasts on SoundCloud. Check out the latest reading group guides. Join us on Facebook! Visit our channel on YouTube. Children's Bolgna Rights Guide Sign up for the latest news on authors, books, events, video and more.

The Dark Pages - the home of crooks and villains, mobsters and terrorists, spies and private eyes. See More New Releases. And They Like Big Boobs. Red-carpet fashion laureate, comic icon, and outspoken superstar Joan Rivers is uniquely qualified to talk about plastic surgery -- because she's one of the few celebrities unafraid to admit to the world what she's "had done" to keep looking so great.

Now, in this no-holds-barred book, she gives women straight-talking advice on better living through looking better. Joan Rivers' abiding life philosophy is simple: