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Is the brain really a muscle? True or not, it makes sense that healthy foods beneficial to the body can boost brainpower, too. Here, a look at 50 ways to keep strong—mentally, physically and even eco-consciously.

Scientist Claim That Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier

Twist makes dye-free pads with plant-based materials, not synthetics. Common Good sells dish soap and other eco-cleaners in bulk. Made from biodiesel by-products, Further soap is used at L. Nut bar creator Kind makes not-too-sweet granolas in snackable clusters. Courtesy of KIND. Cowshed moisturizer has a surprising skin nourisher: quinoa. Courtesy of Cowshed. Super by Dr. Cascal blends in non-alcoholic fermented juices for sweetness.

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Blue Print Cleanse now sells its juices at select Whole Foods. Some people believe that this starchy tropical fruit, which is high in fiber and minerals like calcium, could help provide people with needed calories. One tree can produce up to pounds. Popular in Jamaica, this creamy fruit is native to West Africa, where people use the underripe flesh to make soap and the seeds to kill parasites.

Ripe ackee could add nutrients to diets. This melon, an ancestor of watermelon, grows wild in the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa and is a great source of water. Broccoli frittata combines two powerhouse ingredients. Broccoli is rich in vitamin K and the phytonutrient sulforaphane, both of which can protect the brain. Caffeine and some spices improve memory. Athletes eat chia seeds as a concentrated source of iron, protein and omega-3s.

Scientist Claim That Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier

Lycopene a heart-disease-fighting antioxidant in red fruits like tomatoes is fat-soluble, so eating it with a healthy fat like olive oil increases its impact. Writing helps us learn more by improving our ability to absorb information. Our brains more effectively store information we write down, improving our recall and memory. Students who take notes longhand during class consistently score better on tests. Writing forces a person to pay attention to their memories, experiences and internal dialogues -- a combination that increases brain function.

Studies consistently show that people who exercise regularly are healthier and have higher IQ scores. Exercise is an important part of maintaining a strong body and feeling energized. People who exercise regularly think more clearly and are better at coming up with new ideas.

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Physical activity has been shown to affect the health of brain cells , the growth of new blood vessels in the brain and even the abundance of new brain cells. During vigorous exercise, a process called neurogenesis occurs, which increases the production of neurotransmitters. Exercise also causes the body to release dopamine, which is why active people generally have less stress, better concentration and more energy.

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Researchers believe that social interactions "exercise" our cognitive processes, so people who connect socially and mentally with others receive immediate intellectual boosts. The study found that people can reap these benefits from just 10 minutes of social interaction. Staying hydrated is crucial to overall health.

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Drinking water is a natural pick-me-up, while dehydration leaves you depleted and tired. When your body has plenty of fluids, your heart will pump blood more efficiently through your body, delivering important oxygen and nutrients to all your cells. Our brains also depend on proper hydration to function optimally. Dehydration disrupts the delicate balance required for brain cells to operate, causing your brain to function less efficiently.

Dehydration can impair short-term memory function and long-term memory recall. Learning by teaching goes back to ancient times, but modern researchers have discovered exactly why it works.

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Teaching improves your understanding, knowledge and retention of a subject. This is because it takes a greater comprehensive understanding of the material to teach it, and teaching the material increases your motivation to learn it. One technique is to simply pretend to explain material to someone -- try explaining the subject out loud.

Making smart food choices is not only good for your body; it can help stimulate your mind as well. The right foods will support your brain function, boosting your concentration and improving your learning. Eating a diet rich in nutrients and vitamins can help you feel more energized so you can focus. Coffee has been shown to increase alertness and improve mood, and turmeric has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Research has shown that children who are active in athletics typically do better in school and have a better chance of continuing their education after high school. Different types of athletics require you to master both conscious and unconscious decision making. We all know sleep is crucial to helping us stay alert and focused. Research shows that sleep enhances our memories, and different phases of sleep consolidate different types of memory. Knowing how to speak more than one language is increasingly important in our globalized world, but being bilingual also has the benefit of making you smarter.

Learning another language has profound effects on your brain, improving cognitive skills that are unrelated to language. People who are bilingual are better at solving mental puzzles. We all have a comfort zone. This state of relative comfort creates a steady level of performance -- we function at a constant, even pace.

Finding this state is a balancing act. Push it too far, and our distress skyrockets, causing our performance to drop off. The trick is to break out of your comfort zone and push yourself to do things differently every day. Finding this sweet spot will help you increase your performance and enhance productivity, and will make it easier to brainstorm and harness your creativity.

Pushing your brain to learn new concepts can be an amazing workout for your mind. Focus on cultivating a curious mind by asking questions.

Commit to becoming a lifelong learner. Expose yourself to different world views, be curious about different cultures, continue to take courses either online or in person and always seek to broaden your horizons. Continue to do all these things, and you will indeed grow smarter and healthier over time. Entrepreneur Media, Inc. In order to understand how people use our site generally, and to create more valuable experiences for you, we may collect data about your use of this site both directly and through our partners.

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