Sinnvoll leben: Eine praktische Anleitung der Logotherapie (German Edition)

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Learning to play the violin "rewires" parts of the brain that are responsible for fine motor control. People with brain injuries can recruit other parts of the brain to compensate for the lost tissue. Head injuries can cause amnesia. There are two main forms of amnesia: Flashbulb memories taken i. The allow to remember the exact circumstances of where one was and what one was doing when the news came through. However, these memories decay over time just as other memories do.

Without people realizing it, details are forgotten, incorrect ones added. Humans perceive the world accurately. Humans have a limited ability to pay attention and are biased by their expectations or wants. Human perception of the outer environment are driven by expectations and interpretations.

They are not built of objective logical observations. Male and female brains differ vastly. Men and women have almost entirely overlapping and fully Earth-bound abilities. There are minor differences between male and female brains. Still, sex differences in cognition are massively exaggerated as in the book Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Neuroscientists used to claim that head size, spinal ganglia or brain stem structures were the reason for women's inability to think creatively, vote logically or practice medicine.

Modern gender difference theories state that men have more specialized brain hemispheres, women more elaborate emotion circuits. Gender stereotypes influence performance test subjects. Empirical data on gender-specific brain differences — Louann Brizendine Humans know the source of happiness. Poor people are less happy than the middle class who are just as happy as the rich. Money does make people happier. Pleasures of solitude and leisure are overestimated, social relationships are underestimated.

Fuller — Naming rankism is liberating the right hemisphere. I again saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift and the battle is not to the warriors, and neither is bread to the wise nor wealth to the discerning nor favor to men of ability; for time and chance overtake them all. All men are born unequal. Run, divide and conquer! Emotions Melancholy, be longing , calm Anger , bliss, risk-prone excitement Characteristics Interconnected , fluid, living, subtle , non-attached, romantic-unreasonable, indirect, complex, cooperative, uncertain , inclined to humour , playful , curios, leisurely, creative, tentative, mature "Deeper, easier, slower" Separate, fixed, static, distinct, utilitarian, simplified , concrete, direct, closed, competitive, certain , active, action-orientated, impatient , pensive, literal, disembodied, purposeful, productive, youthful "Bigger, better, faster" The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

But we have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. Albert Einstein German-born US American theoretical physicist, developer of the theory of general relativity , Nobel laureate in physics, Power [right brain] always results in a win-win solution, force [left brain] produces win-lose situations. Hawkins , Power vs. The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World , Yale University Press Publication, November "[T]hey [both brain hemispheres] stand in opposition to one another, and need to be kept apart from one another — hence the bihemispheric structure of the brain.

January " What makes us happy is not wealth but the reciprocal relationship between ourselves and one another, ourselves and the world. January "[T]he left hemisphere gives narrow, sharply focused attention to detail. November "The right hemisphere gives sustained, broad, open, vigilance, alertness. November [The left hemisphere] "is dependent on denotative language and abstraction, yields clarity and power to manipulate things that are known, fixed, static, isolated, de-contextualised, explicit, disembodied, general in nature but ultimately lifeless. November [The right hemisphere] "yields a world of individual, changing, evolving, interconnected , implicit, incarnate, living beings within the context of the lived world.

And the nature of things is never fully graspable , never perfectly known as we think. And this world exists in a certain relationship, rather than just objective statistics. November See also: Age of Enlightenment Hubristic age of rationality Irrational reasonableness gave way to rational unreasonableness. French Revolution Literally cutting off the head s from body Schizophrenic thinker Descartes: There is no truth at all. The previously acknowledged idea that opposites can agree became anathema. February , The Proper Study of Mankind.

An Anthology of Essays , S. It was man's most brazen attempt for power over the natural world. And these things were known in other eras, certainly known in the Renaissance. And it has something to do with the loss of [soul] embodiment. Scientifically controlled, web-based Intention experiments tested the power of collectively focused intention to change the physical world.

Men are indivisible from their environment. People are isolated from the world. Living consciousness is an integrated entity increasing order in the world. The brain is the isolated seat of consciousness. Cells and DNA communicate through frequencies. Humans are survival machines powered by genetic coding.

Communication occurs in the subatomic world. A universal recording medium allows that everything communicates with everything else. The brain perceives incoming signals in pulsating waves. Human consciousness has the power to heal oneself and the world. February See also: Avoid unhealthy conditions and habits damaging for the brain. Brain injuries [Do not engage in risky sports. Social connections [share time in and be part of a community.

Get hugs a day. Include 4 spurts of fast running for 1 minute each time. July , YouTube film, Surges of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin or endorphins induce wellbeing. Dopamine Love Approaching a reward [like food] Pursuing a new goal 2. Serotonin Love Getting respect Social status, pride , hierarchy: Oxytocin Love Trust ing one's company Building social trust with others step by step and enjoying it 4.

Sources featuring Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph. Loretta Graziano Breuning PhD , presented by happyhints. A brain center complex covers four brain circuits at once: Pain relief Reward Love and human connection Joy and elation. Corpus callosum from above. Color-blind men in a hunting party consisting of 9 men are needed to detect camouflages in a war or at a hunt.

For keeping one's brain warm one needs hair. This ratio turns out pretty constant over the centennials. This may explain their eccentricity. The results of his brain study were published in the scientific journal Current Biology , issue 21 8 , S.

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Conservative authoritarian personalities tend to block distracting information i. Mental and physical activities meditation , unfocussing, focussing, intense cognitive work , exercise that increase frontal brain activity decrease stress. Continued stress shrinks the size of the frontal lobe. Pollak, department of psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Structural variations in prefrontal cortex mediate the relationship between early childhood stress and spatial working memory , presented by the weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal The Journal of Neuroscience , issue 32 23 , S.

June Audio interview: November Video source: In studying how wild animals recovered from trauma, he developed the trauma therapy Somatic Experiencing. Trauma affects the nervous systems of individuals as well as society. Emotional balance Permitting the lower limbic regions to become aroused enough so life has meaning , but not too aroused to become flooded 4. Fear extinction Neutralizing the effects of being traumatized Physiological process: GABA inhibitory neurotransmitter fibers project down to the amygdala and enable fearful responses to be calmed.

Response flexibility Enabling one to pause before acting [foregoing "knee-jerk" reactions] and inhibit impulses allowing time to reflect on the various options for response 6. Empathy Considering the mental perspective of another person 7. Insight Self-knowing awareness , the gateway to one's autobiographical narratives and self-understanding, connecting the past, present and future 8. Morality The capacity to consider of the larger good, and to act on pro-social ideas, even when alone, requires an intact middle prefrontal region of the brain.

October , updated The human brain works more like an ecosystem than a machine. Human brains exist along continuums of competence. Disablities are spectrums or continuums of competence. Dyslexia is part of a spectrum that includes normal reading ability. Human competence is defined by the values of the culture to which you belong. Categories of disability often deeply reflect the values of a culture. Dyslexia, for example, is based upon the social value that everyone be able to read. Whether one is regarded as disabled or gifted depends largely on when and where one was born.

In modern India there are people who would be labeled in the West as schizophrenic, but who are regarded as holy beings by the local population. We need is to adapt to our current contemporary culture. A dyslexic person needs to learn how to read, an autistic individual needs to learn how to relate to others socially, a schizophrenic individual needs to think more rationally and so forth.

Success in life also depends on modifying your surrounding environment to fit the needs of your unique brain Niche construction. It is futile to make a neurodiverse person adapt to the environment.

Sinnvoll leben: Eine praktische Anleitung der Logotherapie (German Edition)

It is advisable to devise ways of helping an individual change their surrounding environment to fit the needs of their unique brain. Niche construction includes career and lifestyle choices, assistive technologies, human resources, and other life-enhancing strategies tailored to the specific needs of a neurodiverse individual. There are many tools, resources, and strategies for altering the environment so that it it meshes with the needs of a neurodiverse brain.

Positive niche construction directly modifies the brain, which in turn enhances its ability to adapt to the environment. In experiments with mice, neuroscientists have shown that a more enriching environment results in a more complex network of neuronal connections in the brain. This more complex brain, in turn, has an easier time adapting to the needs of the surrounding environment. Wie sich unser Gehirn selbst repariert , Campus Verlag, 3. Original erschienen , Goldmann Verlag, Ein Dialog , Suhrkamp, Erstauflage Mai Daniel J. August Bicameralism psychology Elmer Green, Ph.

August Antonio R. September Wikipedia entry: Making Sense of the Hemispheres , Mariner Books, 5. December Daniel G. December Andrew Newberg, M.

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April Steven R. Quartz , Terrence J. Sejnowski, Liars, Lovers, and Heroes. October Antonio R. December Jonathan Haidt, Ph. October Daniel Pink danpink. Ackerman, Hard Science, Hard Choices. May Louann Brizendine, M. August Andrew Newberg, M. January Norman Doidge, M. March Michael R.

April Quintessentially driven by the right hemisphere are the "Seven L's: November Article featuring Richard Davidson, Ph. The hot new frontier of neuroscience: February Power of compassion. Article God Is in the Dendrites. Can "neurotheology" bridge the gap between religion and science? April Gott ist in den Dendriten. Jill Bolte Taylor, M. May Article Love hormone Oxytocin helps soldiers like each other and hate the enemy , presented by English daily newspaper The Daily Telegraph , Richard Alleyne, science correspondent, June A study suggests soldiers form loyal "Bands of Brothers" fighting and dying for each other because they have the same instincts that let mothers ferociously protect their newborns.

March The brain doesn't distinguish between physical pain and intense emotional pain. November Article Yale team discovers how stress and depression can shrink the brain , presented by the publication Yale News , Bill Hathaway, August Abstract by Dan M. September Liberal or conservative political views made research subjects less able to solve a math problem. October Skeletal evidence from every inhabited continent suggests that human brains have become smaller in the past 10, to 20, years.

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June Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine found that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. Study suggests physical activity makes it easier for the brain to change , presented by the US American psychology research news PsyPost , 7. December Article by Daniel J. October Article Scientists say your "mind" isn't confined to your brain, or even your body , presented by the US American online portal Quartz , Olivia Goldhill, February Creative people have more white matter and better-connected brains, study finds.

Researchers identify neurons important for the drive to win in mice , presented by the US American popular science magazine Scientific American , Leslie Nemo, Video Fernsehserie mit Prof. Juni Neurotheologie Videointerview mit Prof. Mai Fernsehdokumentation Wahrheit? Juli Ausschnitt 3sat Fernsehdokumentarfilm, Dr. Januar , YouTube Film, April Videointerview mit Prof. Mai Videointerview mit Prof. Juni , YouTube Film, 1: Juli , YouTube Film, Juli Videovortrag von Prof. Video interview with Marian C. July Pioneering work with rats in the 's on the positive effects of enriched environments on brain growth — Given the right conditions, the brain continues to grow all during life and not just in the early years.

May "The brain isn't like a powerful computer processor. Audio interview with Daniel Amen, M. January Video interview with Daniel Amen, M. October Video interview with Daniel Amen, M. Don't play video games! The part responsive to testosterone is 2. Audio interview with Louann Brizendine, Ph.

Viktor E. Frankl - Die Sinnfrage in der technologischen Gesellschaft

Moira Gunn, 30 minutes duration, 14mb, recorded September Video presentation by Louann Brizendine, Ph. November Excerpts of lecture by Louann Brizendine, Ph. April Audio interview with Louann Brizendine, Ph. August to March Audiobook narrated by Louann Brizendine, Ph. Veoh video lecture by Richard Davidson, Ph. September , YouTube film, 1: September Neuroscientific research on positive human qualities such as compassion and how they can be cultivated through contemplative practice "By I believe mental exercise will be understood as being as important as physical exercise.

On an individual level the meditation on compassion is very, very helpful to keep one's own peace of mind. Video presentation by Helen Fisher, Ph. June Video presentation by Helen Fisher, Ph. Video interview with Bede Griffiths British-born Catholic Benedictine monk, mystic , ashramite in India for 50 years, Stroke — A spiritual experience , Youtube film, 3: Audio interview with Rick Hanson, Ph.

September Video lecture by Rick Hanson, Ph. Video presentation by Caroline Leaf, Ph. Juli Who switched off my brain? May ADD i. November , Vimeo film, August McGilchrist explores the nature of thought, matter and consciousness. Video presentation by Iain McGilchrist, M. January , sponsored by Royal College of Psychiatrists , host Dr. David Geaney, YouTube film, 1: February Video dialogue between Jordan Peterson, Ph.

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February Two of the leading thinkers of the current time focussing on topics as brain, chaos, order, freedom, evil, mythology, being, and becoming. December On God, Reality and Everything , part 1 of 2, 8: September , inspired by the philosophy of Ostad Elahi, YouTube film, 3: December Video presentation by Andrew Newberg, M. May An active spirtual life physically changes the brain. Audio interview with Daniel Pink danpink. Audios und Videos featuring Daniel J. April , posted 6.

Carmichael, Realplayer, aired 8. June Audio interview My Stroke of Insight. June , posted 3. December Orgasm and libido occur in the brain , part 1 of 2, Porn Addiction; no specific subtitle , part 3 of 6, Porn Addiction; no specific subtitle , part 5 of 6, Restore reward circuit sensitivity , part 6 of 6, 7: Video documentary with Elmer Green, Ph.

March Breakthrough research in neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to heal itself Documentary The Creative Brain. March Documentary trailer Divided Brain Trailer , presented by thedividedbrain. February Fun optical illusion to test whether on is a dominant right brain or a left brain thinker.

Eigenschaften der vier Gehirne. Tabu- erzeugung Angst und Gier getrieben. Einhaltung, Aufrecht- erhaltung von Tabus. Linear Unterhalb der Wahrnehmungsschwelle. Unbewusstes Gehirn 1 verbunden mit dem Unterbewusstsein Gehirn 2. Linear Oberhalb der Wahrnehmungsschwelle. Der Verstand Gehirn 3 reitet auf dem Elefanten. Paulus, Galaterbrief 5, NT. Tagesbewusstsein Oberhalb der Wahrnehmungsschwelle.

Unterbewusstsein Unterhalb der Wahrnehmungsschwelle. Unbewusstes Unterhalb der Wahrnehmungsschwelle. Ich befinde mich gerade an diesem Ort , nicht woanders und auch nicht an zwei verschiedenen Orten. Ich bin der Mittelpunkt der von mir erfahrbaren Welt. Ich bin Verursacher und Kontrolleur meiner Gedanken und Handlungen. The etheric brain does not exist in individuals with a level of consciousness below Left hemisphere of the brain. Right hemisphere of the brain. Operating in the left hemisphere world: The right hemisphere gives sustained, broad, open, vigilance, alertness.

There was once a wise spiritual master, who was the ruler of a small but prosperous domain, and who was known for his selfless devotion to his people. October , November Mentally, emotionally, physically we are the same. On that level there is hardly any reason to fight. On the secondary level there are different nationalities, different races, different colors, different religions.

Within the communities there are the richer, the poorer, the educated, the uneducated, the more respected because of their highly esteemed professions, some are looked down because of their work. Many man-made problems, I believe, are due to too much emphasis on the secondary level of differences. We are forgetting the basic oneness of human beings.

Video presentation by H. Electroencephalography — Five varied brain wave patterns. Concentration, arousal, alertness, cognition, higher levels associated with anxiety, unease, feelings of separation, fight or flight. Relaxation, superlearning, relaxed focus, light trance, increased serontonin production, pre-sleep, pre-waking drowsiness, meditation, beginning of access to unconscious mind.

Dreaming sleep REM sleep , increased production of catecholamines vital for learning and memory , increased creativity, integrative, emotional experiences, potential change in behavior, increased retention of learned material, hypnagogic imagery, trance, deep meditation, access to unconscious mind. Dreamless sleep, human growth hormone released, deep, trance-like, non-physical state, loss of body awareness, access to unconscious and "collective unconscious" mind.

Correlations of five different brains. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Der Alchimist German Edition.

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