Some Other Christmas

Christmas traditions vary from country to country. Christmas celebrations for many nations include the installing and lighting of .. The next day, on Christmas, "as another bonfire burns in the churchyard, the bishops lead the service while.
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Other Hanukkah family customs include singing Hanukkah songs, reciting Psalms, and, especially in North America and Israel, exchanging presents.

1. The Amazing Race Party

This is a week-long holiday celebrated in communities in the United States and Canada, as well as in the Western African Diaspora to honor African heritage in African-American culture. Created by Maulana Karenga in , it is observed from December January 1, and ultimately ends with a feast and the exchange of gifts. There are seven core principles that are celebrated during Kwanzaa, including unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith. Celebration of Kwanzaa can include colorful household decorations with art and African cloth, readings and reflection of the African Pledge, and a candle-lighting ceremony with a kinara which holds just two less candles than the Menorah!

With its origins in Spain, Las Posadas is a nine-day celebration that is now primarily celebrated in Mexico, Guatemala, and parts of the Southwestern United States.

Christmas Traditions and Customs

The roots of this holiday are in Catholicism but several different branches of Christian Latinos follow the tradition. During the celebration, a procession moves from house to house with a candle inside a paper lampshade, stopping at each home to sign and pray.

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Eventually, the procession ends at a home or church, and the celebration continues with caroling, feasting, and pinata breaking! Last year, the holiday took place in late October, but the date greatly varies depending on the Islamic lunar calendar. Ultimately, most of the meat is shared with friends, neighbors, and the poor, to ensure that none are without a chance to partake in the holiday feast!

Firecrackers are burst and, during the festival, all those celebrating wear new clothes and share sweets with family and friends. There are infinitely more worldwide celebrations that you may not have ever heard of, but taking time to learn about just a few more when possible could be invaluable to gaining a better understanding of the world.

Christmas traditions

Red is also the color of Bishops robes. These would have been worn by St. Nicholas and then also became Santa's uniform! Gold is the color of the Sun and light - both very important in the dark winter.

Some Other Christmas by Will Schuck

And both red and gold are the colors of fire that you need to keep you warm. Gold was also one of the presents brought to the baby Jesus by one of the wise men and traditionally it's the color used to show the star that the wise men followed. White is often associated with purity and peace in western cultures. The snow of winter is also very white! White paper wafers were also sometimes used to decorate paradise trees.

The wafers represented the bread eaten during Christian Communion or Mass, when Christians remember that Jesus died for them. White is used by most churches as the color of Christmas, when the altar is covered with a white cloth in the Russian Orthodox Church Gold is used for Christmas.

From Christmas to Diwali: Winter Holidays around the World - United Planet Blog

The color blue is often associated with Mary, the mother of Jesus. In medieval times blue dye and paint was more expensive than gold!

So it would only be worn by Royal families and very rich people. Mary was often painted wearing blue to show she was very important.