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Karl Menninger. Before a deacon or anyone chooses to take one sip of alcohol for social reasons when they have other things they could drink, they should consider what the rest of the Bible says about drinking fermented wine, which would include any intoxicating drink,. Proverbs Wine is a mocker, Strong drink is a brawler, And whoever is led astray by it is not wise. Proverbs Who has woe? Who has sorrow?

Old Testament Terms

Who has contentions? Who has complaints? Who has wounds without cause? Who has redness of eyes?

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When shall I awake, that I may seek another drink? Isaiah Woe to men mighty at drinking wine, Woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink,. Habakkuk " Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbor, Pressing him to your bottle, Even to make him drunk, That you may look on his nakedness! Ephesians And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit,. The more intoxicated one becomes the less sober minded they become.

Pentecostal Lighthouse Church: Alcohol Free

Notice we are not to be part of drinking parties, which again rules out social drinking. We must also consider the influence we are being on others:. Romans It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak. Regarding this thought please consider what Robert Taylor say about this:.

They smugly and sneeringly contend that social drinking is simply an indifferent matter and is neither right nor wrong as long as other people are not harmed by their practices. However, alcoholic beverages do not fit matters of indifference. They are wrong per se -- in large amounts, in controlled amounts, in minute amounts Passages in the New Testament, other than Rom. Would just a little rioting be all right?

Did Jesus Make and Drink Alcoholic Wine?

Would moderate rioting be acceptable to society? Brother J. Tant, colorful preacher of the past, was once asked if he thought it all right to drink a little. He answered that he thought such was all right. But he was quick to say that he thought a little adultery, a little lying, a little murdering, a little stealing, etc. He reduced the matter to total absurdity. He knew a little drinking was wrong. Meats are indifferent; wine is indifferent.

But the wine could not be a matter of indifference if alcoholic in content. Therefore it must be unfermented wine about which the apostle made allusion here -- not the hard stuff that turns men into monsters and women into harlots. Roy C. Deaver made the following observations on this verse:. The word "wine" here is used with the word "meats" flesh and must refer to something which stands before God as meat stands.

I cannot accept the notion that inspiration would categorize intoxicants with meats. Further, the word "wine" [ oinos] does not necessarily mean intoxicant. The devil is already bent on getting us! Remember, even when Jesus was hanging on the cross, with acute thirst, He refused to drink the wine they offered Him.

With the redemption of the planet hanging in the balance, He would not risk His judgment being impaired by receiving even a mouthful of wine, which might have made His suffering for us a little more bearable. Does He expect less of us? And the ones who are hurt the most by these compromised testimonies are the children. Surely, it must be confusing to children to see their mothers or fathers praying—and then have a few beers. He came home last night and fell sprawling on the floor—too drunk to get up.

His mother cried the rest of the night. I wanted him to be a man, so I gave him his first glass of liquor. I didn't dream that he'd ever become a drunkard. Please speak to my boy. I can't talk to him. But when a Christian begins to drink alcohol, they show that they are not separated from worldly things. Many Christians then wonder why God does not use them more to do great things. God will not use a compromised Christian for any great work.

God only uses clean vessels for such amazing endeavors. How is it that we should not follow their pointed examples? It is assumed by many that the wine Paul recommends to Timothy is alcoholic. In addition, there are historical references attesting to the use of unfermented wine for medicinal purposes in the ancient world. For example, Athenaeus AD counsels to use unfermented grape juice for stomach disorders. Timothy must also have been living as a Nazarite, drinking only water.

Paul was telling him to use a little grape juice, which has a very soothing effect on the body—indicating that Timothy abstained and needed to be urged to take even a little new wine. Drinking fermented wine can contribute to stomach ulcers. Paul would never recommend old wine for stomach therapy.

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Earlier in the same epistle, Paul instructs Timothy that bishops were to be abstinent nephalion 1 Timothy —3. The apostle would not have encouraged Timothy to drink alcoholic beverages when he had, earlier in the same letter, forbidden their use by church leaders 1 Timothy , which leads us into the next topic.

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Both terms in Hebrew denote a desperate, hopeless situation. In other words, this is describing a situation in which a person is dying in painful agony. This passage, while not approving of the general use of alcohol, does provide for the medicinal use of alcohol as a narcotic in the specific situation of those who are in terminal misery. While on the surface this verse appears to tolerate drinking in moderation, we must remember the biblical context that God approves of the moderate use of those things that are good, and abstaining entirely from those things that are bad.

With this understanding, the only logical conclusion is that Paul is admonishing deacons to be moderate in partaking of the good, unfermented wine. Moderation in good things is supported by several Bible passages. Gluttony, be it drinking or eating, even with good things to excess is thoroughly condemned in the Bible Deuteronomy ; Proverbs , and Jesus describes gluttony as one of the primary sins of the people destroyed by the flood Matthew Eating and drinking to excess was common throughout the Roman Empire.

We must further remember that one of the duties of deacons was to visit the homes of the believers.

What the Bible REALLY Says About Alcohol

As is common today, visitors were offered grape juice to drink. Deacons were to show their moderation in drinking grape juice so that the charge of gluttony would not be brought upon Christians. Therefore, the most plausible interpretation of this verse is that Paul was forbidding deacons from drinking unfermented grape juice to excess. But the word excess in Greek is asotia, which is translated as riot and riotous living Ephesians , 1 Peter , Luke A Nation of Priests and Kings Another powerful argument for modern Christians to abstain from alcohol is our royal and religious spiritual heritage.

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It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations, that you may distinguish between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean. And then there is Belshazzar, king of Babylon, who was slain in his last drunken exploit—pouring fermented wine into the sacred cups from the temple of God Daniel We are called to be sacred vessels filled with Gods Spirit. Again, could the Bible more clear? Summary It is sobering to realize that even 4, years later, the sin of Noah is still wrecking families today. Have we learned nothing?