Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage

Review Being around Wally Goddard makes us want to be better people--better spouses to each other--a better son and a better daughter of God. Wally simply knows how to put eternal principles in a layman's, working language--translating them into daily living. --Anonymous Reader.
Table of contents

I probably would have avoided some first-year marriage issues. Goddard is LDS, and he uses Christian doctrine to teach about the principles of marriage. The book would be easiest for an LDS Mormon couple to understand, but the principles are applicable, regardless of religious beliefs.

We can only change ourselves and accept the other person, flaws and all.

Drawing Heaven into Your Marriage

If your spouse is good enough for Jesus to give His life for, maybe you should start looking for the positive in him. I occasionally felt like he put too much emphasis on the self, and not enough emphasis on clearly communicating expectations. But Goddard points out that it would take the same amount of time to pick up the dishes myself. The book does address clear communication, and adds a caveat for those in actually abusive situations, near the end. I would like to see that earlier on.

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It's In the Middle

Notify me of new comments via email. Kidd, told me she had ordered several copies, too.

Fish out of water

Own this book by clicking here. I also intend to give it as my gift of choice for every wedding invitation that comes my way in the future, for one reason. It is simply the best book on marriage that I have ever read, and I will always count it as a treasure in our library. Though having a sweet companionship in marriage seems to be a universal dream, the world is fleeing from marriage in a sad resignation that the dream is sometimes hard to execute.

No, the joy that we hope to find in our marriages comes back to understanding some core principles and true solutions found in focusing on Christ, ideas that Goddard outlines with clarity. This is, of course, because the person we marry is an eternal soul on a journey. On that journey, we share everything with our spouse, our money, our space, our time, our hopes, our very bodies. And, of course, on that journey, since none of us is perfect, we share our vulnerabilities, our weaknesses, our tensions and frustrations.

That is not always easy.

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  • Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage: Powerful Principles with Eternal Results.

Did God design marriage as a refuge a safe haven from a troubled world? Or did He design marriage as a laboratory where each of us could conduct daily experiments in gospel living? Or did he design marriage as a spiritual challenge course to humble us, stretch us, and refine us?

Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage by H. Wallace Goddard

Yes, to all of the above. For most people, marriage is sometimes a refuge from the storm. At other times, marriage is the storm where cold squalls and pitching decks test our balance and determination as we seek the promised land of marital harmony. One thing is sure. God did not design marriage as a retirement village where we sunbathe, work the buffet, and play golf.

When God ordained marriage, He had loftier and more demanding purposes in mind. We bring to this demanding and perfecting experience all kinds of maladaptive behavior that we have been busy practicing to one degree or another since our youth.

Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage

Goddard lists some of these: He describes faulty thinking that you instantly know are true, but may not have articulated before. Here are a few samples: The natural man is inclined to love himself and fix others. I see things as they are. Our pride teaches us that we understand our partners and what makes them tick. We presume to understand their thoughts, motives and intent better than even they themselves do.