Wandering Heart

Wandering Heart brings you a curated collection of handmade clothing, homewares and accessories from talented artisans in Mexico and Guatemala.
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Most sweeteners are made with sugar — a simple carb that is quickly converted into energy and known for giving a quick boost of energy followed by a crash that often leads us seeking out another quick energy source.

Wandering Heart - Lordsong

Tuesday, June 12, 2: Soothing a Sunburn Naturally. The benefits of the sun stretch far and wide — sun exposure is essential not only for vitamin D production but also for hormonal balancing, mood improvement, and even a strong immune system.

Tuesday, June 5, Why are group fitness classes so popular? I mean, you see new studios opening up all the time only offering classes, with minimal equipment and big, open floor space. Tuesday, May 22, 1: What Are Fiddlehead Ferns? As the name suggests, these green veggies have a curled shape that resembles the top of a fiddle or violin.

They are a good source of iron and fiber and make for a striking vegetable dish.

The Wandering Hearts

Fiddleheads are also an excellent source of vitamins A and C. Thursday, May 3, 1: How Sitting Can Affect Health. If you work a 9-to-5 job, chances are much of your day is spent sitting — whether during your commute, at your desk, or in meetings. But recent research has highlighted that long periods of sitting can be bad for your health. Monday, April 23, 4: Mindfulness and Heart Health. Have you ever been so engaged in something that you love to do that you completely lose track of time?

You were so present and attentive to a creative activity that everything else seemed to just fade away. Valentines day really has a way of bringing back memories. Memories and lessons learned. After all, the less you know, the more exciting it is.

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Your greatest love is not usually meant to last. Only time can tell. You keep searching and hoping. They say true love needs nothing else, no one else except you and that person.

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You feel complete regardless of who, what, when, how and why. Expecting more because you give more. Who says love is about being fair? If i gave you my percent, i expect to get a or more. Leave it to that and i realized Love is not about getting equally what you give but love is more about selfless giving. If at any point in your relationship this phrase entered your mind.

Wandering Heart

Well, they say true love thinks only about the present regardless of the consequence. But then again love knows no logic. It is just the way it is. Like Liked by 1 person. Then it might change because of events and you pull apart. Hopefully you get back together again. I am not convinced about soul mates and think it is possible for us to be very happy with multiple partners at different time.