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The bottle tossed across the sky (The Twisted Timeline Trilogy) eBook: TR NoWry​: Kindle Store.
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Now — if instead this was an infectious event, then we have some kind of crazy-sudden, totally new emerging pathogen, something none of us have ever seen. Indicating something man-made, created in a lab. Almost as though some thing , some incapacitating thing , hit the airplane itself, and wiped out everything inside it, including the passengers. Because, and I think this is the most important question of all right now, who opened the door? Who closed them all? Eph nodded. He had been so focused on the details all morning, it was good to step back and see strange events from a distance.

If they witnessed anything. Captain Redfern, the third pilot, male, thirty-two. A lawyer from Westchester County, female, forty-one. A computer programmer from Brooklyn, male, forty-four.

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And a musician, a celebrity from Manhattan and Miami Beach, male, thirty-six. His name is Dwight Moorshein.

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No fright makeup, no crazy contact lenses. So there will be even more media heat. Maybe their med workup will find something. They were scattered throughout the plane, the programmer was flying coach, the lawyer in business, the singer first class. And Captain Redfern, of course, up in the flight deck.

Twisted Timeline Trilogy by T.R. Nowry

If they regain consciousness, that is. Long enough for us to get some answers out of them. One of the Port Authority officers came around for Eph. They found something. T hrough the side cargo hatch, inside the underbelly of the , they had already begun off-loading the rolling steel luggage cabinets, to be opened and inspected by the Port Authority HAZMAT team. Eph and Nora sidestepped the remaining train-linked containers, wheels locked into floor tracks.

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At the far end of the hold lay a long, rectangular box, black, wooden, and heavy looking, like a grand cabinet laid out on its back. Unvarnished ebony, eight or so feet long by four feet wide by three high. Taller than a refrigerator. The top side was edged all around with intricate carving, labyrinthine flourishes accompanied by lettering in an ancient or perhaps made-to-look-ancient language. Many of the swirls resembled figures, flowing human figures — and perhaps, with a little imagination, faces screaming.

Eph checked the back of it. Three orange restraining straps, their steel hooks still in the floor eyelets, lay on the floor next to the cabinet. Eph looked around the hold. What does the cargo manifest say? One of the officers had a sheaf of laminated pages in his gloved hand, bound by a single ring clasp. Somebody there remembers this thing. It must weigh four hundred pounds, easy. No record. Eph turned back to the black cabinet. He ignored the grotesque carvings, bending to examine the sides, locating three hinges along either top edge.

The lid was a door, split down the middle the long way, two half doors that opened out. Eph touched the carved lid with his gloved hand, then he reached under the lid, trying to open the heavy doors. One officer stepped forward, wrapping his gloved fingers underneath the lip of the lid opposite Eph. Eph counted to three, and they opened both heavy doors at once. The doors stood open on sturdy, broad-winged hinges.


The odor that wafted out of the box was corpselike, as though the cabinet had been sealed for a hundred years. It looked empty, until one of the officers switched on a flashlight and played the beam inside. Eph reached in, his fingers sinking into a rich, black loam. The soil was as welcoming and soft as cake mix and filled up the bottom two-thirds of the box. Eph withdrew his fingers, shaking off the excess, and turned to her, waiting for a smile that never came.

Eph shrugged. All I know for sure is, we have an unlocked, unstrapped container here without a bill of lading.

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  • Dirt retains trace evidence well. Radiation, for example. It was a full participant in the Syndromic Surveillance System, and Eph had run a Canary workshop there just a few months before.

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    So he knew his way to the airborne infection isolation ward on the fifth floor. The metal double doors featured a prominent blaze-orange, tripetaled biohazard symbol, indicating a real or potential threat to cellular materials or living organisms.

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    Printed warnings read:. Eph displayed his CDC credentials at the desk, and the administrator recognized him from previous biocontainment drills. She walked him inside. Eph followed the administrator behind blue curtains into a wide vestibule containing trays of contact supplies — gowns, goggles, gloves, booties, and respirators — and a large, rolling garbage barrel lined with a red biohazard trash bag. The respirator was an N95 half mask, efficiency rated to filter out 95 percent of particles 0.

    That meant it offered protection from most airborne viral and bacteriological pathogens, but not against chemical or gas contaminants. After his full contact suiting at the airport, Eph felt positively exposed in a hospital mask, surgical cap, barrier goggles, gown, and shoe covers. The similarly attired administrator then pressed a plunger button, opening an interior set of doors, and Eph felt the vacuumlike pull upon entering, the result of the negative-pressure system, air flowing into the isolation area so that no particles could blow out.

    Inside, a hallway ran left to right off the central supply station. The station consisted of a crash cart packed with drugs and ER supplies, a plastic-sheathed laptop and intercom system for communicating with the outside, and extra barrier supplies. The patient area was a suite of eight small rooms. Eight total isolation rooms for a borough with a population of more than two and a quarter million.

    The number of hospital beds in New York State was about 60, and falling.

    The population of New York City alone was 8. Canary was funded in the hopes of mending this statistical shortfall, as a sort of disaster preparedness stopgap. He followed the administrator into the first room. This was not a full biological isolation tank; there were no air locks or steel doors.