World Crisis foretold

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White, a humble Christian writer, wrote about what God had shown would happen in large cities near the close of earth's history: From the light given me, I know that destructiion is in the world. Our world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis. You will be surprised at the outcome. Millions worldwide have read books from the pen of this bestselling author and have found happiness and new life.

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Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. Feedback If you need help or have a question for Customer Service, contact us. The leading scientists and intelligence experts of America tell us they long for the days of the cold war, when things were peaceful! Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

The s and beyond have hurled us into an increasingly dangerous world.

A crisis foretold, by Michael T Klare (Le Monde diplomatique - English edition, May )

The entire world is becoming increasingly militarized, and many of the belligerents are fanatics. We now live on the edge of a sudden military attack which could destroy major cities,—an attack which need not come from the skies. It can be brought in on trucks. Yet there are a number of other, equally dangerous problems. This is the story of what we are facing. Why it will come. And what you need to do to prepare for it. All the terrorists and rogue nations need is the raw material—the uranium or plutonium. Once they have that, they can build the bombs.

The underpaid workers at Russian storage sites are glad to secretly sell quantities of it. Bribery and black market selling have been standard market procedures in Russia for decades. Writing in a intelligence digest, a nuclear weapons expert, Graham Allison, described the situation: Once fissionable material is obtainable, it can easily be made into weapons. Transportation of the material is not difficult. A simple bomb design can be made with less than 20 pounds of plutonium. It would be easy to sneak such a bomb into America or another Western nation. Many rogue groups want the nuclear material and are willing to pay a lot to get it Graham T.

It would be easy to load explosives into a small plane, fill it with fuel, and fly it into government buildings. The combination of explosives and aviation fuel would be terrible. Jetliners are also not adequately protected.

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America is not guarding its airplanes! The worst scenario, next to nuclear bombs, includes chemical and biological weapons: The raw materials are relatively easy to get, and the finished products do not have to be kept alive. But, unlike germs, the chemicals cannot reproduce.

So they can affect only a small area—unless a crop-dusting plane is used, which could cover a large city. Only a large terrorist syndicate could make tons of chemical weapons. But it is known that Iraq has stockpiles of them. The Tokyo subway attack used a chemical weapon sarin gas. Because an extremely small amount was used, few people died.

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Most feared are anthrax a bacterium and smallpox a virus. Both are highly lethal. Experts believe smallpox is the worst of the two. Anthrax is turned into a weapon merely by releasing airborne spores for people to breathe. A plane flying over New York City could easily do it. Within a few days cold-like symptoms develop. By the time the symptoms are noted, treatment is too late. Death follows within a week. Russian defectors have declared that, before its collapse, the Soviet Union was developing new super plagues primarily strains of anthrax and smallpox which were more lethal , against which there would be no known antidotes.

Following that collapse, it became far easier for foreign agents to bribe guards to sell them quantities of it. Today 17 nations are believed to have biological weapons programs, many of which involve anthrax. If anything, the situation is now even more dangerous. We are hurtling toward oblivion. Only God can help us; yet, by our immoralities, we are declaring that we do not want His help.

A crisis foretold

We join the rest of America and the world in deep sorrow over the recent tragedies in New York City and Washington, D. Our heartfelt prayers go out to the many who have suffered loss in these tragedies as well as in the ongoing battle against worldwide terrorism. We are stunned as we consider that a terrible climax is now developing before our eyes, events leading to the destruction of this world.

Yet, according to Bible prophecy, God is permitting this to happen.