Elizas Forever Trees (Moms Choice Awards Gold Medal Winner)

Eliza's Forever Trees has 36 ratings and 10 reviews. Recommendations · Deals · Choice Awards · Genres · Giveaways · New Releases · Lists · News & Suddenly Mother jumped to her feet and ran to one of the trees, a three-hundred- foot-tall redwood. "Forever The child's pale skin shimmered in the golden forest light.
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There was a continuing theme of a mother's love throughout the book--Eliza found lots of mothers to help her, as she searched for her own. At the end of the book, she finds what she is searching for, although perhaps a little differently than the reader might imagine. Following Eliza on her journey to find the Mother was both moving and educational. It was also fun to find that many of her favorite books, which were quoted at times, were also favorites of mine.

The illustrations were also a bonus. I read this on my kindle app on my Surface, was truly satisfied. I live in the pacific northwest and on a vacation to the California Redwoods 12 years ago, I brought home 3 redwood sampling. They are thriving in my back yard. While reading this story, I couldn't help but think of them and of the new sampling that have surfaced. One person found this helpful. In the book Eliza is missing her mother, not quite remembering what happened to her, and living with her grandfather with a "wrong-beating heart" and a million books that remind her of her mother's love for stories.

As she sets out to find the Great Mother Redwood and answers with a butterfly friend, she meets a wide variety of friendly animals who offer their help and support on Eliza's quest. While Eliza might not find exactly what she was hoping for, her journey does have a satisfying end. Eliza's Forever Trees is a beautiful testament to the endurance of love, stories and nature in our hearts.

It calls to mind another recent tale of a girl's adventure through a wooded forest with a lively cast of animal characters, The Cats of Tanglewood Forest by Charles de Lint. Both books inspire a love of nature and creatures, and both feature a strong and lovable heroine. Their adventures resemble Alice's fall down the rabbit hole, and would certainly appeal to fans of Alice in Wonderland. I thought this was a charming tale of a child on a quest to find her missing mother. She can't remember what has happened and goes to the forest near her grandfather's house to search.

She makes friends with the forest animals and bugs and enjoys learning about them. She works through some hard times with them and learns to love them all as well as the great Redwoods.

Book awards: Mom's Choice Award

As a mom I read this to myself. I love books for young persons. Eliza's Forever Trees is very entertaining with a fairy tale attitude. I got worried that they were going to turn into new age spiritual but it did not. The ending is sweet and leaves much to the imagination of the reader which I enjoyed. I enjoyed its "ode to mothers" theme, it was whimsical and mysterious.

I believe children would find it delightful.

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I know I did. Download was free for my Kindle, so only did a quick scan of content and saving to read with my grands some day. See all 28 reviews. Most recent customer reviews.

Published on August 22, But I also feel like there needs to be more at stake in the storyline. Published on March 21, Published on May 25, Published on May 18, Published on May 11, Orchid The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia. Published on May 9, Published on May 6, Published on April 20, An imaginative and lovely book for young readers. Published on April 18, Published on April 17, Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.

There are so many beautiful moments in the book. This would make a beautiful Mother's Day gift. It reiterates a mother's love for her child, though as I said, the ending is bittersweet. Apr 18, Heidi rated it really liked it. An imaginative and lovely book for young readers. Eliza spends her days tucked away in a small cabin with her grandfather. Grandfather is a bit irritable and not quite right.

He uses books to prop open windows and doors and even burns them in the fireplace.

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Eliza's mind is fuzzy, she can't remember where her mother has gone. Mother always read her wonderful books and they traveled on many adventures while reading. Now Mother is gone, and Eliza doesn't know where she has gone. One day Fours stars: One day, a small butterfly pops into visit Eliza, and soon he is her daily friend as he loves to listen to her read.

Together, the pair decides to venture out through the forest and find the Great Mother Redwood Tree. Eliza just knows the tree will tell her where mother has gone. What follows is a magical and lyrical adventure. Young readers will certainly enjoy Eliza's adventure as she journeys through the forest. Along the way, she encounters many many creatures and learns all about them such as: Every creature speaks to Eliza and she learns something about them.

This is a great learning book! Eliza on her quest to find her mother experiences life in the forest. Not only does she learn about her surroundings but she comes to have a great appreciation for the forest and all the creatures that inhabit it. This is a lovely way to introduce your young one to the wonders of nature. I especially enjoyed learning about the role that each creature played in the ecosystem, like the banana slugs.

Everyone has a part and they all work together in harmony. I loved that this book teaches the value of teamwork and that everyone is important. I liked the way that the bats changed and eventually became active participants in the forest ecology.

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Throughout the book, there are many passages and snippets from famous literary works such as: I thoroughly enjoyed seeing many of my childhood favorites interwoven into the story. I appreciate that this story encourages a love for reading. Even though Eliza's mother is gone, her love is still with Eliza.

She can feel it around her and she can remember it, especially when she recalls the many stories they read together. A wonderful reminder that love no matter what is enduring and forever. At the beginning of the story, she is confused, sickly and pale and her heart has "wrong beats". During her journey, she begins to transform and her heart begins to heal. Her final change at the end is quite stunning.

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And The Not So Much: I thought it was clever and interesting, but I can see a young reader being a bit confused because nothing is spelled out. This would certainly be a great book for discussion to see how younger readers view the events. This is not a big issue, but it left me wondering. Eliza's Forever Trees is a magical, lyrical book that will introduce your child to the wonders of nature and the importance of reading while reminding them about the endurance of love.

This book a delightful adventure that you enjoy sharing with your young reader. I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated for this review. Posted Rainy Day Ramblings. The blog tour for this book and her other children's books is running through April 22nd, Tour page is found here: The word that comes to mind when I think of this book is whimsical.

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It reminded me a bit of Kate DiCamillo's writing actually. It's lovely and full of gorgeous splashes of color. I'm not sure if you'll really understand what I mean until you The blog tour for this book and her other children's books is running through April 22nd, I'm not sure if you'll really understand what I mean until you read it, but hopefully that gives you a tad bit of an idea.

This story is about ten year old Eliza whose mother is gone. She's stuck with her grandfather who is a bit addled in the brain and spends his days organizing the towers of books inherited from Eliza's mother. And Eliza is of course devastated but it's not until she makes friends with a butterfly that she decides she's got to get out of there and is going to find Great Mother Redwood. Off they set into the redwood forest to find Great Mother Redwood to ask her what happened to her mother.

In the forest Eliza makes friends with the woodland creatures. From the tiny bugs to the biggest bear, they all become her family as she goes on her journey.

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Some of these woodland creatures have found some of the pages from her mothers books and Eliza is amazed to find that these pages have a lot of meaning to these animals too and once they hear the full stories, and not just the single pages, they know they must know more.

Filled with lovely quotes from famous stories we all know and love every passionate reader will have a smile from ear to ear. I know I did! In addition we learn a bit about the redwood forest. About Great Mother Redwood and all her children and this is real true stuff, and not just a story in a book.

I learned more about that forest in this book than I did from a documentary I recently watched. And it was all done in a way that I never once felt like I was being 'taught' something. It was just a part of the story! Eliza's Forever Trees is a very fast read that is easily consumed in an hour or two. While the ending was satisfying to me, I can see some children being a bit confused about it. That is where it brings into play some discussion, which I think is always good anyway.

This is a book aimed at children ages , though many adults really love it as well. Any nature, animal and book lover will connect with this book on another level and appreciate the beauty in the story. Another 5 star to Stephanie for this wonderful book! Mom's Choice Award Book awards by cover 1—7 of next show all. Alysa of the Fields by Tina Field Howe. Autism, the Invisible Cord: A Sibling's Diary by Barbara S.

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Eliza's Forever Trees

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