El Tesoro de Dones Inmerecidos (Spanish Edition)

EL TESORO DE DONES INMERECIDOS (Spanish Edition) [Guillermo Beilinson] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. El Camino del Rebe.
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Such structures could be particularly valuable in rural areas with a view to preventing the depopulation thereof. Furthermore, they can be developed by means of cross-border cooperation, thereby taking advantage of experience acquired and of local and regional traditions in the areas concerned. It would also be beneficial to increase the involvement of women from rural areas in such new initiatives, for example in the management of these new undertakings.

What support can the Commission provide for projects launched by women from rural areas for the development of cooperatives, particularly in sectors which are lacking in rural communities? The Commission considers that gender mainstreaming and female entrepreneurship in rural areas is a vital tool for developing the economic and social potential of such areas.

Measures like support to young farmers, diversification of economic activities, development of micro enterprises, the Leader approach or vocational training can serve the specific needs of women in rural areas. The proposed rural development policy after requires gender equality as one of the general ex-ante conditionalities.

The legal proposal offers a large number and types of measures that can help women boost their economic participation in rural life.

The focus on the specific needs of women can be included into the rural development programmes. This requires an analysis by the Member States and regions to reach an integrated approach in the programmes.

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This is followed by the design of measures linked to the local conditions and taking account of specific problems women face there. Nuovi attacchi dopo circa un'ora: Gli attacchi mediante autobombe sono solitamente un marchio di al-Qaeda in Iraq. The attacks, four in all, hit towns in the north and south of the country and targeted Shiite districts and the security forces. The death toll was 32 with over people injured. Shortly afterwards a suicide bomber blew himself up in a car stuffed with explosives in the Shiite district of Shula in north-west Baghdad.

Further attacks followed around one hour later: Then in Balad Ruz, a town north east of Baghdad, a car bomb exploded as a police patrol passed by. Another car bomb exploded near to a market in the nearby town of Khan Bani Saad. Attacks using car bombs are usually a mark of al-Qaeda in Iraq. This situation, which has caused the deaths of thousands of people in violent attacks in recent years, is unacceptable in a civilised society.

Would direct action by the international community to tackle the situation be possible? What kinds of measures could the international community take in this event, to reduce the incidence of these attacks which contravene human rights? A government which can demonstrate national unity, inclusiveness and effectiveness stands the best chance of defying the continuing organised violence.

Uomini armati travestiti da poliziotti in uniforme hanno aperto il fuoco contro i fedeli raccolti in preghiera in una moschea nello Stato di Kaduna. I fedeli stavano raggiungendo la moschea per le preghiere mattutine. Una serie di attentati-kamikaze in tre chiese nel mese di giugno, rivendicati dalla setta islamista Boko Haram, ha scatenato la rabbia e la rappresaglia dei cristiani e di rimando le violenze dei musulmani.

Ma stavolta l'origine dell'attacco sembra essere diversa: Gli abitanti del villaggio infatti venivano terrorizzati da un gruppo di ladri che, armati, arrivavano dalla foresta per depredarli. Dogo Dawa si trova infatti non lontano da un'importante strada di comunicazione utilizzata da mercanti che trasportano merci e denaro tra il nord e il sud dell'Africa. In questo contesto, il fattore religioso che vede la Nigeria divisa tra il nord musulmano e il sud cristiano si inserisce nella fortissima competizione per il potere. Alla luce di questi elementi si chiede all'Alto Rappresentante:.

Qualora esistano, quali misure di prevenzione intende adottare per evitare che queste stragi si ripetano? Il kamikaze ha portato l'auto imbottita di esplosivo quasi fino all'interno della chiesa di Santa Rita, dove era in corso la celebrazione della messa domenicale, provocando un'enorme esplosione. Gli attacchi alle chiese spesso colpiscono il centro della Nigeria e Kaduna che, con la sua popolazione mista, rientra nel perimetro a rischio. Questi attacchi contro i cristiani in Nigeria si sono intensificati nell'ultimo anno e sembrano non aver fine.

Qualora esistano, intende adottare misure per risolvere tale conflitto etnico-religioso? Risposta congiunta data da Catherine Ashton a nome della Commissione. I recenti attacchi dei militanti islamici in Nigeria hanno preso di mira, oltre alle chiese, edifici del governo e dei servizi di sicurezza, mercati, scuole e civili innocenti, sia musulmani che cristiani. Yet another serious human rights violation occurred in northern Nigeria recently, when armed men dressed in police uniforms opened fire on worshipers at a mosque in Kaduna State.

Kaduna State, which has a Muslim majority, has been hit by a wave of religious violence over recent months. Suicide attacks for which the Islamist sect Boko Haram claimed responsibility were carried out on three churches in June, sparking reprisals by Christians, which were in turn followed by retaliatory acts of violence by Muslims. This time, however, the attack appears to have been of a different nature in that it was reportedly carried out by a band of robbers camped in a nearby forest which had been making armed raids on the village and terrorising the inhabitants and one of whose incursions had been repelled the previous week by a vigilante group set up specifically for this purpose.

Dogon Dawa lies not far away from a major trade route used to carry goods and money between northern and southern Africa. The religious divide between the Muslim north and the Christian south is being exploited in a fierce struggle for power in the country. Although Boko Haram is an Islamic fundamentalist group, the recent upsurge in its activity is thought to stem partly from the links members of the movement are said to have established with local politicians and members of the security forces belonging to northern ethnic groups who are intent on radicalising the violence so as to make the country ungovernable.

What steps does it intend to take — if any are within its power — to make sure that there are no further attacks of this kind? What type of follow-up action — if any — could then be taken by the international community? At least ten people have been killed and injured in another bloodbath in Nigeria. The Christians then retaliated, by setting fire to a Muslim and beating another two Muslims to death.

The suicide bomber drove the car packed with explosives almost inside the church of Saint Rita, where Sunday Mass was being celebrated, causing a huge explosion. Although the Islamic terrorist sect of Boko Haram has not claimed responsibility, this recent attack is very similar to others that have been carried out by the same group, which, over the past year, has stepped up its campaign of hatred against Christians. There have often been attacks on churches in the centre of Nigeria, and Kaduna, with its mixed population, is in the danger zone. This is the umpteenth hateful attack on Christians, precisely on their day of worship.

Such acts strike at the conscience of all those who fight against violence and for respect for religious freedom and are an unacceptable trend that is threatening peace and stability throughout the world. These attacks on Christians in Nigeria have intensified over the past year and there seems to be no end in sight. Does she think the international community could intervene in order to curb this situation?

What measures will she take to resolve this ethnic-religious conflict should such measures exist? The recent attacks by militant islamists in Nigeria have targeted government and security buildings, markets, schools and innocent civilians both Muslims and Christians, as well as churches. The EU is working together with Nigeria, both directly and with Ecowas on a regional basis, to help it tackle the challenges of creating durable security and dealing with multiple socioeconomic and political factors conducive to radicalisation.

The EU has already reoriented parts of its cooperation programme in Nigeria to the North of the country to accelerate action against poverty and deprivation there. Furthermore, the Instrument for Stability is in the process of preparing a decision for another project focusing on conflict prevention and youth employment for this area. Agora precisamos de o ter no terreno, temos de o ter na realidade. Segundo o artigo The debate on the multiannual financial framework has brought about a clash between two ideologies at European level.

Now we need to have it on the ground, we need to have it in reality. By what amount and in what areas would the Commission consider it acceptable to cut appropriations in the Community budget? Is the Commission prepared to block the agreement at European level if the Community budget for is lower than expected?

How does the Commission view the possibility of the European Union working with twelfths calculated on the basis of the last year of the current multiannual financial framework ? The mandate also refers explicitly to a sufficient degree of potential convergence to make an agreement possible in the beginning of next year. The Commission notes with satisfaction that all parties continue to voice their strong commitment to reaching a deal.

The Commission is therefore confident that an agreement between Heads of States and Government can be brokered at the earliest opportunity under the chairmanship of President Van Rompuy. The rotating Presidency would then build on this agreement to secure the consent of the Parliament.

The Commission is committed to doing everything in its power to facilitate this agreement. The question of provisional twelfths would only arise should the Budgetary Authority fail to agree on a budget for the year In the case of non-agreement on an MFF Regulation for , the provisions of Art 4 TFEU will come into play, resulting in a prolongation of both the MFF ceilings and the other provisions corresponding to that year. So at any rate an MFF framework will be in place allowing the Commission to present a draft budget for the year The study also shows that more than a third of the Portuguese population are living just above the poverty line, but in a precarious situation, and that the most vulnerable groups are older people, one-parent families, and the less well educated.

The food aid scheme for the most deprived MDP programme supplies products obtained from the agricultural surpluses termed intervention stocks. The MDP programme has been helping to combat poverty and promote social inclusion. What measures will be taken at European level to combat poverty and improve the quality of life?

The Commission has announced a Social Investment Package for growth and cohesion. The European Social Fund is the European Union's main financial instrument for combating poverty and social exclusion. Through the operational programmes of the Member States, it co-finances measures to improve the social inclusion of disadvantaged people with a view to their sustainable integration in employment.

The European Social Fund is a long-term initiative and it is difficult to assess its effects over one single year. It has also put forward a proposal for a fund for European aid to the most deprived. Youth unemployment has been rising in recent months. During the last few years governments have, one after the other, been taking various steps to tackle the problem of youth unemployment.

The upward trend, however, is continuing, and no solutions are being found to reverse it. Meanwhile, this social scourge is still afflicting thousands of young people and making them seek career opportunities abroad in an attempt to find well-paid jobs and improve their socioeconomic situation. According to the last known figures, more than European citizens decided in to seek work outside Europe. In Portugal the number of young people in the working-age population is falling.


Specialists say that the reason lies in emigration, bearing in mind that people left the country in and the same thing is likely to happen in Does the Commission know how many European citizens a year are emigrating in order to seek work outside Europe? Alternative data prepared by the World Bank are based on somewhat different definitions, but indicate similar trends to the Eurostat data. The reliability and availability of statistics on people who emigrate will always tend to be lower than for statistics on immigrants.

This is because it is harder to ensure that people who leave a country are correctly accounted for in the administrative records and sample surveys used for migration statistics. While there is no specific plan to reduce emigration, Union's policy aim at making the Union as attractive as possible for its citizens to stay so they can contribute to its wealth and development.

The Union pays particular attention to its regions and promotes social cohesion with various financial instruments with a view to provide their inhabitants, especially the young people of working age, with professional and personal opportunities. Simultaneamente, Portugal tem de adotar reformas geradoras de crescimento.

The combined deficit of the countries of the European Union reached 6. The combined budgetary imbalance in the euro area has already fallen from 6. The Member State with the highest deficit was Ireland, with an imbalance reaching Eurostat further notes that 25 countries improved their public accounts, with the situation worsening only in two Cyprus and Slovenia. Out of all of the Member States, only three Hungary, Estonia and Sweden registered budgetary surpluses. It can thus be seen that while the deficit in most of the Member States has substantially decreased, public debt continues to rise.

What measures have been adopted by each Member State as a result of their failure to keep within their public debt limits? How can economic growth and public investment measures be applied in Member States with a high deficit and public debt in excess of the desired limit? MS as well as the Commission usually do not differentiate measures taken to ensure compliance with the debt benchmark or the reference values of the Treaty. One reason for this is that the debt benchmark of the Treaty has been made operational only since the entry into force of the six-pack.

The respective amendment foresees a transition period of three years after the correction of ongoing excessive deficit procedures. Portugal currently has no normal market access and needs to reduce its public debt. The agreed strategy is based on the adoption of a consolidation strategy that improves its surplus by cutting non-productive or inefficient expenditure while protecting growth-enhancing expenditure and ensuring social fairness. At the same time, it has to pursue growth enhancing reforms. Investment expenditure receives a special treatment under the new expenditure benchmark of the preventive arm of the Stability and Growth Pact, as it is averaged over a number of years in order to avoid to be penalized because of annual peaks.

Moreover, even if budgetary discipline is assessed against reference values for the general government deficit and debt that do not differentiate amid different kind of expenditure, public investments are one of the relevant factors that have to be duly taken into account by the Commission to make a balanced overall assessment of the budgetary situation of the MS in its report to the Council to propose the opening of the excessive deficit procedure.

ECB over excessieve tekorten eurozone landen. Voor Griekenland maakte hij een uitzondering: Dit is al een aantal keren gebeurd. De wijziging was bedoeld om tot een betere economische onderbouwing van het EU-begrotingstoezicht te komen. Noch het Verdrag, noch Verordening EG nr. Veel hangt af van de budgettaire uitgangspositie en van mogelijke andere macro-economische onevenwichtigheden die in de betrokken lidstaat kunnen bestaan. Bovendien moet worden benadrukt dat de OMT een prerogatief is van de ECB, die volledig onafhankelijk is bij het voeren van het monetaire beleid.

He made an exception for Greece, where it will take much longer to balance the budget. If not, why not? Does the Commission consider it permissible, also under the Treaties, that eurozone countries have another five years of excessive deficit? The deadline and the adjustment path are set by the Council, on a recommendation by the Commission which bases its assessment on the macroeconomic and budgetary forecasts known at the time of the recommendation.

The possibility to extend the deadline for correcting the excessive deficit was introduced with the reform of the Stability and Growth Pact. It was meant to improve the economic rational of EU fiscal surveillance. The initial adjustment period is fixed case-by-case to ensure a sufficiently ambitious, but also credible correction of the excessive deficit. The length of the procedure also does not necessarily reflect the likelihood that Member States require financial assistance.

Much depends on the budgetary starting position and possible other macroeconomic imbalances that may be present in the Member State concerned. In any case, the Commission cannot speculate on the number of Member States that may apply for a financial assistance programme and, linked to that, fulfil the prerequisite for OMT. Moreover, it should be stressed that the OMT is a prerogative of the ECB which is fully independent in the conduct of monetary policy.

The possible effects of this on markets are clear: An increase in the already very high prices of this raw material could pave the way for greater market vulnerability, with obvious consequences for European producers. Furthermore, as has happened in the past, this could have a knock-on effect and cause other countries or organisations to intervene in the grain market in some way, thereby putting great pressure on the markets. Can the Commission say whether the structural and contingency measures implementedto date have been efficient?

What action does the Commission intend to take, and what action has it taken, besides theAgriculture Market Information System project, to mitigate the worrying increases in rawmaterial prices? The peaks in agricultural commodity prices and their increasing volatility in recent years can be explained by extreme climatic events affecting agricultural production and more structural factors, such as the rise in global demand, high oil prices, the development of biofuels, exchange rate volatility and excessive financial speculation.

There is no consensus on the relative importance of each factor and the growing number of studies supporting one or the other theory shows that there is no simple solution to the problem. The Commission this year suspended customs duties on import quotas for around 3. There are various reasons for this, but the reports stress the intensive use of oil derivatives in food production. They also point to insufficient transparency and possible poor regulation of the futures markets being important factors.

Can the Commission confirm whether there is indeed a clear correlation between the price of raw foodstuffs and the price of oil? Correlation between raw foodstuff prices and oil prices is indeed high for some agricultural commodities, but not for all of them and not in a uniform way. In general, correlation is also high with respect to certain metals industrial production and even with gold speculation activity even though further research is ongoing to establish clear causality. Oil prices affect food prices in many ways. At farm level, through production costs: Finally the development of biofuels has created a further linkage between energy prices and certain agricultural commodities.

Co-movements among commodity prices within and outside agriculture are closely monitored and growing literature is addressing this topic. The European Commission is actively involved in this research. The world food crises of and are good examples of this. While a great deal of progress has been made in preventing and managing these food crises, would the Commission not agree that the futures markets need to be more transparent?

Since most studies are clear that the price of raw foodstuffs is set to rise in the next few years, would the Commission not agree that it is even more necessary to protect, but not to subsidise, local farms in Europe so as to make their output sustainable and efficient? The European Commission considers that the futures markets, as tools to cope with price volatility, should keep serving their purpose of price discovery and hedging. The proposals on the CAP post demonstrate the continuous commitment of the Commission to adapt the relevant policies to address existing and emerging challenges, such as potential food crises.

This marked decline has worsened since the arrival of the new government, which is progressively dismantling the higher education system, triggering a significant brain drain that shows no signs of stopping. By progressively dismantling all levels of the educational system — but especially the university level — the Spanish Government intends to reduce the public deficit, to the cost of the very group of people who could bring the country out of the crisis. Given a business model based on bank and property speculation, under which Spanish entrepreneurs have been unable to generate economic activities other than speculation and building, there is a need for a shift, bringing the abundant human capital represented by Spain's young people into the economic system.

In the absence of investment in this sector, researchers are leaving the country to seek opportunities elsewhere. How does the Commission assess the impact of this investment in the Spanish education system, and its coordination with national policy? What does the Commission think the consequences will be for the country? Has the Commission asked Spain for information on how the government assesses the effect these spending cuts will have on the country's economic growth?

These investments are coordinated with national policies and instruments and are currently subject to an evaluation which will be finalised in early The funds allocated to the various EU policies and Member States will only be known after adoption of the Multi-annual Financial Framework. Respuesta de la Alta Representante y Vicepresidenta Sra. The Minister of Internal Affairs has proposed that all illegal immigrants living in the country should be expelled or imprisoned for three years as they supposedly represent a threat.

This racist justification for the migration policy is a direct attack on the foundations of international law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees. The Israeli government, marked by its lack of regard for the human rights of the Palestinian people, also intends to remove the rights of migrants on its territory, turning migrants into criminals. Of the 13 applications for asylum made in Israel, only have been accepted, preventing people from gaining legal status and turning them into illegal immigrants.

This process of making migrants illegal, together with the tightening up of requirements for access to any form of legal protection, constitutes a summary process of persecution and illegal imprisonment which is entirely unjustified. The international community usually watches in silence as the Israeli authorities daily trample on human rights.

Does she intend to condemn these statements? Conclusiones de las pruebas de resistencia en el sector nuclear. De entre los documentos de dicho informe extraemos la frase: Dicha frase pretende resumir un informe que recoge numerosas faltas en los procedimientos exigidos. Las pruebas de resistencia han demostrado que las normas de seguridad de las centrales nucleares europeas son altas en general.

The European Commission has published the results of the stress tests in the European nuclear industry carried out via a review of the reports presented by the national regulatory bodies belonging to the European regulators' organisation ENSREG. The report documents include a sentence claiming that EU citizens can be confident that the European nuclear industry is safe.

This sentence is meant to sum up a report which picks out numerous failings in the required procedures. Ranging from the lack of seismic measuring instruments in ten reactors to the lack of mobile generators in the event of total loss of power, the reports drawn up by the national regulatory bodies — the Nuclear Safety Council CSN in the case of Spain — point to many safety shortcomings. Does the Commission intend to include the new safety costs when assessing the cost of nuclear energy, and to give consideration to alternatives to nuclear energy in future energy plans?

Yes, the Commission will take into account the safety cost, but the choice between different energy resources, including use of nuclear power, is decided by the Member States. The stress tests have demonstrated that the standards of safety of nuclear power plants in Europe are generally high. It has received awards at international competitions, taking first prize for safety and fourth for fuel economy. This is a vehicle that could very well be mass produced at minimal cost, so that it could be constructed entirely in Greece and be exported to provide some much-needed growth, but unfortunately its commercial exploitation within Greece is not permitted under Greek law.

To what extent is the inability to exploit this vehicle which is dictated by Greek legislation in line with European practices? The Commission is not aware of the issue mentioned by the Honourable Member. Based on the information given by the Honourable Member, the Commission is unfortunately not in a position to assess the conformity of the Greek legislation with the European one. It would like to kindly ask the Honourable Member to provide more details on this issue. According to a recent UN survey, the number of elderly persons is increasing very rapidly throughout the world.

How does it intend to support European citizens, especially those in southern EU countries, who have been bearing the brunt of the economic crisis of recent years, so that the birth rate increases? Young people are also supported by the European Social Fund, which promotes employment, mainly by funding initiatives to help people improve their skills and job prospects.

The proposed framework for the period places a greater emphasis on combating youth unemployment, promoting active and healthy ageing, and supporting the most disadvantaged groups and marginalised communities, such as the Roma.

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Can the Commission say whether sufficient EU resources are available to continue funding European programmes and if so for how long? This shall allow continuing funding of the programmes referred to in the Honourable Member's question. There are many who argue that more competition is needed in the national rail services, because it will both improve the quality of the services and lower prices. On the other hand, there are many who doubt the final outcome of this liberalisation.

Is there any intention to regulate the liberalisation of rail services and national networks so as to give providers from other EU Member States access to these and, if so, under what conditions and subject to which criteria will this regulation apply? The draft legislative package is based on three following pillars: All railway undertakings licensed in the Union and complying with the Union legislation such as, for instance, in the field of rail safety, would then be able to participate in the award procedures for such rail contracts.

Greece is one of the cohesion countries and, as such, is the recipient of Community funds for regions in need of special support. Has it assessed the economic impact so far on the cohesion countries of the accession of the new Member States in , except of course for Cyprus and Malta, which were already very developed and did not represent a financial burden for the EU? This is, for instance, clearly illustrated by the evolution of trade flows. Cohesion policy is an important source of support for public investment, in particular in these times of austerity.

In the period, cohesion policy shall continue to provide the necessary funding for growth-enhancing investments promoting the Europe objectives in all Member States. In view of this and the fact that the Commission is a co-signatory to the Memorandum and a member of the Troika:. Does it consider that the institutional framework that has been developed is in line with the objectives of the Memorandum regarding deregulation of the profession of licensed pharmacist and the establishment and licensing of pharmacies? Does it consider that — in view of the number of new licences issued in these municipalities — the institutional framework that has been developed for the deregulation of the profession of licensed pharmacist and the establishment and authorisation to operate a pharmacy constitutes genuine deregulation?

The Commission supports the implementation of appropriate measures aiming at making the pharmaceutical sector more efficient and competitive, in full respect of European Union law and taking into account the specificity of the sector in Greece. These legal changes were important and indeed go in the direction of a better functioning of the sector. As in any other country, the sector remains regulated, meaning that practitioners need to meet specific licensing requirements.

The Commission will be monitoring progress regarding these policies within the regular review missions under the Economic Adjustment Programme to Greece. Has the Commission called on its anti-fraud office to carry out an administrative investigation into this issue?

It noted that an audit by the Court of Auditors into the Agency's procurement and contracting processes for the period referred to in the question had found no evidence of any problems. OLAF has also informed the Commission that an investigation was opened in relation to allegations concerning inter alia the public procurement procedure referred to by the Honourable Member and that in order not to jeopardise the confidentiality of the ongoing investigation, no further information can be provided. OLAF is independent in the conduct of its investigations.

OLAF then assesses all in-coming information in order to decide whether to open an investigation. A few days later the European Court of Auditors announced that four European agencies, the EASA included, are not managing conflicts of interest adequately. The credibility of the EASA being crucial, could the Commission answer the following in light of this:.

What actions will the Commission take in order to ensure that the EASA implements an appropriate policy for dealing with conflicts of interest? What actions will the Commission take to clarify the rules with respect to EU staff relations with lobbyists and industry representatives as well as the involvement of staff in consultancy work for companies which could profit from their work?

Conflicts of interests are being reported mainly by European Parliament inquiries or media reports. Does the Commission plan to be more involved in the monitoring of EU agencies in this respect, so as to avoid decisions being taken, reputations being tarnished and the safety of European consumers being put at risk, in the event of conflicts of interest?

The Commission's role is well established in relation to staff covered by Staff Regulations and the Conditions of Employment temporary staff including the Executive Director, contract staff. The Commission regularly informs the agencies on any decisions or guidelines in this area and invites them to adopt similar arrangements. It also suggests looking at the issue with regard to members of scientific committees and boards of appeal. The Commission is currently screening existing rules and practices in the agencies, in consultation with them, and in light of Commission rules and practices.

Based on the outcome of this exercise, the Commission intends to develop guidelines or define best practices that could serve as a reference for agencies. While the Commission will be the driving force in the implementation of the Common Approach, agencies, in particular their management boards, mainly composed of Member States' representatives, will have to play their part.

The Commission will continue to work closely with them to enhance their efficiency and transparency, while respecting their autonomy. The Israeli Minister for the Interior has given the final go-ahead for construction of new dwellings in the settlement area of Gilo in annexed East Jerusalem.

Gilo is a settlement area near to the Palestinian town of Bethlehem on the West Bank. Under international law this annexation is illegal, as are all the Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories regardless of whether or not they were authorised by the Israeli Government.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to adopt a legal report legalising the illegal settlements and removing legal obstacles to expanding other settlements on the West Bank. Is this in keeping with the values of the European Union? It should be noted, however, that its recommendations have not, at this point, been adopted by the Israeli government. The EU has repeatedly urged the Government of Israel to immediately end all settlement activities in the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem, in line with its obligations under the Roadmap.

The expansion of Gilo, together with the expansion of Har Homa in and continue the process of separating East Jerusalem from the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory, as the statement made clear. The EU is not upgrading relations with Israel. Obstacles aux entreprises pharmaceutiques palestiniennes. Has the Commission conducted any surveys with the aim of determining the obstacles faced by Palestinian companies prior to starting negotiations on the ACAA protocol which will enable European industrial products to have access to the Israeli market and vice versa? Is the Commission aware of the activities of the pharmaceutical companies in the territories which are illegally occupied by Israel?

The Commission is aware of the very difficult situation of the Palestinian population as regards pharmaceutical products as well as daily life more generally. In this regard, a preliminary survey is not of relevance. The Commission has received information from Israeli authorities that there is no production of pharmaceutical products in Israeli settlements. This has been corroborated by non-governmental organisations NGOs which are closely monitoring the situation in terms of industrial production or development in the Israeli settlements. Social, economic, and environmental challenges in wetlands are greater than in other places.

Wetland farming plays a multifunctional role, since it helps to structure territory, regulate waters, maintain river-banks, and preserve the landscape and biodiversity. The Commission proposal for a regulation on support for rural development does not include any form of support intended specifically for wetlands, which are not recognised as areas with natural or specific constraints. How does the Commission view the fact that the draft rural development regulation COM does not provide for financial compensation for farmers working in wetlands?

What does it think about the fact that, as far as wetlands are concerned, conservation and the relationship between humans and the natural environment will consequently be left entirely to the judgment of Member States? Why is it ruling out the option of Europe-wide recognition of the economically, ecologically, or socially sensitive nature of wetlands, according them the same status as mountain areas? The support for areas with natural or specific constraints is one of the tools.

Secondly, in the category of areas with specific constraints, it is possible to delimit such areas where land management should be continued in order to conserve or improve the environment, maintain the countryside and preserve the tourist potential of the area or in order to protect the coastline. In both categories of areas with constraints, farmers can receive payments covering their income loss and additional costs.

Finally, areas with natural constraints could also receive support under the Direct payments scheme.

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Giornalisti in carcere in Turchia. In Italia abbiamo, ad esempio, proprio in questi giorni il rischio concreto che un giornalista condannato per diffamazione venga messo agli arresti in carcere: Giornalisti detenuti in Turchia: In Turchia, a fine erano pendenti 5mila cause penali contro giornalisti.

Ritiene che questa situazione sia suscettibile, necessariamente e nel rispetto dei diritti fondamentali, di congelare le procedure di adesione all'UE della Turchia? Per la maggior parte sono detenuti, mentre i loro casi sono oggetto di riesame. Quasi due terzi di loro hanno scritto sulla situazione nella regione curda del paese.

L'organizzazione dichiara che il governo di Recep Tayyip Erdogan sta usando tattiche di pressione che favoriscono l'autocensura, e che i giornalisti accusati devono affrontare un codice penale che favorisce lo Stato. Si riferisce anche che il Primo Ministro Erdogan ha esortato i gruppi dirigenti dei media a disciplinare o licenziare il personale giudicato critico e sono state depositate un certo numero di denunce per diffamazione personale.

Ziet de Commissie het rapport als een bevestiging van de daadwerkelijke tekortkomingen in Turkije op het gebied van vrijheid van pers en vrijheid van meningsuiting?

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Vindt de Commissie dit een goed idee of deelt de Commissie de mening dat dit reeds een hopeloos verloren zaak is? De Commissie heeft reeds meermaals haar ernstige bezorgdheid geuit over het stijgende aantal schendingen van de vrijheid van meningsuiting en heeft consequent benadrukt dat de huidige wetgeving, ondanks de recente inhoudelijke verbeteringen, de vrijheid van meningsuiting niet voldoende waarborgt, en in dat opzicht in strijd is met het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens en de jurisprudentie van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens, en een restrictieve interpretatie door de rechterlijke macht mogelijk maakt.

De Commissie vraagt regelmatig aandacht voor deze aangelegenheid in het kader van haar lopende contacten met de Turkse autoriteiten. A report recently published by the international organisation Committee to Protect Journalists CPJ emphasises that Turkey currently has the unfortunate distinction of being the country with the largest number of journalists in prison, One-third of the reporters in custody are also accused of involvement in anti-government conspiracies or of membership of an illegal political organisation.

Can the Commission name any other countries in which journalists frequently end up in prison simply for carrying out their work, as they do for example in Iran, China or Eritrea, bearing in mind that in none of the countries just referred to is the situation as serious as it is in Turkey and, above all, that none of them is in the process of negotiating to join the European Union?

In the light of the above, does it not regard it as a political and moral imperative that the accession negotiations with Turkey should be halted immediately? Right now in Italy, for example, there is a real danger that a journalist found guilty of defamation will be imprisoned.

No measure of this kind has been taken for decades and it represents a dangerous backward step as regards freedom of the press and of expression, and one which the European Union should also condemn. An American study conducted by the CPJ Committee to Protect Journalists paints a very different picture, however, claiming that Turkey holds the world record for the number of journalists imprisoned, ahead of China and Iran.

Finally, more than three-quarters of the journalists in prison are being held in preventive detention, and some of them have already been in this situation for several years. In the light of the concerns it has repeatedly expressed, what steps does the Commission plan to take to remedy this situation?

Can it give precise and accurate figures for the number of journalists in prison and the number who have been released pending trial? Its report states that Turkey jails more journalists than Iran, China or Eritrea. Most are detained while their cases are under review. This was alleged to be an underground network of individuals wanting to overthrow the government. There are even reports that Prime Minister Erdogan has urged media groups to discipline or dismiss staff who are deemed to be critical, and a number of personal defamation suits have been filed. Is the Commission aware of the extent of the current crackdown on journalists in Turkey?

Is it prepared to bring its concerns regarding the number of detained journalists to the attention of the Turkish authorities? The points made in the report include the following:. What view does the Commission take of this report? Does the Commission see the report as confirmation of the actual shortcomings in Turkey with regard to freedom of the press and freedom of expression?

If so, what action will the Commission take in response to this? Does the Commission consider this a good idea, or does the Commission agree that this is already a hopelessly lost cause? Will the Commission therefore immediately halt all accession negotiations with Turkey and all EU funding of that country? The Commission closely monitors developments in Turkey under the political criteria, of which freedom of expression and hence freedom of the press, are essential components.

The Commission has expressed on several occasions serious concerns regarding the increase in violations of freedom of expression, and it has consistently underlined that, despite recent legislative improvements, the present legal framework does not sufficiently guarantee freedom of expression in line with the European Convention on Human Rights and case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and permits restrictive interpretation by the judiciary. This needs to be changed urgently, and the Commission is looking forward to the adoption of a fourth judicial reform package to address the core of the problem.

The Commission regularly raises this matter in its ongoing contacts with the Turkish authorities. The Commission has explained the background to his resignation only in a press release. Neither elected Members of the European Parliament nor the media have received any more detailed account of what happened. What measures will the Commission take to ensure that its further procedure with regard to the Tobacco Directive is conducted correctly, in accordance with the legislation applicable and without any inappropriate influence from outside parties?

As the Commission already confirmed, the decision making process of the Commission has not been affected at all by the matters under OLAF investigation. The Commission will take forward the legislative proposal for a revised Tobacco Products Directive. According to the Catalan government, in farm incomes in Catalonia fell by 6. Can the Commission tell us if the value chain is working properly in the Kingdom of Spain?

Does the Commission not think that more aggressive short-term as well as structural measures are required to enable local small-scale producers to go on producing and to be appropriately remunerated for what they produce? Does the Commission believe that these reductions in farm incomes will allow these Catalan farms to be viable in the future? Can the Commission list the reasons why farm incomes in the Kingdom of Spain are dwindling from year to year? Stakeholders under the Forum proposed principles of good practice in the food chain and worked on an implementation framework for these principles.

A Commission Green Paper on unfair trading practices in business to business relations is also under preparation and will be followed by an impact assessment. The Commission has set forth a number of measures under the CAP post proposals that could be used to support small scale farmers. The Commission believes that the measures provided by the CAP under both pillars will provide the necessary framework for Member States to support the future viability of small scale farmers. In Spain, while farm incomes in nominal terms increased over the last decade, they stagnated in constant prices, with more pronounced decreases in and Agricultural farm incomes in Spain are still showing the impact of the economic crisis.

Factors affecting income may vary from the widening gap between input and output prices as well as supply and demand to increased volatility and food chain inefficiencies, on top of which the economic environment and policies play a role. During the last few days, a technical paper by experts from the European Central Bank has been in circulation.

Sesión 8: El Tesoro de los Dones Inmerecidos (Parte 5)

The paper highlights errors in the evolution of ratings assigned by these agencies, as well as parallels between positive ratings and contracts with these agencies for the configuration of other instruments. Does the Commission not think that measures need to be clearly established to avoid conflicts of interest within the same business and that there should be a clear-cut separation between activities so that trading instruments that are put in place are not also rated by the same agency?

Riesgos para las exportaciones de aceite de oliva. The US authorities are discussing a federal marketing order to set new controls for the importation of olive oil, in addition to those set by the International Olive Council. The proposals include holding back the oil for days in order to test the entire product. This measure would pose a risk to the quality, as well as add to costs and to other export problems. Has the Commission studied the consequences of this US proposal for European producers? Does the Commission intend to meet with US government representatives to address the consequences of this reform?

How does the Commission intend to defend the interests of European olive oil producers? It is therefore particularly important to avoid the adoption of a marketing order which could create unfair delays and additional costs for importers. Concern has also been expressed to Members of Congress. In recent weeks, alarms have been raised regarding the higher risks involved in securities market operations carried out through the automated application of algorithms. The volume of these irresponsible operations is increasing at a considerable pace and has caused substantial losses and undermined the financial situation of many businesses.

This, for instance, is the reason why the German Government has announced its intention to amend its law in order to restrict these operations. Intervention in securities markets must ensure the protection of investors and transparent price formation. Does the Commission not think there is a need to study the limits of these systems in order to contain excessive price volatility in the short term? Does the Commission not believe that financial markets legislation should be the same in all EU countries in order to avoid the fragmentation that makes it so difficult to protect investors and ensure proper price formation?

The Commission strongly believes in harmonisation of financial services legislation. The MiFID review therefore contains a number of provisions to address the risks associated with algorithmic trading. These provisions introduce a series of safeguards both on market participants who use algorithms as part of their trading strategies, as well as on trading venues where algorithmic and high-frequency trading takes place.

These proposals clarify how the market abuse provisions apply to certain forms of algorithmic trading. All these proposals are currently under negotiation in the European Parliament and the Council under the ordinary legislative procedure. Herstellung von Stopfleber und Anwendung des Ausnahmetatbestandes des Art.

Die Herstellung von Stopfleber ist in 13 Mitgliedstaaten als tierschutzwidrig gesetzlich verboten, in 22 Mitgliedstaaten als tierschutzwidrige Methode erkannt. Wie definiert die Kommission diese drei unbestimmten Rechtsbegriffe der Ausnahmeregelung in Art. Nach welchen Kriterien z. Kann gegebenenfalls eine erfolgte Akzeptanz einer Ausnahmeregelung im Sinne des Art. Da weder das Protokoll Nr. Produzione di fegato d'oca e applicazione della deroga di cui all'articolo 13 del TFUE. Sebbene l'articolo definisca gli animali esseri senzienti, nella deroga si fa riferimento a tre concetti giuridici vaghi: Come definisce i tre concetti giuridici vaghi della deroga all'articolo 13 tradizione culturale, patrimonio regionale e riti religiosi?

Secondo quale procedura accetta la deroga di cui all'articolo 13 del TFUE, qualora uno Stato membro ne invochi l'applicazione? La Commissione e in ultima analisi all'occorrenza anche la Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea stimano il valore di tali nozioni caso per caso, in funzione dei problemi in questione e delle situazioni a livello di Stati membri.

Al caso si procede pertanto a valutare l'impatto sul benessere degli animali nelle valutazioni di impatto effettuate nell'ambito dell'elaborazione di nuove iniziative politiche. While this defines animals as sentient beings, the derogation rule uses three vague legal terms: What are the criteria e. These notions are appreciated by the Commission and ultimately, if needed, by the Court of Justice of the European Union, on a case by case basis according to the different issues and situations in the Member States.

Therefore, the impact on animal welfare is assessed, when relevant, in impact assessments carried out to develop new policy initiatives. The production of foie gras is covered by specific EU animal welfare rules. These rules require that the production of foie gras shall be carried out only where it is current practice and then only in accordance with standards laid down in domestic law.

There are no specific requirements regarding the local level of consumption or the belonging of foie gras to the regional cuisine. The United Kingdom shall not participate in the adoption of that decision. Does the Commission have plans to regulate the free movement of people in order to prevent such abuses from occurring? However, the UK has opted out of this legislation and therefore this is not a matter for the Commission. The Commission is currently preparing amendments to the existing legislation.

Any future instrument will continue to prevent and sanction abuses. Further preparatory steps have been taken this year by the Commission, especially by holding a meeting of the Task Force on illegal exploitation and trade of natural resources in the Great Lakes region. What is the state of play with regard to the submission of a Commission legislative proposal on conflict minerals?

What is the Commission doing to incorporate OECD guidelines which apply to mineral supply chains from all conflict-affected and high-risk areas into future EU legislation? The interinstitutional negotiations are ongoing and the Commission expects to reach an agreement as soon as possible. In addition, the Commission and the European External Action Service EEAS are working closely together on a possible comprehensive EU response that would contribute to curbing the link between the financing of armed groups and the exploitation and trade of natural resources in minerals originating from conflict areas.

A public consultation should be forthcoming in The Commission encourages industry to implement this guidance. The OECD will soon publish the results of a pilot project to this end. Beschouwd de Commissie deze eisen als legitiem en is de Commissie bereid daarover met deze landen te onderhandelen? De Commissie vindt dat de beperkingen opgelegd door derde landen niet wetenschappelijk verantwoord en niet evenredig zijn met een infectie die niet is opgenomen in de lijst van aangifteplichtige ziekten van de Wereldorganisatie voor diergezondheid OIE en waarvan het risico voor de handel verwaarloosbaar wordt geacht.

De Commissie heeft de derde landen die beperkingen opleggen, gevraagd deze zonder uitstel op te heffen. De Commissie raadpleegt alle belanghebbenden regelmatig en heeft samen met de lidstaten een strategie ontwikkeld die er bij derde landen op aandringt zowel de internationale norm in dit verband als de WTO-verplichtingen, die vereisen dat zij alle ongerechtvaardigde handelsbelemmeringen opheffen, op te volgen.

Does the Commission regard these requirements as legitimate, and will the Commission negotiate with those countries on the subject? Is the Commission aware that the European firm K. Industrie is willing to negotiate with third countries, particularly the USA, concerning these requirements, with the aim of avoiding serious financial damage? The Commission has developed a web page dedicated to Schmallenberg virus infection SBV that contains comprehensive information related to the different fields of the SBV infection: The Commission considers that restrictions applied by third countries are not scientifically justified nor proportionate for an infection which is not included in the list of notifiable diseases of the World Organisation for Animal Health OIE and for which the risk to trade is considered negligible.

The Commission has requested third countries imposing restrictions to remove them without delay. Given the strong scientific basis for this position, duly recognised by the international standard-setting body dealing with animal health, the OIE, the Commission does not intend to deviate from this position and therefore will not negotiate with third countries on any additional requirements in relation to SBV. The Commission regularly consults all stakeholders and has developed a strategy, in coordination with Member States, which urges third countries to follow both the international standard on this matter and the WTO obligations that require them to remove any unjustified trade barriers.

Has it notified the national and regional authorities that the funds must be returned if projects have not been implemented within two years of the funding being awarded? Moreover, the implementation difficulties are examined regularly by the Monitoring Committee and in the framework of specific meetings. In the case of Valencia, the amount of EAFRD payments to be undertaken by the end of this year exceeds the amount declared for the same period in However, only after having received the last quarter of declaration of expenditure, it will be possible to determine if there was a de-commitment of EAFRD funds for the concerned programme.

In the current economic climate in Greece, with sharp cuts in income and benefits as a result of austerity measures under the memorandum of understanding, this additional burden being placed on families is particularly inadmissible. Is the Commission aware of the major transport problems affecting the children concerned? Is it possible to provide Social Fund or other resources to meet the needs arising in this case?

What measures will it take to ensure that the children in question are able to participate immediately in everyday education and social integration programmes? The latter includes higher education, as well as professional or vocational education, but not special education as such. Moreover, there is no case-law of the European Court of Justice that would justify the inclusion of transport in the concept of access to education covered by this directive. Occasionally the Commission supports concrete actions, but only on the basis of calls for proposals for actions that can be undertaken by NGOs to promote social inclusion and equal participation of people with disabilities.

Por lo tanto, es evidente que el mundo cultural y musical aficionado y, entre ellos, las actividades corales, tienen el potencial de contribuir a lograr estos objetivos y, por consiguiente, pueden acogerse al programa. The construction of a European citizenship should be based on an active European civil society at all levels, European and local. Catalonia has a rich tradition of cultural associations, which have made a decisive contribution to the creation of a collective imagination and an own culture.

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