Stripping Secrets: Triple Your Dancing Income

The NOOK Book (eBook) of the Stripper Secrets: Triple Your The Comprehensive Guide To Go From Girl-Next-Door To Pole Dancing Diva.
Table of contents

Maybe you will come to the realization that she is trying to make herself look and feel less like the family she comes from. Maybe it will all hurt like hell, but maybe, you will all get to have healthy love if you face the music. Learn about addiction and what role you could be playing in hers.

You, Mom, are the codependent matriarch here. You learned this somewhere. You need to get to that core and work on it. The cycle can end here. By removing yourself from her scenario and focusing on your relationship with yourself, you become a better mother, friend, grandparent, partner, and human. You become more proactive and are a better confidante. You cannot control, only share yourself.

The only thing more beautiful than a chick in a nest is a bird flying free.

Stripper Tips - Where 20% of My Income Came From - By Lexi Lou

It means working on our weaknesses until we become strong in those areas instead. How can you show her? Start the process yourself. The answer of course is that they are both important! It is important to find a balance of being flexible AND strong, especially in pole dance, which is one of the reasons I find it so challenging sometimes.

Honestly I feel a little weird writing this blog because as you can see in my pictures — I am not very flexible yet! The stretching I did was pretty minimal — obesity runs in both sides of my family so my priority was always to get my weight training and cardio in to maintain a healthy weight. When I started doing yoga and then pole, I started realizing just how limited my flexibility is. One of the areas I specialize in is strokes and brain injuries. One of my many goals with this type of patient is to strengthen the arm if the muscle tone is weak or stretch the joint to increase range of motion if there is increased muscle tone.

For some reason it never occurred to me to use it on myself. One key technique is to strengthen the opposing muscles to whatever area you are tight in. For example, if your inner thighs are super tight in center splits, you want to strengthen the outer hip muscles as much as possible. Flexibility depends on sooo many factors — your age, your natural flexibility level, muscle tone, what types of exercises you have done in your lifetime, and many other things.

That being said, almost anyone can dramatically increase his or her flexibility level with proper training. The down side — usually the more strong and tight your joints are, the longer it will take and the more work you will need to do. You should stretch whatever area you are working at least once or twice a week to see progress.

You can check out my videos for warmup and stretching sequences for various body parts. Be patient with yourself. Trying to force flexibility is a quick way to get injured which can set you back months or years in your progress. Using your breath is the best way to achieve maximum benefits from static stretches. Try to relax your muscles during the exhales.

Unless you are in a dire situation that you absolutely need to get out of, in my opinion, there is no reason to strip if you are under the age of twenty two. Those are different stories. They get accolades and responsibilities that give them pride and purpose. Start having a little bit of contact with the girls and customers, but not too much.

See how it makes you feel first, and take your time making the adjustment into dancing if you like it. One of the recurring themes of this book is habit and pattern. The likelihood of building abnormal habits around love and sex are all too real if you spend the years that you are building a concept of normalcy in a strip club.

Sex should be at least somewhat sacred, and when you put a dollar amount on it, that can be really confusing to a newcomer to the adult dating scene. More unnerving than the weird things that can happen to your sex life based on habit is the negativity that can come from trauma in the line of duty. There are most certainly predators in this environment who consciously target young and inexperienced girls and prey on their naivety, and the outcome can be devastating.

Some of them work with you and are very good at hiding their snakelike intentions. Sometimes I wish I had those extra five years of income, but I would have wasted the money anyway. Lots of single moms strip. I am not a mom, so I have been hesitant to post about motherhood and stripping, but a discussion I walked in on last week has backed me into a corner. My mom did some sketchy shit, let me be really up front. The older I get, the easier it is to piece together all the weird things she got involved with that likely eclipsed the parts of her that I was aware of.

As a kid though, everything in my life seemed normal. This is the kind of thing that follows us throughout our lives.

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Not everything was concealed as well as she thought it was. Nevertheless, her intentions were good: I have my suspicions about what my mom did while raising me to supplement her income, but I have no proof at all. No part of my childhood includes memories of my mom as anything but my mom. Whatever she did for work was a blissful mystery to me.

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In my fourteen years in the industry, though, I have seen some other approaches to parenthood. Some were bearable, although you do feel bad for the thirteen year old boy who knows his mom strips in the town they live in, but technically, not illegal, and definitely not the worst case. I have seen toddlers with Daddy playing in the parking lot at two thirty AM, waiting for Mommy to come home.

Get your ass home! Is this when we call CPS? I was touching up my face next to a couple girls talking about Seeking Arrangement, and my nosey ass opened my ears up for the convo. She just sat and chilled while we ate. Seriously, kids are smart. It was just a date to talk about maybe if it was gonna work, but that site is wack. A trick is a trick, and you cannot involve your kid with any part of it. Listen to her, dude. You should thank her for taking the time to talk to you, she could save your kids life.

Your daughter is smart and you are writing on her soul. She is a little girl. I think it stuck with Pink. It stuck with me. I hope it did, because what she shows her baby will certainly stick with her. Your kids are only young once. Parenthood looks hard as hell and I commend every one of you who handle it like the bosses you are, but a little discretion goes a long way. It is your job as a parent to protect your child from things that might hurt him or her. Your job is most certainly one of those things. The more you do it, the more normal it becomes for you, but this line of work is not normal for most adults.

Sex is for when we understand it. No two year old, five year old, or ten year old needs to know about it. You are the realest one. I wish we had gotten to know each other better. To Miss Pink, I hope you heard her. I hope you hold your baby close and keep her safe from all of it. My prayers to her and to you and to all of your babies.

Keep them in their blissful youth for as long as you can, quit this job, and let them see you shine in whatever your dream job may be. Inspire those kids, man! I was quiet for a second. The elation of getting approved for such an incredible place made us feel rich and fabulous.

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We had made it. Our loft was gorgeous, two beautiful stories of warehouse heaven, and inside of it sat five whole pieces of furniture: If she could do it so could we. Maybe even a customer would buy it for us! We never bought any of those things, though. We had clothes to buy, manicures to get, lip glosses to collect!

Plus bills, and starbucks, and food every day we never really cooked. Three months later the lease was halfway up anyway. This is too hard to manage! Looking back into the past, I tried to think about what I would say to Clarissa my client to explain to her the mistake I had made. Instead, I pulled out my calculator. He is winning even if you live in a mansion.

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I love Clarissa, and I wanted her to have everything she had ever dreamt of. There is so much we could have done with that money that we never had a chance to do. We could have put a generous downpayment on a house with that much, or we could have started a savings that would turn into a future investment plan down the road. That loft was six years ago, and I still shake my head at my foolishness. I needed to chill the fuck out. I needed to spend half that money and live in a cute apartment with my friend and decorate from thrift stores and cook at home.

I needed to let myself be a kid. Cancel the membership at any time if not satisfied 4.

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