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In , the American Historical Association began a study to determine the status and condition of history education in U.S. colleges and universities.
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From to today, the Art21 Magazine has published regular thematic issues of insightful writing on contemporary art. Featuring contemporary visual artists in conversation with their peers, each film follows a single artist as they engage with other artists in a shared exhibition setting. Well known for more than 30 years for her innovations in public programming and museum education, Sollins was also the co-founder and Executive Director Emerita of Independent Curators International.

Art21 hosts a first of its kind two-day public forum and experimental platform, Creative Chemistries , bringing artists and educators together to explore innovative practices for art and education.

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After more than thirteen years as a contemporary art curator with previous positions at the Whitney Museum and the Carnegie Museum, she was unanimously selected to succeed Susan Sollins. The new season marked a significant shift in the series, which had previously been organized around artistic themes. Season 8 was instead oriented around the singular concept of cities to promote geographic diversity and enliven the storytelling by emphasizing the here and now through place-based narratives.

Art21 launches a redesigned Art With new features like an updated video interface and a responsive design across all devices, the new website also includes curated interactivity between Art21 films, articles, and interviews. In the 20th century the scope of historical evidence was greatly expanded to include, among many other things, aerial photographs, the rings of trees, old coins, clothes, motion pictures, and houses.

Modern historians have determined the age of the Shroud of Turin , which purportedly bears the image of Jesus , through carbon dating and have discredited the claim of Anna Anderson to be the grand duchess Anastasia , the daughter of Tsar Nicholas II , through DNA testing. Just as the methods at the disposal of historians have expanded, so have the subjects in they have become interested.

Many of the indigenous peoples of Africa, the Americas, and Polynesia, for example, were long dismissed by Europeans as having no precolonial history, because they did not keep written records before the arrival of European explorers. However, sophisticated study of oral traditions, combined with advances in archaeology , has made it possible to discover a good deal about the civilizations and empires that flourished in these regions before European contact.

Historians have also studied new social classes. The earliest histories were mostly stories of disasters—floods, famines, and plagues—or of wars, including the statesmen and generals who figured in them. In the 20th century, however, historians shifted their focus from statesmen and generals to ordinary workers and soldiers. Until relatively recent times, however, most men and virtually all women were excluded from history because they were unable to write.

Virtually all that was known about them passed through the filter of the attitudes of literate elites. The challenge of seeing through that filter has been met by historians in various ways. One way is to make use of nontraditional sources—for example, personal documents, such as wills or marriage contracts.

Another is to look at the records of localities rather than of central governments. Through these means even the most oppressed peoples—African-American slaves or medieval heretics , for example—have had at least some of their history restored. Since the 20th century some historians have also become interested in psychological repression—i.

For the first time, the claim of historians to deal with the feelings as well as the thoughts of people in any part of the human past has been made good. Clearly there are some things a young person must learn, and just as clearly not all those things are taught in high school. In a global college like Yale-NUS in Singapore, but even in a diverse community like the United States, despite the efforts to achieve a common core in high school, students come to college with very different levels and types of preparation, and ideally a common curriculum will allow us to ensure that they graduate with some of the essential skills and civic knowledge that cannot be guaranteed in a pure elective system and that may not be included in their majors.

  1. The Education of Historians for the Twenty-first Century () | AHA.
  2. Canada: The State of the Federation, 2013: Aboriginal Multilevel Governance (Queens Policy Studies).
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There is pressure everywhere for education to be more technically or vocationally focused. The case made here is that history has created a model of education that develops the whole person, to yield critical thinkers who know how to learn and accept that necessity as inevitable. In the automation economy, the most valuable education will come from colleges and universities that can teach students how to learn. The example of the US higher education system in the past century and a half is one in which students have been allowed to study broadly, providing a community in which creativity and active learning can thrive.

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The forces of globalization are spreading this approach further still. The establishment of Yale-NUS College in Singapore is a strong example of the thoughtful way in which Asian nations are opening up such opportunities for their citizens. This will make them all the more prepared for the impacts of the fourth industrial revolution and enable them to live fuller lives. A phrase from the seventeenth-century political theorist James Harrington that Adams influentially quoted in the years leading up to the American Revolution.

See also Gordon S. Richard C. New York: PublicAffairs, Confucius, The Analects , trans. Leslie A. Dewey did not make a strong distinction between society and community. On the history of Chinese higher education, see T. See also Bryan Garsten et al.

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  • Jack C. On the importance of avoiding self-segregation in university accommodation, see Lewis, Excellence without a Soul , Gordon Wells, eds. Lewis, Excellence Without a Soul , If material is not included in the chapter's Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.

    Skip to main content Skip to sections. Advertisement Hide. Open Access. First Online: 22 June Download chapter PDF. The Founding of Yale-NUS College Singapore, a wealthy, mostly English-speaking, former British colony, has developed in the half century since its independence an excellent educational system, including some of the best secondary schools in the world and several excellent universities.

    The second President of the United States, John Adams, was perhaps not the most democratic of the founding fathers, and his reputation is tainted by his enactment of the Alien and Sedition Acts of During the debates about the US Constitution in the s, he wrote that By gentlemen are not meant the rich or the poor, the high-born or the low-born, the industrious or the idle: but all those who have received a liberal education, an ordinary degree of erudition in liberal arts and sciences.

    Mencius, the most famous follower of Confucius, said in the fourth century BCE A gentleman teaches in five ways: the first is by a transforming influence like that of timely rain. An early encounter between the liberal arts tradition and modernity resulted in one of the most influential educational documents of the nineteenth century, the Yale Reports of Other colleges, notably Amherst, were considering dropping the requirement for Latin and Greek, and the Yale trustees asked a faculty group, led by President Jeremiah Day, to consider reforms to the curriculum.

    The first section of the resulting report, written by President Day himself, offers a strong defense of liberal education, mostly along traditional lines but with important innovations. Garsten et al. Adams, John. Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States. Boston: Edumund Freeman, Google Scholar. April 11, Ashoka University. Bazelon, Emily. New York: Random House, Brooks, David. The Road to Character. New York, Random House, Chang, Chenguang. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

    The Analects , translated by Chin Annping. New York: Penguin Books, Dewey, John. Fiedler and Jacob Vinocur, — New York: St. Delbanco, Andrew. Princeton: Princeton University Press, Deresiewicz, William. New York: Free Press, Elliot, Charles William. Cambridge: Server and Francis, New Haven: Yale University, Lane, Jack C.

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    Mencius , 2. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, Lee, T.

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    Education in Traditional China: A History. Boston: Brill, Levin, Richard C. Lewis, Harry. Excellence Without a Soul. Lewis, Pericles. London: Palgrave, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, August 8, The White House. Tough, Paul. New York: Houghton Mifflin, Waseda University.

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    Weber, Max. New York: Algora Publishing, Wood, Gordon S. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Woodcock, Anthony. Or the Reunion of Broken Parts. Yale-NUS College. Yale University. New Haven: Hezekiah Howe,