Innocent Abroad: An Intimate Account of American Peace Diplomacy in the Middle East

Editorial Reviews. From Publishers Weekly. Missteps and missed opportunities proliferate in Innocent Abroad: An Intimate Account of American Peace Diplomacy in the Middle East - Kindle edition by Martin Indyk. Download it once and read.
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Indyk is a leading defender of the proposition that "American presidents can be more successful when they put their arms around Israeli prime ministers and encourage them to move forward, rather than attempt to browbeat them into submission.

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He is very nearly dismissive in rendering their views: In fact, Lebanon and Israel remain in disagreement over a border territory known as Shebaa Farms, and Syria was not offered the complete withdrawal upon which its late President Hafez al-Assad had insisted. During Clinton's unsuccessful attempt to broker an Israeli-Syrian accord, as Indyk himself writes, Barak sought to preserve control over a narrow band of territory so Israel would not have to cede any of the shoreline of the Sea of Galilee.

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Like many other insider accounts of the failure to achieve a peace deal at Camp David in , Innocent Abroad faults Yasser Arafat for lacking the requisite courage and vision. The book begins with Clinton on his final day in office warning Colin Powell, the future secretary of state, not to "ever trust that son of a bitch," meaning Arafat. Indyk notes that Arafat's defenders say he balked at Camp David because he was "preoccupied with avoiding any dilution of the U.

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Innocent Abroad An Intimate By Martin Indyk Price In Pakistan

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Innocence Lost

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How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot. To overcome these shortcomings, Indyk has a recommendation for future negotiators:. For example, Indyk describes the delicate challenge of making sure Arafat refrained from kissing everyone during the Oslo Accord signing ceremonies on the White House Lawn.

The diplomatic skills of U. The assassination of Rabin was a major blow to the peace march, but other issues conspired to halt its progress, and Arafat came under heavy pressure to give more to save the day:.

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Having come so close to a historic agreement, however, Clinton was in no mood to be forgiving. One reason for our capriciousness and improvisation lay in the asymmetrical nature of our relations with the two sides.

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Israel was our ally and Clinton was strongly committed to its security and well-being. To overcome these shortcomings, Indyk has a recommendation for future negotiators: The assassination of Rabin was a major blow to the peace march, but other issues conspired to halt its progress, and Arafat came under heavy pressure to give more to save the day: Arafat, no fool, told Clinton he was fearful that at the summit Barak would try to drive him into a corner and make him look like the guilty party.