One Sun, No Waiting

Listening to the new Doors' album, Waiting For The Sun, reminded me of Zappa and Then there is the album's “hard” rhythm and blues number, “Five to One,”.
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This is all by way of saying, when I discovered Robin Hill was an author with a book in the queue, I was all over it. I mean shit, if you can hook a girl with a review Warning this review contains an excessive use of parentheses and stray profanity. I mean shit, if you can hook a girl with a review of a book Fast forward a couple months and now her words and characters are all over me - from the first page, they just crawl into your skin and live there in a beautiful way.

I wanted him to have his happy ending - he deserved it. Even when he was being a goddamn fucking idiot. Frankie with all her jubilance and wit and quirky internal monologue - it made sense that Darian would fall for her, it made fucking sense people. Like a fucking, girlie-idiot. For some reason knowing this man was crumbling for her and feeling weird about it made me giddy.

Jane I love you Jane! It just happens to be coupled with the sticky excitement of more angst to come. Be prepared to crave cocktails, waffles, breakfast burritos, olive oil, sex -all kinds of goodies when you read this book.

The Doors – Waiting For The Sun Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

Best to just make sure you have it all on hand before you begin. Nov 18, Josiane rated it really liked it. My review is based on a beta version of this book so the final version may be even better! Frankie is taking a break from the doldrums of her life and stepping out of her comfort zone by going to a music festival with her best friend Jane. Nothing goes as planned and destiny takes over.

That's all you'll get from me about the story LOL Oh yeah.. While the characters and events are fictional, their actions and reaction My review is based on a beta version of this book so the final version may be even better! While the characters and events are fictional, their actions and reactions felt very genuine which for me makes it a great read.

Not a single eye roll from me.


The author is equally skilled at combining light humor and deep emotional scenes. Frankie is easy to relate to as the MC, I identified with her right away. She's not over dramatic and very self aware. If you're looking for a great contemporary romance, pick this one up. There's no cliff hanger per say but there's more to come and I can't wait! May 17, Na rated it it was amazing Shelves: Spread your wings and fly.

It's a wonderful, heartbreaking, refreshing story which touched me deeply. The first time my heart broke was with the epilogue already.

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  2. Caleb Williams (Oxford Worlds Classics).
  3. Waiting For The Sun.
  4. Waiting For The Sun Lyrics.
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  6. Power One Aurora Waiting Sun Error.

We don't get the full story then, but it's obvious what 4. We don't get the full story then, but it's obvious what tragedy is going to happen, which will leave us with a stunningly beautiful man inside out broken and shattered beyond repair. Or so we think Think again, then now we'll meet Frankie. A troubled girl with her very own ghosts of the past haunting her. The first encounter between Frankie and Darian leaves sparks of chemistry all over the upcoming pages. There is something you can't quite get a grip on, that pulls those two together and you feel it instantly. It's obvious from the beginning that they are good for each other.

Getting to know each other slowly and trying to get the other out of his snail shell the story progresses with steady flow. Usually with a pounding heart and a smile on your lips. But often enough your heart will ache. The more Darian tries to fight falling in love with Frankie or let's say accepting he's falling for her, the faster he fell without realizing it. Darian's earth was shattered 10 years ago and he never allowed himself to live again.

Frankie seems to be his magical unicorn healing him while he heals her. Some people fall in love, some people start out that way. Friends with benefits never ends well. Either one or both get hurt in the process. I fell as hard for Darian as Frankie. It was impossible not to. Besides his troubled and haunting past, he's adorable perfect. And even though he's quite rich, he's down to earth you wouldn't expect from a man in his position.

And honestly, it would have been a miracle if it hadn't. I understand his mixed feelings and that he doesn't allow himself to love again as he blames himself for the tragedy that came down on him. But how lucky must a man be finding true love twice in his life?

50 Years Ago: The Doors Release Only No. 1 LP, ‘Waiting for the Sun’

And thank god he comes to his senses. That he deserves love and to breath again. This was the hardest part for me. The mixed feelings, the hurt, the confusion, the denial. My heart broke for Darian. I used to think it was such bullshit. That song is called "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran. Even though not all lines fit for this couple, a lot of them do. Waiting for the Sun is special, deep and heartbreaking, down to earth and so full of love your heart might burst. Can't wait getting my hands on the second book! Thank you Robin Hill for giving us this wonderful story. Your writing is exceptional captivating!

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. Jan 15, Shannon Moore rated it it was amazing. Looking through my notes after reading this book, I'm a little surprised that I don't have much to get picky on. More than anything, I have a list of things that I liked about the book. For instance, I liked how both the hero and heroine are unintentionally connected by Annie. I liked how the hero could come off as both hot and cold. I liked that there were little texting exchanges to open each chapter. I thought this created a nice balance and gave us some insight and another angle on what was Looking through my notes after reading this book, I'm a little surprised that I don't have much to get picky on.

I thought this created a nice balance and gave us some insight and another angle on what was going on. I liked the occasional over reactions when the characters are getting to know each other. Overall, this is a well done book.

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I think the author handled the growth and development of this relationship in an extremely smart and strategic way. It wasn't the classic boy and girl meet, date, have a problem and work it out. There were ups and downs in this relationship. Speed bumps where they needed to slow down and some roadblocks where things stopped all together.

I loved how this kept me and the characters! I'm not left wondering, there's no holes to fill in and I never felt it drag or lagging in any areas. Plus, with all of the little road bumps that the characters had to face, it helped with the pacing. Ultimately, there are only a couple of small reasons why I rating this book as a 4. At the beginning she's portrayed as an introvert, loner, potentially awkward and even a little demure.

Yet the second she met Darian, this all went away and was never to be seen again. Several times in the book this thought kept coming back to me and how she wasn't acting like someone with those personality traits would generally act or speak. I also didn't necessarily get those butterflies that I wanted in the beginning.

It may have felt a tad forced to me but I think that was just the author working to find her stride, because everything is well rounded as a whole. I don't know, this may just be me but there were a few times where I was getting some vibes from this that reminded me a lot of another book. Which is weird, because the storylines are only loosely similar.

I think it was more so coming from Darian, but if you've read Becoming Mrs. Lockwood by KI Lynn, you might notice a little moment or two. From the beginning until the very last page, this author did a fantastic job of portraying the character's emotions. In the prologue, I truly felt how much Darian loved his family. Then towards the ending, when problems started to arise, at one point I honestly felt like I was punched in the gut. I was distraught right along with the characters; I felt their pain. I love when a writer can make these emotions that palpable to the reader.

Some people fall in love; some people start out that way. Speaking of, come on! Was the prologue really necessary don't worry, I know it was? I feel like that's just cruel. That's like seeing a mouthwatering chocolate cake and then watching someone drop it down a flight of stairs. Okay, not really, but that's all I've got right now. I'm a sucker for scenes that have music to go with them, and it seems that this playlist is pretty damn spot on.

From the songs on it that I know, they worked extremely well and I even found some new ones to listen to! Love when this happens. And in the interest of keeping everyone happy, I'll give you a cliffhanger warning. Though it's not even bad. I'd say like 1. Or maybe my rating here is because I love cliffhangers where I'm literally dangling from the edge. Anyways, there is more of Frankie and Darian's story coming, so don't fret. Does anyone have chocolate cake? Jan 12, Fabi rated it it was amazing Shelves: I do a few beta reads each year.

I keep the number to a minimum as they are time consuming. This story is epic. It sets the bar for every modern romance novel. T I do a few beta reads each year. This is the story of Francesca and Darian. It is no fairy tale. It is real and gritty and tragic, yet it is also hopeful and innocent and uplifting. It is everything you can want in a romance novel.

It will grip you from the very first page and not let go until you reach the very end in an HFN. At which point you'll begin the ceaseless email requests to Ms. Hill for book 2 of this amazing story. Francesca is one of the best heroine s I've read. Darian scoots his chair closer to mine. I want him to kiss me. I lean in… But he takes my hand instead. She's direct but compassionate. She's young but has already lived through tragedy. No matter how hard she tries to keep her feet planted on solid ground, Darian does, in fact, sweep her off her feet.

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  • The Jayhawks - Waiting For The Sun - Ouvir Música.
  • He swept me off mine. Not my feet nor hers. Darian has lived through a tragedy that no one should ever have to face. One that would break anyone - everyone. But he lives in a self-imposed glass box, not allowing the world to really touch him. It's confusing for Frankie. It's confusing for the reader and ultimately, it's heartbreaking for everyone. Darian has to gather his courage and confront his monsters. For Frankie, he might just do that. You MUST read this very real, very current romance.

    I know you'll fall in love with these characters just as I did. The book is flawless!!! Jan 03, Grey rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm talking sweaty palms, generalized nerves, pretzel tummy before I'd even cracked the proverbial cover. Speaking of, did you catch that? It's always difficult for me when I read a book by someone that I "know". I mean, she's worked on this book as long as I've known her. What if I hated it? I mean, I couldn't hate it I worried that I couldn't write a review of a meh book, you know?

    Ok, but enough about me and my neuroses. Hill, in her infinite wisdom, asked me if I would take a gander at Waiting for the Sun prior to its release and see if I could spot any proofy bits that needed to be polished up prior to release day Have you seen this cover? Did you read the blurb? It is awesome, I found myself listening to the songs even when I wasn't reading Really, no other explanation is needed, right? I always love when I can have that added bit of the author's musical inspiration with their words, it just really ties it all in for me, and this playlist was spectacular.

    No spoilers, it's not my way. You all know that. I know, I know. I can hear the groans from here. I can just tell you, I was sucked into the story of Darian and Frankie. I loved hearing my friend, Robin's, voice. I loved the humor, I loved the obvious intellect and wit bleed through onto the page. This did not read like a debut novel I'm giving this 4 stars, I want more I would have liked to see more of the friend dynamics along with our main characters but I'm ready for your next book. Sign me up now! Thank you to Ms.

    Hill for the ARC, but I simply had to purchase a copy because it's too gorgeous not to have the cover art too! Feb 25, Jasmine rated it it was ok Shelves: Well, it turned out to be something totally not my cup of tea.

    Amaliya Margaryan - Waiting For The Sun - Not Official Video - Depi Evratesil 2018

    I understand for some people, this book is exactly what they consider an unputdownable contemporary romance or at least a successful piece of story featuring second chances and finding true love. Honestly, this book got me confused from the very beginning. I was like, what just happened?

    What did I miss? Besides, the fact that Darian treated Frankie like a yo-yo ball irked me so much. He was constantly being hot and cold to her as if she was just a toy for him to play with whenever he liked; he showed serious concern about her life in general at one moment, but the next second, he put on his poker face and stood her up as he pleased. The connection between Darian and Frankie was beyond weird, in my opinion. This story took place 10 years after the accident, which made Darian a year-old single man and Frankie a year-old student. By the way, Frankie was 12 at that time.

    I literally thought they were about to figure out what was that thing between them by the end of the book but guess what?

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    • Waiting for the Sun.
    • Waiting for the Sun (Waiting for the Sun, #1) by Robin Hill?
    • Waiting for the Sun - Wikipedia!
    • The cliffhanger only made the story unfinished, in my opinion. There are still a bunch of wonderfully written 5-star reviews around and I just hope mine will give you a different perspective on the book. Jan 16, Erica Lynn rated it it was amazing. I mean, no filthy talking men running around with their testosterone on display for any and everyone?

      What else can there be? And then Robin showed me. Waiting for the Sun has so much heart. Darian has gone through gut-wrenching loss. Just watching it go by rather than being in it. Frankie is the best. I just adore her. I think we can all see bits of ourselves in her. The relationship that builds between these two people is wonderful to witness. May 11, Tessa rated it it was amazing Shelves: Alright, when I sat down to read this, I was hopeful but wary. New author and a person I like is usually a recipe for disaster. I mean, what if I read it and hated it?

      Thank God that wasn't the case. This book has everything I love. Quirky characters, a true build into a relationship, and real feelings that don't feel forced. You can tell the author has been in the areas she spoke of, and nothing felt off. The angst was real and the humor had me snickering throughou Review to come. The angst was real and the humor had me snickering throughout. Special shoutout to the boxers! At one point, I was teary-eyed. More than once I wanted to smack the hero. No, really, he needs to be smacked for some of the crap he pulled. Yet, in the end, I was smiling from ear to ear.

      My only request would be more of the secondary characters. When they were there, they dynamics were true, and I absolutely loved how they all worked together. The story didn't lend themselves to them being there much, but I would love to see more of them. Dec 08, Donna B rated it it was amazing. So many feels right now. What an emotional journey. I love this book! I felt their connection and chemistry instantly.

      They are both struggling with loss, grief, guilt and uncertainty. Jan 08, Sarah rated it really liked it Shelves: This book, a debut effort from Robin Hill, has one of the most gorgeous covers I've ever seen. I hate to admit that I've chosen to read a book based on its cover, but when a cover is this unique and has obviously had so much thought and consideration put into it, you know what's inside will match, and match it did.

      Frankie may be young, but she has encountered circumstances in her nearly 22 years of life that have matured her beyond her years. Darian's life has also been marred by tragedy. Ten years after losing his family in an accident, he encounters Frankie and is immediately drawn to her. As they quickly form a bond, feelings are muddled and the past refuses to stay in its place. Despite what seems like a potentially heavy premise, what follows is funny, beautiful, and heart-wrenching all at once. Let it be said that if Frankie were to magically come to life, she would undoubtably be one of my BFFs.

      The majority of the story is told from her POV, and she is absolutely hilarious. Smart and introverted, stubborn and quirky, she quickly became one of my favorite characters EVER- and I read A LOT in chapter 1, when she introduced her best friend Jane who is the BFF that each of us deserves, the PB to Frankie's jelly by saying, "Jane considers herself an aspiring writer, but I consider her an aspiring finisher.

      She writes all the time; she just never finishes anything. And I could not help but wonder if the lovely author, who has been working on this book for quite a while herself, was maybe poking fun at herself with that line. Most artists and writers are this way, so she could really be talking about anyone. Regardless, Frankie's humor and wit continue throughout the book, pointing out some of the absurdities of her own feelings, such as when she realized that she missed Darian after spending a mere 5 days with him.

      I've had zits last longer than that. Frankie is just so sweet and genuine, it's hard to not fall for her, as Darian soon discovers for himself. He was sweet and sexy but often misguided and confusing without meaning to be. His actions and dialogue are mostly told from Frankie's POV; however, I found the inclusion of his text messages to his best friend Drew at the beginning of each chapter to be an effective way of telling the reader where his head is.

      So what made this book special?: Hill's choice to address the age difference between Frankie and Gloria 22 vs. I could go on for a while, so I will leave it at that This did not read like a debut work. Maybe that's because Ms. Hill has been an integral part of several other beautiful and successful books. Or maybe it's just because she is skilled and has made this a labor of love. I don't know, but I do know this I have two minor complaints with the book. First of all, it's over. Though it was an emotional journey, the read was fast and easy for me. I didn't get to savor it properly.

      Secondly, it's only the first part of a duet. There is a minor cliffhanger of sorts at the end, but it's not bad or painful. It opens the way for the next portion of the story and the possibilities that it brings. A quirky, beautiful, fun ride that makes me look forward to what's to come from this writer, this 4. I strongly recommend that you order while it's at the bargain price of 99 cents or read on KU! I plan to order a signed copy to join the other lovelies on my favorites shelf.

      Jan 13, Melody Kimmons-Allen rated it it was amazing. Also, today is release day, sooo congrats on that, as well. I'll be dialed into Emma's Entourage just trying to soak up some of the magic in the air. I was very surprised to learn that you not only have great taste in books, but you're also a very talented writer. They meet by chance when Frankie's vacation goes horribly wrong and her friend Jane bails on the music festival that they had planned.

      Frankie is then convinced to go alone and she meets Darian while trying to retrieve her reservations at the hotel. She may be my favorite female lead There was just something so real about her. She was funny, down to earth and she didn't take herself too seriously. What I loved most about her though, was her mirror image of real women everywhere. Sometimes these book heroines are unrealistically perfect. Frankie kept it real. She was sassy, yet she has the same insecurities we all do. Sometimes she would read too much into something, take a gesture and make it more than intended.

      When she felt you wronged her or lead her on, she'd tell you. That was also one of the things I loved about Frankie. If I thought it, she was saying it! Darian, almost got bitch slapped a few times but after really getting into his background, it was hard to hate him.

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      He, like Frankie, also shared some very real qualities. Darian would say one thing and do another. This guy was the king of mixed signals. That was probably the most frustrating thing about him. He had no clue what he wanted. But underneath it all he was a caring and romantic guy who was trying to do the right thing and I had a soft spot for the guy. The plot itself took on some wonderful twist and turns, that I didn't see coming.

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