Almayers Folly: A Story of an Eastern River

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Almayer’s Folly

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Carefully established text Full composition and publication history and useful notes Introduction by well-known scholar. Log in to review. How do you rate this item? Reviews must contain at least 12 words about the product. His obsession with gold? His obsessive love for his daughter, whose progenitors, the Malay race, he despised? Joseph Conrad was born in Berdichev, Ukraine, in After both of his parents died of tuberculosis, Conrad went to live with his uncle in Switzerland. Fiction Classics Literary Fiction Category: Fiction Classics Literary Fiction. Also in Modern Library Classics.

Sister Carrie Dumas, Alexandre: The Three Musketeers Dumas, Alexandre: Tom Jones Flaubert, Gustave: Madame Bovary Flaubert, Gustave: Sentimental Education Ford, Ford Madox: The Good Soldier Forster, E. Howards End Gaskell, Elizabeth: North and South Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Dead Souls Gorky, Maxim: The Mother Haggard, H. The Scarlet Letter Homer: The Odyssey Hugo, Victor: Crome Yellow James, Henry: The Portrait of a Lady 3.

Revised version of http: Lord Jim Joseph Conrad Jim, the well-loved son of an English parson, goes to sea to make a name for himself. Just how he is to become "Tuan Jim" or "Lord Jim," however, remains to be told. With his youthful, romantic aspirations for the sea, he is physically powerful; he has "Ability in the abstract. The story then cuts to an early incident where Jim lost an opportunity to prove his mettle: Then, after a long injury and hospital stay, instead of deciding to return to England, Jim accepts the position of chief mate of the Patna, an old local steamship carrying Muslim pilgrims to Mecca.

Almayer's Folly: A Story of an Eastern River by Joseph Conrad - Free Ebook

Scott Fitzgerald "The Black Arrow: A Grotesque Romance" by H. Lawrence "A Room with a View" by E. Wait falls ill with tuberculosis during the voyage, and his plight arouses the humanitarian sympathies of many of the crew, five of whom rescue him from his deck cabin during a storm, placing their own lives and the ship at risk. Captain Alistoun and the old sailor Singleton, on the other hand, remain concerned primarily with their duties as sailors and are indifferent to Wait's condition. The captain is unfamiliar with both his ship and his crew, having only joined their company a fortnight earlier.

The Captain is furthermore unsure of himself, questioning his ability to fulfill the role of such an authoritative figure. While on look-out duty one night, the captain encounters a naked swimmer holding onto the side ladder of the ship. He helps the mysterious swimmer onto the boat and hides him in his cabin without the rest of the crew's knowledge.

He then learns of the mysterious swimmer's past. His name is Leggatt, and he swam away from a nearby ship, called the Sephora, where, as chief mate, he killed another crew member for insolence during a storm. The captain keeps Leggatt hidden in his quarters, away from the suspicious crew members and a visit from the skipper of the Sephora. Eventually the Captain allows Leggatt to escape by bringing the ship perilously close to land for Leggatt to swim away safely, though this risky sailing maneuver nearly sends the ship into the rocks, testing the Captain's seamanship.

He succeeds and leads the ship away. Under Western Eyes Joseph Conrad One of the major themes of the novella is the contrast between Conrad's characters who are imaginative men aware of the larger issues of life and conscious of the potential for disaster and the literal minded and relatively unaware Captain MacWhirr. MacWhirr is a hard working captain devoted to routine and loyal to the needs of the Nan-Shan and the interests of her owners.

First edition published in Text based on the HTML version at www. This selection includes a table of contents and embedded audio at the beginning of each section so the reader can listen while they read. The story follows narrator Charles Marlow, a boat captain, and his expedition down a river. Conrad carefully exploits the horrors of African colonization, delving into the absolute darkness and evil of the human condition. Tales of Unrest Joseph Conrad Two colonial officers extol the benefits they are bringing to an African village in the form of 'quays and warehouses, and barracks - and billiard-rooms'.

A French republican who has fathered three idiot sons makes his peace with the Church, only to have an idiot daughter. A woman chooses not to leave her husband but he leaves her. Such are the ironies of Conrad's earliest short stories, which are not apprentice work but miniature masterpieces in their own right. As astoundingly original in construction as the great novels that were to come, these tales are in many ways more challenging and more disturbing still.

A sense of human existence as surprising and often perplexing informs every part of this remarkable collection. Complex, arresting, and unsettling, these are indeed 'tales of unrest'. Victory Joseph Conrad The novel's most striking formal characteristic is its shifting narrative and temporal perspective with the first section from the viewpoint of a sailor, the second from omniscient perspective of Axel Heyst, the third from an interior perspective from Heyst, and the final section.

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Kurtz, an ivory-procurement agent, a man of established notoriety among the natives and the European colonials. The story is a thematic exploration of the savagery-versus-civilization relationship, and of the colonialism and the racism that make imperialism possible. Originally published as a three-part serial story, in Blackwood's Magazine, the novella Heart of Darkness has been variously published and translated into many languages.

In , the Modern Library ranked Heart of Darkness as the sixty-seventh of the hundred best novels in English of the twentieth century. Nostromo, a Tale of the Seaboard Joseph Conrad Set in the imaginary South American republic of Costaguana, this work is an illustration of the impact of foreign exploitation on a developing nation. Typhoon Joseph Conrad The story centers around the crew of a steamship in a storm. The hero is the captain whose strengh carries the crew through the adventure. Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad Although Polish by birth, Joseph Conrad — is regarded as one of the greatest writers in English, and Heart of Darkness, first published in , is considered by many his "most famous, finest, and most enigmatic story.

The tale concerns the journey of the narrator Marlow up the Congo River on behalf of a Belgian trading company.

Almayer's Folly: A Story of an Eastern River by Joseph Conrad

Far upriver, he encounters the mysterious Kurtz, an ivory trader who exercises an almost godlike sway over the inhabitants of the region. Both repelled and fascinated by the man, Marlow is brought face to face with the corruption and despair that Conrad saw at the heart of human existence. In its combination of narrative and symbolic power, masterly character study and acute psychological penetration, Heart of Darkness ranks as a landmark of modern fiction. It is a book no serious student of literature can afford to miss.

Their quarrel over an initially minor incident turns into a bitter, long-drawn out struggle over the following fifteen years, interwoven with the larger conflict that provides its backdrop. At the beginning, Feraud is the one who jealously guards his honor and repeatedly demands satisfaction anew when a duelling encounter ends inconclusively; he aggressively pursues every opportunity to locate and duel his foe. As the story progresses, D'Hubert also finds himself caught up in the contest, unable to back down or walk away.