Der erkaufte Henker (German Edition)

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Friedrich Gerstäckers ausgewählte Erzählungen und Humoresken (Book, s) []

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I'm looking for simple but well-known and interesting German literature to improve my reading comprehension as an intermediate learner. It should fulfill the following criteria:. Please detail any other properties that make the book useful for learners. One book per answer, please. Look at an example answer given further down to get an idea of a consistent formatting. You answers here may be written in German or in English. Note for Amazon book links: Amazon links will automatically be converted to Stackexchange affiliate links with the following syntax:.

Momo by Michael Ende. Very famous, a very lovely read and not too difficult as it is aimed at young readers. Die unendliche Geschichte by Michael Ende. Very famous and cool story. Aimed at young readers, but also longer and more complex than Momo. I recommend Die Vermessung der Welt. It's a recent novel about Gauss and Alexander von Humboldt, both trying to measure the world with different methods. I found it very fluent and fun to read, though it may not be really simple.

It's all written in indirect speech. If literature in this case also includes humor , I'd recommend trying some books by Loriot and Heinz Erhardt. They're some of greatest German language artists ever. Heinz Erhardt's books are actually mostly poetry, while Loriot has written a mixture of humorous texts. Tintenherz books by Cornelia Funke. If Harry Potter passes, you could try this.

I haven't read them myself, but from watching movie it sounded interesting. Also, it's pretty famous. I'm actually not quite sure about its complexity as I haven't got it at home to look, but it should be rather simple. Daniel Glattauer's Gut Gegen Nordwind. I haven't finished reading this, but the most valuable thing about this novel from the perspective of a language learner is that it is written as a series of emails.

The protagonists become interested in each other and initiate a long lasting email correspondence after one of them sends an incorrectly addressed mail to the other by accident. The most useful thing for me as a learner was to see how real live people communicate by email, formally, informally, funnily, emotionally, etc.

Another plus is that these are older people, and therefore avoid smilies, and capitalise and spell correctly unlike what one might expect of an email. The short length, and back and forth of individual emails also adds to the clarity. I don't see any mention of Erich Kaestner sorry, no umlauts on this keyboard yet. I'm pretty sure a lot of his books should be suitable. I've only read one myself: Drei Maenner im Schnee, which I guess is less of a kid's book than his more famous ones.

I thought it was very funny, and I don't think it was all that difficult, although I read it in a third year university German course, so the language might be more complex than I'm remembering. German Short Stories 1 - Deutsche Kurzgeschichten 1. Much maligned in pre-war Germany, the short story enjoyed a creative rebirth in Initially imported by the Allies, the form also matched perfectly the prevailing mood of irony, objectivity and mistrust of the didactic.

With the original German text running alongside English translations, this collection features stories from eight outstanding post-war authors including Heinrich Boll, Ilse Aichinger and Reinhard Lettau which students will find both educational and engrossing. I would recommend Russendisko by Wladimir Kaminer. But in contrary to "his" TV-Show the book is written for both, young and adult, reader. You even got some pictures. Didn't do the Math, but the book isn't good due to his sophisticated use of language but the universe the author designs to its smallest and most wacky details. It is written by Walter Moers, a well know Author, and not as old as some other books mentioned.

Mephisto by Klaus Mann.

Friedrich Gerstäckers ausgewählte Erzählungen und Humoresken

Very interesting, counts as classical literature. Although it is aimed at adult readers, it has a very clear and straight forward language. I remember it being an easy, but fascinating read. Unser Dorf und der Krieg. The book is aimed at year-olds, but quite suitable to be read by adults. Obviously, this is not a fun book for the beach and you have to gauge your own comfort level with a narrative that includes a phase of falling for the propaganda, and the impact on village life.

The big plus of this book is that all characters in the book are very real. I realize that this might not be right for your intended level, I just mention it to vary the complexity a bit. It's a rather long book about the fantastic adventures of a boy, a robot friend of his and their self-built vehicle which can fly, swim and drive the name derives from these three properties. The same long book with fantastic story for young readers goes for everything by Michael Ende.

I will leave these two suggestions in one answer because I feel they are similar in style, target audience and originality and also because there are already several answers for Michael Ende's books. I'm not sure this is a famous tale in Germany, but looking for tales to read in order to improve my German I found a story called " Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten ", there is also an audio to listen to, so you can use the same story to improve listening. I just remembered that we read Mario und der Zauberer by Thomas Mann , one of the classical German authors, in school native German ; , so maybe it's also suitable for learners of the language.

Books by Hermann Hesse should qualify as readable, such as Unterm Rad , which has some autobiographic qualities as it explores the schooling and aspects of the private life of a boy in southern Germany towards the end of the 19th century. Sure they might be a bit old and a bit children-oriented but they still have high literary values and are not very difficult to comprehend? Furthermore it's available for free both as an ebook on US Amazon or on German Amazon as well as an audiobook on librivox. You may also find a paid version read by professional readers on Audible.

This is a novel from about a boy who sold his laughter. The language is understandable by fifth-graders, so it's not too difficult. Buy it on amazon. The Tagebuch der Anne Frank is of immediate historical importance and gives incredible insights into the psyche of a year-old girl.

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It is not, however, a children's book. You could say that Anne writes for all audiences, and she's very, very talented. Her diary is a stunning achievement and it is at times a breathtaking experience to read it. Actually, I once had a flatmate from Canada for a year and gave him several books to read, and he found Pippi Langstrumpf and Der kleine Prinz extraordinarily readable, entertaining and just right for him — although they are originally in Swedish and French, respectively, but that doesn't stop the fun they give!

I'll include them here just because of this positive experience my flatmate had with them. Their simplicity makes them ideal first books for language learners. If you read Harry Potter fluently without consulting dictionaries or stumbling over the grammar, you are already an advanced reader so they will be too basic for you, even though they are both very entertaining for all ages.

A journalist from Vienna, about years ago. Also, a lesson in history. I don't have a Flesch score, but I don't think that the book is too difficult to read. Although there are some really long sentences, which can be difficult. I think nearly all major writings of this author , of Swiss origin are perfectly suited for your needs. He uses a plain, easy and yet fascinating langage, often describes ordinary things and activities like going on a walk in Der Spaziergang which is one of his best known stories, a nice story to begin with.