Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation! The Power of the Spoken Word

A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything God gave Adam dominion in the beginning through the power of the spoken word and that God changes lives through mouth-to-mouth resuscitation !.
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We can hurt or we can heal. The choice is ours every time we open our mouths. Acknowledging the power of spoken words is a fundamental building block to many self-help as well as main stream therapies. For what we say out loud is a guide to what lies within us. If our talk is critical, cynical or destructive, then we tend to find we think about ourselves in a similar way. Quite simply, we don't like or approve of much that we do or who we think we are.

We have little tolerance for our weaknesses. We fear being less than others.

The Power of the Spoken Word

We attack for fear of being exposed. The power of positive thinking has been well documented. Change the way you think or talk to yourself and you will change yourself. The words you speak to yourself in the privacy of your mind have power too. Sounds too simple to be true, doesn't it?


Shakespeare said it like this: These are simple to use power-packed suggestions. Let the energy of your words heal. This little classic is regarded as the forerunner to many of the best seller texts of today - including Norman Vincent Peale's 'The Power of Positive Thinking'. You can download a free copy right now! They represent a variety of viewpoints. Give each of them a chance to 'talk' to you.

If you don't like what you're 'hearing' click up the next. Fortunately, there are many ways to express the power of the spoken word. There will be one appropriate for you. It contains a broad selection of articles and links to resources. Cristina writes in a warm, approachable way sharing her journey toward thinking positively. Simon Templeton's site features a collection of free downloadable classic texts. Each e-book is a testimony to the power of positive thinking or the power of the spoken word.

Steve Pavlina's fascinating site features a startling variety of articles all related to various aspects of self development including positive thinking and the power of the spoken word. He calls it Personal development for Smart People.

It's so easy to lose hours here. Does using the power of the spoken word positively mean you have to be a 'pollyanna' about everything or everybody you meet in life? That would be daft. It would deny your intelligence and that of the person you're talking to even if it's yourself! What it does mean is looking beyond the initial often destructive or dismissive impulse to find the constructive one.

I want to write so well the words sing off the page. Sometimes my words warble pleasantly but they also frequently squawk. I can stop writing altogether and say things like. I like your sentence construction there. Now how about you go back and have a play with that bit where you were trying to explain Do you ever get bored or feel limited by your current word collection? If so, it's time to get a new one. There are thousands and thousands of words in the English language.

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Newsletter Speaking Out Loud. Your Pages Eulogy examples Public speaking search. Out of the Mouths of Babes When my son was about three I took him with me on a school camp. The students, years old , had a wonderful time playing with him. They piggy-backed him, towed him round in a trolley AND taught him a colorful new vocabulary. The result was dramatic. He swiftly learnt about the power of those spoken words.

The older children were delighted, some of the adults shocked and I had the task of re-educating him!

  1. The Books of the Avenger of Blood (The History of the Avenger Book 1).
  2. First Aid Procedure for Artificial Respiration: Mouth to Mouth and Mouth to Nose Methods;
  3. .
  4. Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation.

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To comment on this article, you must sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Beautiful info, well shared and i must confess that this is very educating. Am rating this work up,thanks for sharing. This is a very helpful hub.

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  • I remember learning this when I was a lifeguard. But that was 5 years ago and this article served as a great refresher. Sometimes I if in such circumstances rather nervous, I call people around the existing wrote me to help. There are now face shields and other types of cover to protect the rescuer and victim from one another's cooties!! I didn't really know how to put that!!! Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

    To provide a better website experience, hubpages. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: First Aid Procedure for Artificial Respiration: Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation What to do: Maintain the backward head-tilt position as with the mouth-to-mouth method with the hand on the forehead.

    Use the other hand to close the mouth. Sometimes the victim's jaw is clenched shut as often happens in the case of drowning.

    The Power of the Spoken Word

    Open your mouth widely, take a deep breath, seal your mouth tightly around the victim's nose and blow into the victim's nose. On the exhalation phase, open the victim's mouth if possible to allow air escape. Thank you for commenting. Books, Literature, and Writing. Games, Toys, and Hobbies. HubPages Tutorials and Community. Politics and Social Issues. This website uses cookies As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.

    Mouth-to-Nose Method

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