Love Won’t Let Me Be Silent

Lee "Love Won'T Let Me Be Silent" de Terry Angel Mason con Rakuten Kobo. Love Wont Let Me Be Silent is a collection of writings, short stories, and poems.
Table of contents

If you do not come, these do not matter. If you do come, these do not matter. Is it still a stone, or a world made of redness? It has no resistance to sunlight. This is how Hallaj said, I am God , and told the truth! Be courageous and discipline yourself. Completely become hearing and ear, and wear this sun-ruby as an earring. This wind is the Holy Spirit. The trees are Mary. I am filled with you. Why Men Hate Going to Church. The Good News Club. A Bigger World Yet: Hard Questions, Heart Answers. The Broken American Male. Life on the Edge.

Confessions of a Secular Jesus Follower. Developing Strong Black Male Ministries. Saving a Sick America. No Place For Me: Letters to the Church in America. Not in My Spirit: The Scars of Racism. From the Shepherd's Staff. Acceptance, Forgiveness and Love: Building a Church without Fences. We are the lovers of love, and Moslems are different. We are weak as an ant, and Solomon is different. Ask us for an ashen face and torn guts. The bazaar of linen sellers is different. In the path of union, the wise man and the mad man are one.

In the way of love, close friends and strangers are one.

Silence Lyrics

That one who has tasted the wine of union with the supreme soul. In his faith, the Kaaba and an idol temple are one. I have lost myself in God, and now God is mine. Don't look for Him in every direction, for He is in my soul. I am the Sultan. I would be lying. If I said that there is someone who is my sultan.

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Alas, don't say those treading the path are not the chosen ones. That the followers of Christ, or the faithless are not the chosen ones. Because you are not chosen to be the keeper of secrets. You think that other are not the chosen ones. This is you, making me drunk in a monastery.

Love Won't Let Me Down (Acoustic) - Hillsong Young & Free

Turning me into an idol worshiper while I am seated at Kaaba. I have no control in this game of good and bad.

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I worship the moon. Tell me of the soft glow of a candle light and the sweetness of my moon. Last night I lost my grip on reality and welcomed insanity. Love saw me and said, I showed up. Wipe you tears and be silent. Love said to me, there is nothing that is not me.

Love Won't Let Me Down

I will whisper secrets in your ear just nod yes and be silent. A soul moon appeared in the path of my heart. I said, O Love what kind of moon is this? Love said to me, this is not for you to question. I said, O Love what kind of face is this, angelic, or human? Love said to me, this is beyond anything that you know. I said, please reveal this to me I am dying in anticipation. Love said to me, that is where I want you: Always on the edge, be silent. You dwell in this hall of images and illusions, leave this house now and be silent.

I said, O Love, tell me this: Does the lord know you are treating me this way? The lover is ever drunk with love. She is free, he is mad, She sings with delight As he dances in ecstasy. Oh soul, you worry too much. You say, I make you feel dizzy. Of a little headache then, why do you worry? You say, I am your moon-faced beauty. Of the cycles of the moon and passing of the years, why do you worry?

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You say, I am your source of passion, I excite you. Of playing into the Devils hand, why do you worry? Look at yourself, what you have become. You are now a field of sugar canes, why show that sour face to me? You say that I keep you warm inside. Then why this cold sigh? You have gone to the roof of heavens. Of this world of dust, why do you worry? Your arms are heavy with treasures of all kinds. You are Joseph, beautiful, strong, steadfast in your belief, all of Egypt has become drunk because of you.

Of those who are blind to your beauty, and deaf to your songs, why do you worry? You have seen your own strength. You have seen your own beauty.

You have seen your golden wings. Of anything less, why do you worry? You are in truth the soul, of the soul, of the soul. You are the security, the shelter of the spirit of Lovers. Oh the sultan of sultans, of any other king, why do you worry? Be silent, like a fish, and go into that pleasant sea. Why do you worry? Lover me, cave me, the sweet burn of Love me.

Lover you, cave you, Shams protect me. Noah you, soul you, conqueror and the conquered you the awakened heart you. Why hold me at that gate of your secret? Light you, celebration you, the victorious land you the bird of Mount Sinai you. You carry me on your tired beak.

Drop you, ocean you, compassion and rage you, sugar you, poison you. The orb of the Sun you, the house of Venus you, the sliver of hope you. Open up the way for me. Day you, night you, fasting and the crumbs of a beggar you, water and a pitcher you. Quench my thirst, Beloved. Bait you, trap you, wine you, cup you, baked and raw you. Oh, all these words of mine.

At times I plunge to the bottom of the sea, at times, rise up like the Sun. At times, the universe is pregnant by me, at times I give birth to it. I am the one shouting hey ha. I say, when you reveal your true nature, then I will act my age. Last night, I saw Goodness getting drunk. He growled and said, I am a nuisance, a nuisance. A hundred souls cried out, but we are yours, we are yours, we are yours. I said Love, who are you?

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He said, I am you, I am you, I am you. My face free of sorrow, my mouth full of wine, my clothes torn off my body. I tear away the layers. I melt the shame. I reveal the unrevealed. He moves too fast. One breath, he is outside the window. Next breath, he is inside my shirt. There is new life in me. The seven heavens cannot contain him, but he is here, moving up my shirt. Pop, one button here.

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Pop, one button there. This lion of God watches over me, I sing as he roars. I gave you life, I created you, I do what I want now. Before I met you, I had only one heart, I had only one body, I was only being. Neither I am me, nor you are you, nor you are me.